5.3 Fines Flashcards
a sanction that requires the offender to pay an amount of money to the state
How does a court determine the amount of a fine
- Financial circumstances of the offender
- whether any orders have been made in taking the offender’s property or to pay ammends/compensation
- any loss/damage to property because of offending
- benefit to the offender because of the offence
cooperations can be imposed 5x amount (direct can be liable)
Sentencing Act 1991
What happens if a fine is unpaid
- can be discharged if circumstances change
- can be converted to community work if - circumstances have changed, worth less than 100 penalty units
- warning notices
- community work up to 500 hrs
- warrant to seize property to satisfy fine
- imprisonment (1 day per penalty unit up to 24 months)
What are the Main purposes of fines
Punishment, Deterrence, Denunciation
How do Fines achieve rehabilitation
* Imposed with no conviciton
* sentencing act, parsimony precedent - circumstances must be taken into account
* no reflective activity or reform
* can increase debt and disparity, increasing the root causes of crime
How do Fines achieve punishment
* are immediate consequences and are understood
* most people understand the value of money
* have unequal impacts on different offenders (unfair flat rates)
* doesn’t deprive liberty
* is (by precedent) acceptable for someone else than the offender to pay
* disproportionate fine can make offender feel the get away with it
How do Fines achieve Deterrence
* are scaled based on person/corporation
* are big deterrent - arguably more than CCOs
* 49% of crime to pay debt - fines incraese and people may break law
* small fines don’t deter, but encourage
* fines by individuals aren’t seen
* big fines that can’t be paid have no effect - disproportionate if only for general deterrence
How do Fines achieve Denunciation
* law adjusts fine to have same value as imprisonment
* an offence punishable by prison (not cat. 1/2) can be punished by 10x max number of months in prison in penalty units
* public understand the value of money more than supervision
* community has to be aware of the imposition of the sentence
How do Fines achieve protection
* Fines do not remove the offender - mainly through deterrence
* Fines do not remove or restrict liberty or involve supervision