5.20 Anesthesia Flashcards
What 4 things do you need to have anesthesia
muscle relaxant
Stages of Anesthesia
1: hypnosis and amnesia (painful stimuli will wake you up; give propofol)
2: respond inappropriately to a painful stimuli (laryngospasm, posturing, etc)
3: Surgical plane of anesthesia (you will not respond to painful stimuli)
4: Brain stem depression, lose autonomic function (hypotension, bradycardia, apnea, death)
What drug do we give for amnesia
What drug do we give for hypnosis
What drug do we use for analgesia
What drug do we use for muscle relalxant
Malignant hyperthermia
exposure to succinylcholine or anesthetic gases potentially deadly
- problem with ryanidine receptor so you get lots of Ca from sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Treat with Dantrolene
Pseudocholinesterase deficiency
If you use some drugs, it will last a very long time
Post op nausea/vomiting
tends to correlate with motion sickness
Preop exam
Fam Hx
Airway - tongue, teeth, ROM neck
Mallampati scale
scale based on how easy it should be to intubate based on how much of back of throat you can see
Monitors for anesthesia
Pulse ox
Blood Pressure
What is the PACU
Post anesthesia care unit
Goal of PACU
- smooth transition back to normal
- end hyponosis, amnesia, muscle relaxation, taper/stop analgesia
- Pain management: narcotics and/or regionalanesthesia
Narcotics examples
IV: fentanyl, morphine, hydromorphone (dilaudid), meperidine (Demerol)
Oral: oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine w/ or w/o APAP and Ibuprofen