5.2 & 5.3 & 5.4 - Partnerships Flashcards
A flow through entity which means that the income is taxed only once when t flows through to the partner
`a partnership
Partners contribute money, other property, or services in return for their ownership stake in this entity:
Is gain or loss generally recognized on contribution of property to a partnership in return for a partnership interest?
A taxpayer contributes land in exchange for partnership interest. The land has an adjusted basis of 30,000 and FMV of 50,000 at the time of transfer. Determine the amount of gain or loss recognized by the taxpayer.
Partnership interest can consist of:
Capital interest, profit interest, or both
A right to share in the net assets of the partnership when it liquidates:
A right to share in the future profits or losses of the partnership:
Capital interest
Profits interest
When a partner receives a profits interest in exchange for services provided, what happens?
The partner does not recognize any compensation as ordinary income
A taxpayer receives 20% partnership profits interest in exchange for services provided. On the da he is admitted to the partnership, the partnerships assets have a basis of 20,000 and liquidation value of 80,000. Determine the amount of income, gain or loss recognized by the taxpayer.
One exception to the nonrecognition of gain is for capital interest acquired for services provided. What amount is included in taxable ordinary income?
The liquidation value of the capital interest
A taxpayer receives a 20% partnership capital interest in exchange for services provided. On the day h is admitted to the partnership, the partnerships assets have a basis of 20,000 and a liquidation value of 80,000. Determine the amount of income, gain, or loss recognized by the taxpayer.
80,000 liquidation value X 20% = 16,000 ordinary income
Another exception to the nonrecognition of gain is for property subject to excess liability. What amount is treated as a taxable gain to the partner?
The excess of the liabilities assumed by the other artery over the contributed basis
What is the partners basis in partnership interest called?
What is the partnerships basis in the assets distributed called?
Outside basis
Inside basis
How do you calculate a partners initial basis in partnership interest?
Cash contributed
+ adj. basis of property contributed
+ services provided
- liabilities transferred to partnership assumed by other partners
+ partners share of partnership liabilities that were already in the partnership
= partners initial basis in partnership interest
This type of debt, the creditor can go after the partners personal assets.
This type of debt, the creditor only has the right to take the secured property, not the personal assets of partners or LLC members.
Recourse debt
Non recourse debt
What type of debt is only allocated to general partners?
What type of debt is allocated to both general and limited partners?
Recourse debt
No recourse debt
If the subsequent decrease in the partners individual liability exceeds his or her partnership basis, the excess amount is treated how?
Like a taxable gain to the partner to increase the basis back to 0
Becker and peter admit Tim to their partnership as a one-third partner. Tim contributes a building that is worth 500,000 but has a basis of 100,000. There is a mortgage of 225,000 on the building, assumed by the partnership. Determine Tim’s basis or interest and if there is any taxable gain.
225,000 X 2/3 = 150,000 liabilities assumed by others
100,000 - 150,000 = (50,000) net basis
50,000 taxable gain, 0 basis
If the property contributed was previously a capital asset or section 1231 asset in the hands of the partnership, what is the partners holding period?
If the property is an ordinary income asset (inventory), what is the holding period?
The old holding period of the property contributed
The date the property is contributed
A partners basis in his or her partnership interest is adjusted each year for the partners share of the following items. Of these items, which increase the basis and which decrease the basis?
Increase: additional contributions, income and gain items, and increases in partnership debt
Decrease: distributions, loss and deduction items, and decreases in partnership debt
When a partner contributes property wit a FMV that is higher or lower than the property’s adjusted basis, what happens?
A built-in gain or loss on the subsequent sale of the property that is allocated to the partner
Joan contributed property with an adjusted basis of 100,000 and a FMV of 150,000 to the partnership in exchange for 20% partnership interest. In year 3, the partnership sold the property to an unrelated party for 180,000. Calculate the amount of gain recognized by Joan in year 1 & 3.
Year 1 = 0 gain
180,000 - 100,000 = 80,000
150,000 - 100,000 = 50,000
80,000 - 50,000 = 30,000 X 20% = 6,000
50,000 + 6,000 = 56,000 year 3 gain
In year 1, Jeff contributes the following items in exchange for 1/3 interest in KNC partnership:
10,000 cash
Building w a FMV of 300,000 and adjusted basis of 100,000 subject to a liability of 90,000.
In year 2, Jeff contributes another building w a FMV of 600,000 and an adjusted basis of 300,000.
The partnership had 150,000 of net income in year 2.
Determine Jeff’s initial outside basis in year 1 and year 2. Determine the partnerships inside basis in year 1 and year 2.
90,000 X 2/3 = 60,000
10,000 + 100,000 - 60,000 = 50,00 yr 1 basis
300,000 + (150,000 X 1/3) = 350,000 + 50,000 yr 1 basis = 400,000 year 2 basis
KNC: 100,000 yr 1 basis
300,000 + 100,000 yr 1 basis = 400,000 year 2 basis
When does a partnership terminate?
When operations cease
There are fewer than 2 partners
Are related party losses and related party gains allowed?
Losses - no
Gain - yes as ordinary income
What must a partner include on an individual tax return?
Their share of ordinary business income or loss and each separately stated item of income, gain, loss and deduction
What tax consequence and impact on the basis does income and withdrawals have to partners?
Income : taxable and an increase to basis
Withdrawal : nontaxable and decrease to basis
Reasonable compensation paid to a partner for services provided or use of capital without regard to the partner’s profit or loss sharing ratio:
Guaranteed payments
How are guaranteed payments treated to the partner and to the partnership?
Partner: taxable income included on schedule k-1
Partnership: tax deduction
How are retirement payments to partners treated to the partner and to the partnership?
Partner: ordinary income
Partnership: tax deduction
Who decides tax elections such as accounting methods, tax year, depreciation methods, etc., the partner or partnership?
The partnership
Organizational expenditures include:
Start up costs include:
Legal and accounting services
Training, advertising, and testing costs
What amount can the partnership elect to deduct for organizational expenses? What amount of startup costs?
Organizational: 5,000 and excess amortized over 180 months
Startup: 5,000 and excess amortized over 180 months
What four hurdles must a partner in a partnership clear in order to deduct a loss?
Tax basis limitation
At risk limitation
Passive activity loss limitation
Excess business loss limiation
Becker and Connor formed a partnership in year 1 with each contributing property with 30,000 and 6,000 basis respectfully. The partners share profits and losses equally. Each partner withdrew 3,000 and the partnerships ordinary business loss was 8,000. Determine how much of the ordinary business loss each partner can flow through to their individual income tax returns for deduction.
30,000 - 3,000 - 4,000 = 23,000 becker’s basis in partnership interest at YE
6,000 - 3,000 - 4,000 = -1,000 connor’s suspended loss and 0 basis in partnership interest at YE
Based on the following types of partnership debt:
Recourse debt
Qualified non recourse financing
Other non recourse debt
Determine if it is included in the partner’s tax basis and/or at-risk basis.
Recourse: yes and yes
Qualified non recourse financing: yes and yes
Other non recourse debt: yes and no
ABC partnership has 3 equal partners. A and B are general partners, and C is a limited partner. In the current year, ABC partnership borrowed 60,000 in qualified non recourse financing debt, 30,000 in other non recourse debt, and 20,000 in recourse debt.
Calculate the increase in each partners tax basis in their partnership interest and their at risk basis for the partnership debt.
20,000 recourse / 2 general partners = 10,000
30,000 other non recourse / 3 partners = 10,000
60,000 qualified nonrecourse / 3 partners = 20,000
Partners A & B: 10+10+20= 40,000
Partner C: 10+20= 30,000
What is the maximum net business loss that may be deducted for partners?
$540,000 MFJ
$270,000 for all others
Rachel created a partnership. She had initial cash contribution of $20,000. Additionally she was allocated $5,000 of recourse debt that she had personally guaranteed and $8,000 of non recourse debt. In the first year, she was allocated $35,000 of ordinary business income from the LLC.
Calculate Rachel’s tax basis and at-risk amount in the LLC. How much of the loss from the LLC can she deduct on her individual income tax return?
20,000 cash + 5,000 recourse + 8,000 non recourse = 33,000 tax basis
20,000 cash + 5,000 recourse = 25,000 at risk basis
35,000 loss - 25,000 at risk basis = 10,000 loss suspended and 25,000 can be deducted
Rachel created a partnership to sell rental real estate. Rachel is not an active participant in the business. Rachel had an initial cash contribution of 100,000. She was allocated 20,000 recourse deb and 30,000 nonrecourse debt. In the first year she was allocated 50,000 ordinary business loss.
Calculate Rachel’s tax basis and at risk amount in the LLC. Calculate the loss from the LLC she can deduct.
100,000 + 20,000 + 30,000 = 150,000 tax basis
100,000 + 20,000 = 120,000 at risk amount
50,000 loss is suspended because it is passive and she has no passive income to offset it
If a partner receives a cash distribution that is greater than the partners basis in his/her partnership interest, what happens?
The partner recognizes a capital gain for the excess
Plinths basis in his partnership interest was 30,000. He received a non-liquidating operating distribution of 24,000 cash plus a parcel of land with a FMV of 12,000 and partnership basis of 9,000.
Determine olinto’s basis in the land distributed and his partnership interest immediately after the distribution.
30,000 basis - 24,000 distribution = 6,000 - 9,000 = -3,000
Since nonliquidating distributions cannot go below 0, Olinto’s basis in the partnership is 0 and his basis in the land is 6,000.
When multiple assets are distributed to a partner and the partners basis in his/her partnership interest is less than the adjusted basis of the assets distributed, how is the partners remaining basis in the partnership interest allocated?
First to cash
Then to inventory and unrealized receivables (hot assets)
Then to other property
Olinto’s basis in his partnership interest was 30,000. He received a nonliquidating operating distribution consisting of the following assets:
Cash - 24,000
Inventory - 5,000
Land - 9,000
Determine Olinto’s basis in the property distributed and his basis in the partnership interest after the distribution.
30,000 - 24,000 - 5,000 = 1,000
Basis in cash = 24,000
Basis in inventory = 5,000
Basis in land = 1,000
Basis in partnership = 0
This type of entity is a separate legal entity from its owners. Members of this entity type are not personally liable for the obligations of the business.
Limited liability company (LLC)
An LLC can be treated as one of the following entities for tax purposes:
Or sole proprietorship
What are three ways a partner my liquidate a partnership interest?
Complete withdrawal
Sale of partnership interest
Retirement or death
During a complete withdrawal, the partner general would “zero out to get out”, however, what is the exception that would create a gain or loss?
Gain: if money received exceeds the partners basis in the partnership interest
Loss: if money received is less than the partners basis in the partnership interest
Tag’s basis in the partnership interest was $24,000. He received liquidating distributions of $5,000 cash and real estate with a FMV of 25,000 and adjusted basis to the partnership of 10,000.
Determine tag’s basis in the in the real estate and any gain/loss.
24,000 basis - 5,000 = 19,000 basis in real estate
No gain/loss
Tag’s basis in the partnership interest was $24,000. He received liquidating distributions of $25,000 cash and real estate with a FMV of 25,000 and adjusted basis to the partnership of 10,000.
Determine tag’s basis in the in the real estate and any gain/loss.
24,000 basis - 25,000 = 1,000 gain
0 basis in real estate
Tag’s basis in the partnership interest was $24,000. He received liquidating distributions of $20,000 cash. Determine any gain/loss recognized by tag.
24,000 basis - 20,000 = 4,000 loss
Tag’s basis in the partnership interest was $24,000. He received liquidating distributions of $5,000 cash and inventory with a FMV of 25,000 and adjusted basis to the partnership of 10,000.
Determine tag’s basis in the in inventory and any gain/loss.
24,000 basis - 5,000 cash = 19,000 - 10,000 inventory basis = 9,000 loss
Hearty’s basis in his partnership was $229,000. He received a liquidating distribution consisting of the following assets:
Cash - 4,000 basis / 4,000 FMV
Inventory - 10,000 / 15,000 FMV
Land lot A - 200,000 / 150,000 FMV
Land lot B - 100,000 / 300,000 FMV
Total - 314,000
Detainee hearty’s basis in the property distributed and his basis in the partnership interest after the distributions.
229,000 basis - 314,000 = -85,000 balance to be written down
150 lot A + 100 lot B = 250,000
150/250 = 60% X 35,000 = 21,000
100/250 = 40% X 35,000 = 14,000
85,000 - 50,000 FMV of lot A = 35,000
Basis in partnership = 0
Basis in lot A = 150 - 21 = 129,000
Basis in lot B = 100 - 14 = 86,000
What is the basis of property received and the reduction of his in partnership interest for non-liquidating and liquidating distributions?
Non-Liquidation: adjusted basis of property / adjusted basis of property (stop at zero)
Liquidating: partnership interest / must zero out
The parter has a capital gain or loss when transferring a partnership interest because:
A partnership interest is a capital asset to the partner
Kristi sold her interest in the partnership to a new partner, john for 15,000 cash. John agreed to assume kristi’s 5,000 share in partnership liabilities. Determine the amount realized on the sale of kristi’s partnership interest.
15,000 + 5,000 = 20,000 realized
Parter A, a 20% partner, sells their entire partnership interest to new partner B, on march 31st. The partnership reported 80,000 partnership income for the tax year. Calculate A and B’s shares of partnership income for the year.
(80,000 X 90/365) X 20% = 3,945 partner A
(80,000 X 275/365) X 20% = 12,055 partner B
Oscar purchased Bernice’s 25% interest in the partnership for $500,000. At the time of sale, te partnership made a 754 election to adjust the basis of the partnership asset. Immediately before the sale, the inside basis in the partnership asset was 1,200,000 and the FMV was 2,000,000. Calcualte the basis adjustment required under section 743(b).
1,200,000 X 1/3 = 300,000
500,000 - 300,000 = 200,000 adjustement