#52 Flashcards
I love you very much
Ka nui taku aroha mōu
brush your hair
ka heru i ō makawe
what would you like for a snack?
he aha hei kai timotimo māu?
fasten your seatbelt
whakamaua tō tātua
(whakamau(a)) = mau = to put on/wear
put the toys away
whakahokia ngā taonga tākaro
sit properly
kia tika te noho
throw the ball to your nan
whiua te pōro ki tō tāua
that’s enough darling
ka nui tēnā, e te tau
love for you will never diminish
e kore e mimiti te aroha mōu
mimiti = dimisih/reduce/decline
bum/half leg tattoo of males
moko whakarua
Māori god associated with darkness
Māori god associated with death
Māori god associated with wind and storms
Māori god associated with the ocean & fish
female Māori god associated with the ocean