5.1.4-RGP handling/wear/care Flashcards


Explain an RGP insertion and removal

  1. Wash hands with soap and water then dry them thoroughly with a clean lint-free towel.
  2. Keep nails short to not catch lens or eye.
  3. Work over a clean, flat surface, or if rinsing over a wash basin,
    remember to put the plug in first.
  4. Use saline solution to rinse your lenses and cases – do NOT rinse them with tap water as this can cause serious eye infections.
  5. Get into the habit of always inserting and removing the same lens first, to minimise mix up

Lens insertion
1. Remove the lens from the storage case and rinse with saline
2. Add one drop of soaking/conditioning solution. Gently rub solution over the lens so that both sides of the lens are covered.
3. Place the lens onto the index finger of your dominant hand and
ensure the lens is not deposited or damaged, particularly checking the edges for nicks.
4. Hold your bottom eyelid down with the middle finger of your preferred hand and lift the top eyelid up with your other hand – maintain a firm hold of the top eyelid to prevent blinking.
5. Keep looking straight at the lens and bring the lens towards your eye. If you keep your eye looking straight at the lens then the lens will be positioned towards the centre of your eye. Place the lens gently on your cornea.
6. Let go of your bottom eyelid first and then gently close your top eyelid.
7. Blink slowly and gently until the lens begins to feel comfortable.
8. If you wear a lens in the other eye, repeat for the second lens.
9. Look downwards for up to 10mins to adapt to lens
10. Discard the solution from your case, rinse the case with saline and leave the case to air dry.

Lens removal
There are three different methods of removing your contact lenses.
Method 1:
1. Look straight ahead and press the edge of your lower eyelid against the eyeball beneath the contact lens
2. Lift the top eyelid above the contact lens and then push it towards the eyeball and then downwards towards the lower lid – the lens should be pushed out and resting between the eyelashes.

Method 2

  1. Look straight ahead and open your eyes as wide as possible
  2. Place your index finger at the outer corner of your eye and pull your eyelids tight over towards your ear
  3. Blink – the lens should come out

Method 3

  1. Look straight ahead and pull the edge of the lower eyelid towards your ear
  2. Lift your top eyelid so that it is above the edge of the contact lens and then pull it over towards your ear
  3. Look towards your nose
  4. Blink

After you remove the contact lens from your eye, it must be cleaned before it is put into the storage case in order to remove microbes and deposits that have built up on the lens during the day.

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Explain RGP lens cleaning and disinfection

  1. Place the lens on the palm of your hand and put two or three drops of the cleaning solution onto the lens.
  2. Rub the lens gently but firmly for approximately 30 seconds with the little finger of your other hand.
  3. After rubbing the lens, it is essential to rinse it thoroughly with saline solution in order to remove the loosened debris and any remaining cleaner. Rinse the cleaning solution off the lens by rubbing the lens between thumb and forefinger with saline.
  4. Fill the storage case with soaking/conditioning solution and place the lens into the correct side of the case. This soaking solution must be changed on a daily basis.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 with the lens for the other eye (if you wear a lens in each eye).
  6. Leave the lenses to soak overnight in the case.

If lenses stored more than 48hrs then clean and disinfect on removal before wear

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Explain RGP contact lens case hygiene


-After wearing the lens rinse the case with saline and leave to air dry
-Eye infections can occur due to poor lens case cleaning. The
contact lens case should be scrubbed with a dedicated toothbrush on a weekly basis with saline and leave to air dry. Do NOT use soap in case it is not fully rinsed away.
- The contact lens case should be replaced with a new one every
three months. These are usually supplied with new bottles of

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What is RGP wear time to start of with and also after a break?


For a first time wearer and if not comfortable then: First week- 2hrs a day, Second week- 3->4->5->6->7->8->9 hrs a day max wear time determined at eot.
When you haven’t worn your lenses for a few days, cut your wearing time in half for the first day and increase wearing time two hours per day after that. When you haven’t worn your lenses one week or longer, start wearing time over.
For someone comfortable or not first time then: day 1: 4-6 hrs increasing 2-4hrs per day

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What are RGP do’s and don’ts?

  1. Never sleep in your contact lenses
  2. Never wear a chipped or torn lens as it may damage your eye –always inspect the lens before insertion
  3. Never swim, shower or bathe in contact lenses
  4. Never clean or wet your contact lenses with saliva, tap water, household detergents, chemicals or cleaning fluids
  5. Take care when applying any form of make-up, hairspray or perfume not to get them on the contact lenses. Best practice is to put hairspray on before you insert contact lenses and put make-up on once the contact lenses have been inserted.
  6. Always clean your contact lenses as instructed. Most contact lens complications result from poor compliance.
  7. Never re-use or top-up contact lens solutions in the case. Check expiry dates on bottles and how long you can safely keep the solution once the bottle has been opened.
  8. If you wear your contact lenses infrequently, change the solution in the case at least once a week
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How long do RGP lenses last?


Normally one year, but depends on how well the lens is cared for and any prescription changes, could last longer or less

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What common problems on RGP insertion/removal/wear/care might a px encounter and how can this be resolved?

  1. RGP stuck on white of the eye- can put a drop pf rewetting solution in the eye to float the lens to make it easier to remove. If it is on the side then can remove lens like normal. If above or below then use lid margin to push lens back onto the cornea
  2. Discomfort/redness- remove lens, if eye feels better then lens may be dirty/dusty/damaged so check lens condition and clean if needed or see optometrist if necessary. If sx not relieved e.g red, painful, reduced vision see optometrist for urgent appt or HES
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