50Langua Flashcards
máme tu rezervovanú izbu
we have a room reserved here
máme tu rezervovanú dvojložkovú izbu
we have a double room booked here
Chceli by sme izbu s kúpeľňou
We would like a room with a bathroom
kolko stoji ta izba na jednu noc?
How much does that room cost for one night?
Chceli by sme izbu so sprchou
We would like a room with a shower
je tu garaž?
Is there a garage?
je na izbe trezor?
Is there a safe in the room?
V poriadku, prosime si tú izbu
All right, please get that room
Dobre, chceme tú izbu
Okay, we want that room
Tu sú klúče
Here are the keys
Tu sú naše kufre
Here are our suitcases
Tu je naša batožina
Here is our luggage
O kolkej sa podávajú raňajky?
What time is breakfast served?
O koľkej sa podáva obed?
What time is lunch served?
O koľkej sa podáva večera?
What time is dinner served?
Nefunguje sprcha
Shower not working
Nie je teplá voda
There is no hot (warm) water
Mozete to dat opravit?
Can you get it repaired?
Na izbe nie je telefon
There is no phone in the room
Na izbe nie je televízor
There is no TV in the room
Tá izba nemá balkon
That room doesn’t have a balcony
Tá izba je velmi hlučná
That room is very noisy
Tá izba je velmi malá
That room is very small
Tá izba je velmi tmavá
That room is very dark
Na izbe nefunguje kúrenie
The heating in the room does not work
Na izbe nefunguje klimatizácia
Air conditioning does not work in the room
televizor je pokazený
TV is broken
nefunguje dialkovy ovladac k televizoru
the TV remote does not work
nefunguje dialkovy ovladac ku klimatizacii
the remote control for the air conditioner does not work
Je tu poblíž nejaký penzion?
Is there a guest house nearby?
Je tu poblíž nejaká reštaurácia?
Is there a restaurant nearby?
Je ten stol volný?
Is that table free?
Prineste mi prosim jedalny lístok
Please bring me the menu
Prosime si jedalny lístok
Please menu
Co by ste nam doporucil?
What would you recommend to us?
Prosime si miestnu specialitu
Please enjoy a local specialty
Prosime si specialitu sefkuchara
Please have a chef’s specialty
Dal by som si pivo
I would have a beer
Prosime si minerálku
Please take mineral water
Prosime si pomarančový džús
Please have orange juice
Prosíme si kávu
Please have a coffee
Prosíme si kávu s mliekom
Please have coffee with milk
S cukrom prosím
With sugar please
Prosíme si čaj
Please have tea
Prosíme si čaj s citronom
Please have tea with lemon
Prosíme si čaj s mliekom
Please have tea with milk
Máte prosím cigarety?
Do you have cigarettes please?