504 Flashcards
- Like s.th
I am keen at biology
- Wanting s.th to happened
I am keen on apply to Italy for dental course
3 sharp
4.eager very excited of doing s.th
She was new at the job and [keen as mustard] {very keen}
Butcher’s knife
The shop that U can buy meat
Very keen and excited about s.th is going to happened or going to do
I am eager to study dental course in Italy
Eager beaver
Work too hard for s.th
Having a strong effect of felt strongly
The pain was too intense . I couldn’t sleep
Saying right thing
My aunt never hurts anyone’s feeling because she always uses tact
To Respect and like someone because they have done s.th that U think is true
I really admire the way that he solved that problem
1 a formal and very serious promise
As child they took an oath of friendship
an offensive word or phrase that expresses anger, surprise, shock etc
When he discovered that he had been abandoned he let out angry oath
someone who sees acrimeor anaccidentand candescribewhat happened
One witness to the accident said the driver appeared to be drunk
someone who has seen something such as a crime happen, and is able to describe it afterwards
eyewitness account/report/testimony
One eyewitness said he saw her talking to a man in a blue car.
a vacant seat, building, room, or piece of land is empty and available for someone to use
Only a few apartments were still vacant.
There was only a vacant lot (=empty unused area of land in a city) where her house used to be.
a job or position in an organization that is vacant is available for someone to start doing
a man who rents a room, building, or piece of land to someone
We rent an vacant apartment from a famous landlord for two days
to bravely accept or deal with a painful, difficult, or upsetting situation SYN stand
She was afraid she wouldn’t be able to bear the pain.
to be under something and support it SYN hold
My leg was painful, and I wasn’t sure it would bear my weight.
something that makes your life difficult or unpleasant, especially a lack of money, or the condition of having a difficult life
an economic policy that caused great hardship for many people
Many students are suffering severe financial hardship.
hardship of
the hardships of war
VERY SERIOUS severe problems, injuries, illnesses etc are very bad or very serious
His injuries were quite severe.
She’s suffering from severe depression.
The US faces severe economic problems.
The storm caused severe damage.
a competition or a situation in which two or more people or groups are competing with each other
Stone decided to hold a contest to see who could write the best song.
I only entered the contest for fun.
It is clear that the election will be a close contest.
to do what someone in authority tells you to do, or what a law or rule says you must do OPP disobey
The little boy made no effort to obey.
‘Sit!’ he said, and the dog obeyed him instantly.
obey an order/command
Soldiers are expected to obey orders without questioning them.
obey the law/rules
Failure to obey the law can lead to a large fine.
► Don’t say ‘obey to someone/something’. Say obey someone/something: He refused to obey their orders (NOT obey to their orders).
Not used to s.th
She was completely exhausted by the unaccustomed heat.
unaccustomed (heat.)(weather)