500.3 - USB & Shell Items Flashcards
Shell Item Artifact Attributes
- Type of Drive Target - Fixed, Removable, Netowork
- Path of Target File -
- Target Medata - MAC Timestamps, Size, MFT Record, Sequence #
“Recent Docs” Shortcut Files (.lnk)
- Autocreated by Win in Recent Folder when a file is OPENED
- .lnk files point to = Target file MAC times, vol info (name, type, vol sn), orig path, fixed/ removable/ network target
- Non-exe generates generates 2 .lnk Files = 1. Target File & 2. Parent Folder of Target File
- MAX # of files - 149
- Files edited in USB are in recent items folder under user account
- Date Created = First Opened
- Date Modified = Last Opened
- Win7 - C:\Users|AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent (Win7 ) &
- XP - Doc & Settings\user
Windows 10 Recent Doc changes
- When a file is created, a LNK file will also be created in the RECENT folder
- Only when the user opens the fire will the LNK file be created
- Folder Creation = Link of Folder, Parrent Folder, & Grand parrent Folder
- File Creation = Link of Folder & File
LeCMD.exe and lp.exe
- LeCMD.exe - LNK Explorer command line edition
- LNK file analysis and parsing be
LNK File Data Structure
- Header & other info
- Source file, source created, source modified, source accessed
- Target created time, Modified time, and accessed time, target size, flags
- Link Info = Volume info = SN & drive type
- Target ID - Only shows if a flag is present
- contains shell items that are similar to what is found in Shellbags
- MFT info, timestamps, no absolute path
- Extra - Console properties, serialized property store structures
Win 7 - Win 10 JumpLists
- Jumplists makes up both Destinations and Tasks
- Shows the most recent or frequently used media for an app
- Shows default tasks (pin app, start app, & close all windows of apps)
- Two types of Jumplists: Automatic & Custom
Automatic Destinations
- Automatically created for each app by Windows - (Controled by the Window)
- Created when files are open in an app
- Found in Recents Folder
- List of Apps sorted by AppID (Unique identifier) & 16 digits of a name
- Files contain:
- Creation Time = First exe w/ file Open
- Mod Time = Last time of exe w/ file open
- C:\Users(Profile)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations
Custom Destinations
- Created with specific development info from the app developer
- Found in Recents Folder
- Files contain:
- Creation Time = First time item is added to the AppID / First exe of App
- Mod Time = Last time an item was added to an AppID
- C:\Users(Profile)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\CustomeDestinations
- Unique Identifiers to the OS & App
Tracking Folder/Directory Usage Win 7-10
- Shows folders that were access on the local Machine, Network, & Removeable Devices
- Evidence of previously existing/deletion/overwirte Folders
- When folders were accessed & by who
- Explorer = USERCLASS.DAT\Local setting\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\ Bags OR BagMRU - Desktop - NTUSER.DAT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags OR BagMRU
Shellbags - Based on Windows Explorer
- Only First time folder was opened / settings changed
- Example: Setting the window size, changing file viewing option, looking at thumbnails, sorting options
Parsing Win7 - Win10 Shellbags / What do Shellbags consist of
- BagMRU = Desktop/Computer
- Keys = Specific Drives (C:, E:, D:)
- SubKeys = Users
- Values = Which Folder is what
Shellbags Analysis Key items
- MRUListEx indicator - Last Time directly accessed (Last key write time)
- FAT/NTFS - File record & Sequence # allow you to separate drives
- FAT32 = Sequence numbers NULL
- NTFS = Sequence numbers Exists
- Match returned device to directories accessed to make sure you are looking at the right device
Purpose of USB Device Forensics
Removable Device Info
- Vendor/make/Version
- Serial #
User Information & Activity w/ USB Device
- Determine drive letter & volume name
- Find user that used the specific USB device
- Discover first time device was connected
- Determine last time device was connected
- Determine when device was moved
30 days of activity stored in Registry - USB & USBSTOR Keys
Mass Storage Device (MSC)
*** USB Device Types
- Removable storage devices
- external drives, thumb drives, MP3 player
- Mounts within Windows Explorer
- Hard Disk Drives (Win7+)
- Devices w/ removable storage (XP)
- Also referred to as UMS (USB Mass Storage)
Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP)
*** USB Device Types
- Deals only with images, videos, and their associated metadata
- Unidirectional transfer of files - from device to computer but not back
- Mounting happens at the logical level - cannot see underlying filesystem
- Win XP and earlier using Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) handles PTP devices
- Cameras (images/videos), scanners, printers, smartphone, & tablets
Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
*** USB Device Types
- An improvement of PTP - involves portable media
- WinXP - MTP device shows up in WPD & appears in Window Explorer
- MP3 players, cameras, smartphones, & tablets
Evidence of File Opening (USB)
- MSC = Create LNK file for all opened, Wins Recent Folder, MS Recent Folder, Jumplist Auto Dest
- MTP = May create LNK (depends on app/filetype), Some MTP LNK don’t point back to MTP source device but to WPDNSE folder on WIN 7/8 ONLY
- C:\Users(Username)\AppData\Local\Tamp\WPDNSE{GUID}
WPDNSE Folder - MTP Devices Win7/8
- Maintains copy of file opened from device,
- Folder is temp (reboot = gone),
- GUID folder mapping obtained from BagMRU in Shell bags for the MTP device
- C:\Users(Username)\AppData\Local\Tamp\WPDNSE{FolderGUID}
USBSTOR - MSC Devices (Removable)
- Used to track MSC USB devices that have been plugged into a machine
- Identify vendor, product, version of USB
- Unique USB device
- Determine time plugged in (retained 30 Days )
- USBSTOR Serial Number - (No SN will have “&” in 2nd Character)
- SYSTEM\CuurentControlSet\Enum\USBSTOR
MSC, PTP, and MTP USB Enumeration
- VID & PID info ID
- Unique Device Serial # (Only MSC requires)
- Retained for 30 Days (Plug & Play Cleanup)
- SYSTEM\CuurentControlSet\Enum\USB
Discover Volume name for MSC, MTP, PTP
- Logs the last drive letter & volume name for each device
- Can be linked to drive letters via LNK files
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows portable Devices\Devices
Find User that used USB
- Using Volume GUID via searching for SN in Value Data (retained 30 Days)
- NTUSER.DAT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Mountpoints
MSC USB Device times to track
- First Connection
- Last Connection
- Removal Time
Event Logs related to Time Tracking Removable devices
- System Log
- Event ID
- Timestamp
- Device Info - Captured by “plug and play”
- Device SN
- Status - error code
Object Access: Audit Removable Storage (Win 8+)
- Logs every interaction/ device by user,
- Included folder, Filenames, & App,
- Successful & Failed are logged,
- NO hardware details
- Auditing Access to BYOD (logging removeable devices - ID: 4663)
Volume Serial Number Analysis
- Lnk analysis contains Volume Type, V. Label/Name, & V. SN
- Used with Portable Device key & V. SN via EMDMgmt key you can prove a device had specific files, opened via Explorer in WS