5000's Flashcards
All decisions that determine firefighting strategy and commitment of forces
shall be based on a risk-versus-gain analysis, with a deliberate size-up of
the pertinent facts and probabilities present and available at that point in
time. A continual re-evaluation of these factors shall be made.
Strategic Priorities:
The following strategic priorities are to be addressed in priority order on every structure fire:
Life Safety: o Rescue, active o Preparedness to intercede quickly Fire Control: o Exposure protection o Confinement o Extinguishment Property Conservation: o Salvage o Overhaul
What are the two Strategy Modes on a structure fire?
Offensive and defensive
Tactical Elements
Fire Attack
Tactical Support
Rapid Intervention
Define Rapid Intervention?
A state of fireground readiness for the express purpose of rescuing
trapped, lost, or injured fire personnel within an IDLH atmosphere on a
structure-fire incident. All incidents that do not have an immediate liferescue
component shall establish the appropriate level of Rapid
Intervention staffing.
Define Two-Out Staffing
at least
two firefighters are standing by outside the hazard area for the purpose of
providing assistance or rescue operations. Temporary solution
Rapid Intervention Crew (RIC):
not less than two
firefighters and an officer, whos purpose is to rescue lost or injured personnel.
Rapid Intervention Group (RIG):
strengthen rapid intervention capabilities by adding multiple companies to
the function. A Chief Officer should perform this function when available
Basic Structure Command Organization
A basic structure is defined as a building that is less than three stories in height or of a size that one Fire Attack Supervisor would be able to manage an advanced interior fire. The Basic Structure Command Organization is evidenced by use of the functional group’s Fire Attack and Support, and others as necessary to the operation
Complex Structure Command Organization
at least three stories in height or large enough so that one Fire Attack Supervisor would not be able to manage an advanced interior fire. The Complex Structure Command Organization is evidenced by use of Divisions and functional groups other than Fire Attack and Support.
Standard-Attack Line
1-3/4” hose line flowing 150 gpm.
Heavy-Attack Line:
2-1/2” hose line flowing 250 gpm
Backup Lines:
equal or larger size than the primary attack lines in use
Multi-Story Attack:
one hose line to the fire floor and one hose line to the next level above the fire
Indirect Fire Attack
The use of a fog stream to absorb heat through cooling and steam conversion to extinguish or confine fire.
Transitional Attack:
Introduction of a straight stream from an exterior position for the purpose of modifying fire behavior while transitioning to interior attack as resources arrive or conditions dictate
360 Assessment
A complete walk-around of the involved structure in order to gain as much intelligence as possible, prior to giving the Size-up Report. If the first-arriving officer is unable to complete the 360 Assessment (or “360”), the lack of or degree of completion shall be communicated to arriving companies in the Size-up Report
Structure Fire Objectives:
Life Safety: o Safety of public and personnel o Rescue o Rapid Intervention Fire Control: o Exposure protection o Confinement o Extinguishment Property Conservation: o Salvage o Overhaul
Backup Lines
Backup lines shall be deployed and staffed for all interior attacks where it is not a certainty that the primary attack line will quickly handle the fire.
Multi-Story Buildings orentation
Floors above grade shall be designated Division 1 for Floor 1, Division 2 for Floor 2, etc. Floors below grade shall be designated S1 for first floor below grade, S2 for second floor below grade, etc
Divisions and Groups
Division Supervisors are responsible for ALL tactics within their respective division.
Functional Group Assignments
Functional groups may be created to accomplish tasks that are outside the capabilities of a single division. Examples of this would be Ventilation Group or Rescue Group.
The Basic Structure Command tactical elements
Command- IC
Fire Attack Group
Support Group
Rapid Intervention
The Complex Structure Command tactical elements
Rapid Intervention
On-Scene Report
Actual location if different from the dispatched location
Type of occupancy
Conditions observed
Number of stories
Roof characteristics
Initial attack key phrase
Access/Staging instructions (if necessary)
What are the two Key Phrases?
Working Fire and INVESTIGATING
What are the assignments for engines on a working fire?
First-In: Establish command and ensure that a continuous adequate water supply is established within the first alarm.
Second- and Third-In Engine Companies: Assist in establishing a continuous adequate water supply and Rapid Intervention as conditions dictate. The officers and available crew shall report to the IC.
Support Company-Basic Command Organization: Assume support functions and commence operations.
Support Company-Complex Command Organization: Assume role assigned by the IC and commence operations
What does “Working Fire” describe?
degree of commitment of resources and is not related to the intensity and/or magnitude of the fire.
Size-Up Report
The location and extent of the fire
Life hazards
Occupancy type
Progress Report Information
Fire conditions Victim(s) rescued Rapid Intervention established Primary search complete Utilities controlled Fire contained Fire out
What is Fire-Attack Group responsible for?
Develop and initiate tactics in accordance with the operational mode, and complete incident objectives established by the IC.
Conduct a primary search, and coordinate search and rescue.
Coordinate fire containment and control.
Request needed resources from the IC.
Communicate progress to the IC.
Coordinate with the Support Group Supervisor.
Participate in development and implementation of the overhaul plan.
Operations within the IDLH Atmosphere
While operating within an IDLH atmosphere, personnel shall remain in either voice, visual, or tethered contact with at least one other person. Due to the potential for mechanical or reception failure, radio contact shall not replace the requirement for voice or visual contact
How many GPM shall a Water Supply be within the first alarm?
no less than 400 gpm, A pumping engine may be assigned to the water source if required.
What are Support Assignment duties?
Support is normally assigned to the first-arriving truck or rescue engine officer who shall be designated as the Support Group Supervisor (radio designation “Support”). If the officer originally assigned the support function is unable to accept the assignment, the officer shall notify the IC who will assign the support function to another officer. This would typically occur during incidents requiring the entire crew for vertical ventilation
Support Priorities:
Search and Rescue Forcible Entry Ventilation Utility Control Interior Support* Salvage
who does the interior FF report to?
the Interior Support Firefighter will report to and be assigned to the Fire Attack Supervisor. Unless otherwise directed by the Fire Attack Supervisor, the Interior Support Firefighter will perform pre-established duties as directed by the Support Supervisor.
Who does the support supervisor confirm with, that his interior ff is working for?
In the case of the Interior Support Firefighter assigned to Fire Attack, the Support Supervisor shall confirm the firefighter’s accountability with the Fire Attack Supervisor as required.
Is there a difference between Firefighter vs. Civilian Rescues:
The District does not differentiate between firefighter and civilian rescues
Rapid Intervention Modes of Operation
Standby Mode
Deployment Mode