50-62;EM spectrum/CT scans/Laser/Holography Flashcards
EM spectrum
Radiowaves Microwaves Infrared Visible Ultraviolet X-ray Gamma
Transverse waves w/ characteristic freq/wavelengths/amplitudes = divided into several bands of increasing freq
plane polarised light
all electric field vectors of light are in 1 plane in space
EG sunlight in unpolarised since waves oscillate in all directions to its propagation direction
quantum theory of light
light exhibits particle properties in interactions on atomic scale
how was quantum theory of light experimented
photoelectric effect = light falls on surface of metals = metal ions ejected from surface = energy from light given to e-s = enables ions to escape forces holding them to metal
time lag expected for metals to heat before escaping BUT e- ejected instantaneously
increased light intensity should increase no. of e-s ejected BUT max velocity stays the same
SO changing to blue light = increasing focal ability = increases max speed of ejected e-s
light thought to exist in form of quanta = photons that have definite amount of energy
visualised as tiny packets of energy travelling though space
photon of blue light has MORE energy than photon of red light
de broglie equation shows
wavelength of particle w/ mass moving w/ velocity
e- microscope
e-s used to form images similar to light microscope
e- gun produces high energy beam = magnetic fields focus e-s = e-s refracted, reflected and focused from specimen at certain angles = forms image on fluorescent screen
good due to increased resolution, observing small organisms and structures on cells that are too small for optical microscopes
pauli exclusion principle
no 2 e-s can have the same set of quantum numbers, so no 2 e-s can be in the same state
interaction of EM waves w/ matter
study of selective absorption of EM waves done by spectroscopy
EG. Emission spectrum of H2
H2 places in sealed glass container = subjected to high voltage = emits pink light along electrical discharge - emits blue light in other parts of container - emits series of bright lines of diff colours through diffraction
freq determined by quantised energy levels that H2 e- occupy
when energy is given off in the form of photon how to determine freq of light given off
EG H2 e-
n=1 ground state
when excited = e- tend to jump up to higher energy level = then drop down to lower energy state till reaches ground state = gives off energy in form of photon = quantum of light
spectral lines
spectral lines used to identify element emitting them, even when mixed w/ spectra from other elements
the freq of spectral lines for a given element are unique and precisely reproducible
EG of absorption spectroscopy
- Fingerprints from emission spectrum used in spectrochemical analysis = check for presence of quantities of toxic elements (arsenic or lead)
- to identify chemical elements in starts via wavelength
clinical applications of EM waves
EM waves have diff physiological effects
= body transparent to RW but opaque as freq increases to visible ligh then transparent again to XR
diff caused by diff quantum energies (E=hf) that produce diff types of physical interactions and how strongly radiation is absorbed
absorbance of diff EM waves
tissue has few ways to absorb low RW so they pass thru
MW region, the E of photons large enough to cause molecular rotation and torsion = heat
IR = molecular vibration = periodic stretching/torsion on internal molecular bonds = absorbed STRONGLY
Vis/UV = large quantum energy to excite e- to higher energy state = absorbed STRONGLY by don’t penetrate skin
UV photon energy so dense that UV is absorbed by v thin outside layer of skin
describe medical applications of the lower freq of EM spectrum
lower = RW
upper = MW
= penetrates body = raises temp throughout portion of body exposed to radiation = heat therapy = Diathermy
therapeutic effectiveness of R/MW by penetration and raising temp of body
relief of muscular pain, inflammation of skeleton and warming deep tissues
NO chem changes in bodys, XR could produce internal burns w/ XS exposure