50-100 Flashcards
51.Identify the possible formula of karyotype according to the following symptoms: tall, incomplete pubertal development with eunuchoid body habitus, Enlarged breast tissue (gynecomastia), less facial and body hair compared with other teens, sexual infantilism
52.What kind of syndrome below caused by the rearrangement in chromosome?
Cri du chat syndrome
53.Polyploidy is…
increasing of haploid set of chromosomes
54.Determine the formula of karyotype in Cri du chat syndrome:
55.Determine the formula of karyotype in Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome:
56.What is the isolation?
It is restriction of liberity crosses(panmixia)organisms.
57.In anthropogenetics, the population of people is called…
Group of people occupying a common territory and freely entering into marriage.
58.Determine the formula of Hardy-Weinberg law:
59.Determine the demographic indicators of the population of people:
All answers are correct.
60.What populations are called Deme?
Population 1500 to 4000 people.
61.What is the gene pool of the population?
The set of alleles forming the genotype of individual in this population.
62.Which of the following applies to the elementary evolutionary factor?
Natural selection.
Population ….
Isolation. This All answer are correct
63.Traits which characterizes the ideal population:
All answers are correct
64.What are the population waves?
Periodic or aperiodic fluctuations in the number of organisms in natural population
65.What populations are called isolate?
Populations of upto 1500 people.