5. Will Drafting Flashcards
Will Drafter: Wishes to exclude provision requiring that the appropriation of assets requires the consent of existing legatees
- Generally, s 41 AEA requires consent of legatee where certain assets have been specifically bequeathed (if executor wishes to sell this item to satisfy the interest of another)
- This provision may be de-applied in the will (in which case, consent is not a formal requirement)
- If the executor is a beneficiary and wishes to apply a specific asset for their OWN interest, this consent will be required to avoid breaches of the fiduciary duties that they are so bound
If a testator wishes to have a solicitor as an executor in their will - what should they have regard to when appointing a solicitor from a general partnership firm
- more desireable to appoint a firm of solicitors rather than an individual
- but want to allow for possibility firm changes its name or becomes LLP etc, so should name the partners in the firm alive at the death of the testator
Specific Legacies
1. what are they
2. when can they be validly given in a will
3. tax implications?
- specific gifts owned by testator / testatrix
- testator must own it at death or it adeems
- should indicate whether specific legacies are free from or subject to tax
Who has the burden of costs associated with transporting a specific gift under the will to the beneficiary?
- generally, beneficiary will bare the cost UNLESS the will provides otherwise
Who is responsible for paying mortgage debt on a property (subject to mortgage) gifted by will
Generally, the receiver of the property pays unless will expresses that the property is to be FREE of mortgage
Who has the burden of paying inheritance tax on individual legacies
Generally, the residuary estate will cover it, unless a contrary intention is seen
Are trustees / PRs able to obtain insurance over will / trust assets?
Yes, by virtue of the TA 1925, but the will may want to include an express provision to this effect
How can a testator draft their will to vary the powers to accept receipts from or on behalf of minors?
- clause allowing trustees to hold a legacy rather than it going to the parent (as parents can give good receipt for a minor child)
- or allow child to give good receipt once they are over 16
When would it be important for a testator to include a provision in the will permitting self-dealing by trustees
If an executor or trustee is also a beneficiary
Does a trustee running a trust (from a will) have a statutory power to appropriate trust property towards beneficial interests WITHOUT getting the consent of beneficiaries?
No, as s 41AEA does not apply to trustees
- if this is the testator’s intention they must have an express clause to this effect
Power to appropriate assets without consent of legatee: Provision in Wills
s 41 AEA lets PRs appropriate any assets in estate in or towards satisfaction of any legacy or interest in residue so long as this does not prejudice beneficiaries of specific legacies
- person getting assets must consent but this requirements may be removed
Will trust of land: What special duties do trustees have towards beneficiaries of trusts of land who have an interest in possession?
- duty to consult B to do anything to the land
- duty to give effect to B’s wishes so long as they are in the general interest of the trust
- Right to occupy land subject to the trust (B) if trust made land available for this purpose - no power to exclude this if the purpose is made clear for occupation
Requirement to raise presumption of due execution
- Attestation clause
Can a solicitor take instructions from a third party for a client’s will? (Professional Conduct)
- Generally, instructions from authorised third parties are permitted, BUT
- it is not in the client’s BEST INTERESTS to do this for wills, so no
Can a solicitor prepare a will which leaves a significant gift to the solicitor?
- (including spouse / civil partner etc) not unless the client obtains independent legal advice
- Exception: if the will is being drafted for the solicitor’s parent and they want to leave residuary estate to children in equal shares
Can a solicitor advise a client to appoint themselves as executor
Potentially, if it is in compliance with principle 7 (ie. will is complex and disputes are likely) and:
1. client must be fully informed (including other options)
2. client must know that executors NEED NOT be professional
3. should record advice given to clients about this and record the client’s decision