5 treasures Flashcards
Jing Deficiency signs
stunted growth, DOD, congenital problems, infertility
3 causes of Shen disturbances
- heart blood deficiency
- +/- yin deficiency
- excessive fire that damages the shen
requires supplementation and nourishment by Gu qi
Yuan Qi
fluid - ye
thick and heavy part of body fluid distributed within blood vessels to organs, bone marrow, brain, joints, oridices and nourishes and strengthens them
origin of the ying qi and the wei Chi
Gu Qi
moistens the skin and hair to warm up the zong Foo organs
Wei Qi
prolapsed qi is when
inability of zhong Qi to hold organs in their normal place resulting in prolapse of the rectum, uterus or other organs
comprises the primary yin and the primary yang
Yuan Qi
derived from Gu qi
Wei Qi
postnatal Jing comes from what?
Gu Qi
formation of Gu qi occurs in an ascending direction
Gu Qi
rebellious spleen Qi causes
substantial pain
caused by blood stagnation from trauma or tumor
stabbing, chrinic, swollen, palpable
tongue purple
pulse wiry
4 sources of blood
- food Qi
- Ying Qi
- Jing
- Body Fluid
circulates in the superficial extravascular parts of the body
Wei Qi
**promotes the lungs respiratory function
**Zong Qi
derived from Yuan qi
coordinates the activities of the zong Foo organs
Jing-luo Qi
Jing Deficiency treatment principles
nourish kidney Jing
Tony spleen Qi
fluid - jin
the clear thin part of body fluid distributed with wei qi to surface of body warms and moistens skin and muscles
producing blood and nourishing the whole body
Ying Qi
The De-Qi response during AP Tx is related to
Jing-Luo Qi
food qi
Gu Qi
Yuan Qi is derived from
Kidney Essence, Jing
combination of spleen Qi and Stomach Qi and formed the Middle Jaio
**Zhong Qi
types of Qi stagnation
liver Qi
stomach qi
large intestine stagnation
**promotes the hearts circulatory function
**Zong Qi
Rebellious stomach Qi causes
burping, hiccups, nausea, vomiting
deficiency occurs after prolonged to diseases leading to depletion or deficiency of congenital kidney Jing
Yuan Qi
function of body fluid
moistens and nourish the body
**major function is to hold the internal organs in their proper position
Zhong Qi
points for disturbance of Shen
an shen
4 blood pathologies
- deficiency
- stagnation
- heat (hives, rash, hemorrhage) 4. bleeding
protects the skin and musculature against Eternal attack of pathogens
Wei Qi
nutrient qi
Ying Qi
defensive Qi
Wei Qi
formed from nutrients extracted from food by the spleen
Gu Qi
meridian Qi
Jing-luo Qi
transmits the information from acupuncture point stimulation - de qi response
Jing-luo Qi
5 treasures are?
shen blood body fluids
controls the opening and closing of pores and body temperature
Wei Qi
Zong Qi is formed from
Gu Qi (food qi) and Qing Qi (cosmic qi)
provides communication between the interior and exterior of the body
Jing-luo Qi
antipathogenic, resistance Qi
Zheng Qi
Defensie Qi (wei Qi) is decibed form
Food Essence (Gu Qi)
**related to the vocal cords and the ability to produce sound
**Zong Qi
Jing Deficiency tongue and pulse
tongue: pale or red
pulse: deep and weak
Types of Qi deficiency
derived from Yaun qi
Zang-fu Qi
essential for proper function of the zong Foo organs
Yuan Qi
water metabolism
involves these organs
spleen stomach lung kidney small intestine bladder large intestine
non-substantial pain
caused by qi stagnation
from emotional stress or chronic trauma
dull aches that come and go,
tongue purple
pulse wiry
each is own food organ has its own type of qi
Zang Fu Qi
comprises the body’s total ability to resist disease
Zheng Qi
Wei Qi
also called Source Qi or original Chi
Yuan Qi
**form to gathered and stored in the chest
**Zong Qi
relationship of Qi and blood
blood is the mother/transporter of qi, and qi is the commander of blood.
Qi stagnation may cause blood stagnation
blood deficiency will eventually lead to an deficiency
formed by the combination of Gu qi and qing-chi (cosmic qi)
Zong Qi
replenishes the Yaun Chi and the kidney essence
Gu Qi
2 functions of blood
- nourishes and moistens 2. carrying effect of qi
rebellious lung qi causes
cough, dyspnea, asthma
derived from the prenatal kidney Jing
Yuan Qi
derived from gu Chi
Ying Qi
Spleen Qi is derived from
Kidney essence or Yuan (source) Qi
Also known as pectoral, gathering, ancestral, or chest qi
**Zong Qi
3 body fluid pathologies
- internal dryness. tongue red and dry. pulse thin
- edema, tongue pale and wet. pulse deep and weak
- phlegm
a. heat phlegm : fever, uri,. tongue red, pulse fast and forceful
b. damp phlegm; wer cough, tongue pale and wet, pulse slow and choppy
is produced by the spleens activity thus the spleen is a major source of the body’s Qi afterbirth
Gu Qi
circulates in the blood vessels
Ying Qi