5) Trading with Portfolios Flashcards
What is a Portfolio
The combination of financial contracts
that an investor holds
What is a Hedge
Something investors do to reduce their risk
What is a Straddle Portfolio
Buying both a call option and a put option, with the same strike price E and the same expiry date T, at the same time
What is a Short Straddle Portfolio
If you sell the same two options as a normal straddle
What is the expected profit for a portfolio
What is the Expected return for a portfolio
What is a Bull Spread Portfolio
Create it by buying a call and then selling one with a slightly higher exercise price
What is a Bear Spread Portfolio
What is the formula for a Bond
A contract that pays a known amount F, called the face value (or redemption value), at a known time T called the maturity date
What is Face Value
The final payment of a bond
What is a Coupon
Payments from the seller of the bond to the buyer
What is a Zero-Coupon Bond
A bond that does not pay any coupons
What is the return of a risk-free bond
What is the Discount Factor of a Bond