5 : The use of force in IL Flashcards
Conditions of the Just War theory ? (5)
1/ just cause 2/ war declared by lawful authority 3/ right intention 4/ option of last resort 5/ reasonable chance of success
Different conditions laid out in Art. 2(4) of the UN Charter on the prohibition of the use of force ? (3)
1/ use of force in the IR of States
2/ threat or use of force
3/ against the territorial integrity and political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the UN
Legal status of the prohibition of the use of force ? (3)
1/ conventional rule
2/ CIL rule
3/ jus cogens norm ? see Nicaragua
3 generations of peace operations
1/ traditional peacekeeping operations : prevent recurrence of violence, notions of impartiality and consent of the State
2/ multidimensional peacekeeping operations : addition of peacekeeping tasks and elections
3/ multidimensional peace operations : transitional administration, peace enforcement, Chapter VII authorization
Conditions for exercise of right of self-defense ? (6)
Article 51 UN Charter :
1/ armed attack
2/ against a State
3/ State has declared itself to be a victim
4/ immediate notification of the UNSC of measures
5/ necessity
6/ proportionality
3 debates around the right of self-defense ?
1/ application when attack by non-State actors ?
2/ anticipatory and pre-emptive self-defense ?
3/ questions around necessity and proportionality
What is humanitarian intervention ?
1/ unilateral use of force
2/ to stop humanitarian catastrophes and atrocities from happening
2 eventual justifications for humanitarian intervention ?
1/ textual interpretation of UN Charter, Arts. 1(3) and 2(4) ?
2/ customary law ? This would not work, as no coherent State practice and divergent opinio juris
4 characteristics of humanitarian intervention
1/ humanitarian catastrophes
2/ military intervention
3/ unilateral (no SC authorization)
4/ not generally accepted
4 characteristics of R2P
1/ genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity
2/ prevention, military intervention
3/ collective (SC decides)
4/ accepted
Different articles of Chapter VII of UN Charter and what they provide for ?
1/ Article 39 : UNSC determination of threat to the peace/breach of the peace/act of aggression + power to make recommendations/take decisions on what should be done to maintain int peace & security
2/ Article 40 : provisional measures
3/ Article 41 : measures short of the use of force
4/ Article 42 : use of force, but only when measures under Article 41 are not adequate
5/ Articles 43-49 : standing army
What was put in place instead of a UN standing army (Arts. 43-49 UN Charter) ? (2)
1/ specific authorisations to use force by State/coalition of States
2/ peace operations
Particular phrase of UNSC that amounts to an authorisation to use force ?
“authorises members to use all necessary means … to restore int peace & security”
What demonstrates UN is a centralized system of collective security ? (3)
1/ UNSC has primary responsibility (Art. 24)
2/ members agree UNSC acts on their behalf (Art. 24)
3/ members agree to accept & carry out decisions of UNSC (Art. 25)
What is necessity as criterion for legality of self-defense ?
Resort to self-defense legal only if no other means available
What is proportionality as criterion for legality of self-defense ?
Self-defense limited to action that is necessary to recover territory or repel an attack on State’s forces
What is the Webster formula ?
Doctrine developed following the 1837 Caroline incident according to which self-defense is legal only in cases in which the “necessity of the self-defence is instant, overwhelming, and leaving no choice of means, and no moment of deliberation”
What is a traditional debate surrounding the right of self-defense ?
Debate about whether there exists in CIL a wider right to self-defense than the one codified in Art. 51
1/ Yes : ‘inherent right’ => States should be able to respond to an imminent attack
2/ No : exception needs to be interpreted narrowly, bc otherwise Art. 51 would be deprived of purpose