5 - Supervised Learning, Classification Flashcards
Classification: Assign instances to predefined classes
Data basis:
- several (independent) attributes
- one (dependent) attribute
- a priori knowledge of classification for some instances (supervised learning)
Model building:
- generate rules from classified instances
- > first: generate the best fit
- > then: prune based on validation set
- apply rules to new instances
Classification: Assign instances tp predefined classes
Exemplary methods
- logistic regression
- support vector machines
- decision trees, regression trees
- random forest
- neural networks, nearest neighbor
Classification Examples
Can you think of binary vs. nominal classes for these examples?
- credit scoring
- marketing responses
- geo-temporal events
Credit scoring:
- nominal
Marketing responses:
- binary: response vs. no response
Geo-Temporal events:
- can be both
Decision Tree Terminology
Which types of trees are there?
Binary tree:
- each node splits data at most in 2 sets
Classification tree:
- splits can lead to more than 2 branches
Decision tree:
- classes are nominal (categorical) or ordinal
Regression tree:
- classes are cardinal (continuous values)
Decision Tree Terminology
instance pool ((x1, …, xn), c)
with x = set of independent attributes c = class attribute
Decision Tree Terminology
Full tree
Decision Tree Terminology
Formulate rules of the type:
If (condition 1) AND … AND (condition n) then c
Decision Tree Terminology
Path from root to leaf
Generating a decision tree
Algorithm steps
- Start: all objects are in a single node
- search for the best classification criterion
- classify all objects according to this criterion
- Recursively apply steps 2 and 3 until stop
- Go back and prune the tree
Generating a decision tree
Algorithm design varies in …
- stop criteria: e.g. number of instances per class, tree depths, homogeneity measurements (“Gini Index”)
- pruning strategy
- choice of attributes as classification criterion (split quality)
- number of splits per node
- scales of measurement
Which decision tree algorithms are there?
- (chi-squared) automatic interaction detection
- classification and regression trees
- iterative dichotomizer
Which decision tree algorithms are there?
(chi-squared) automatic interaction detection
- objective: find significantly different subsets of data
- select attributes that generate significantly different subsets
Which decision tree algorithms are there?
Classification and regression trees
- objective: maximize the information content I
- select attributes that split the data with the best success quota
- only binary trees
Which decision tree algorithms are there?
Interactive dichotomizer 3
- objective: minimize entropy
- split on attribute that produces subsets with minimal entropy
ID3: classification by entropy
- Compute the entropy (i.e. the homogeneity) of a given set of instances according to the target attribute c
- entropy measures the homogeneity according to c
Evaluating splits by information entropy
- compute the information entropy of a split according to the weighted sum over the entropies of the new subsets
- choose the split that results in the lowest entropy (-> this provides the highest information gain)
Decision tree pruning
What is pruning?
Simplify complicated decision trees to increase efficiency and avoid over-fitting oder under-fitting
Decision tree pruning
What kinds of pruning are there?
-> stopping criteria when building trees
- > ex post pruning
- pruning of splits that do not increase subset homogeneity sufficiently
- pruning to undo over-fitting based on validation set: prune tree parts that do not significantly increase the success quota
Decision tree quality
Which indicators do you use to evaluate decision tree quality?
number of leaves
- number of generated rules (can be too many or too few)
depths of tree
- maximum rule length
external path length
- sum of all path lengths from root to leaf, determines memory requirements
weighted external path length
- sum of path lengths from root to leaf multiplied by the number of instances represented, measures classification costs
Decision trees: conclusion
- rules are easily understood and interpreted, relatively easy to determine
- can model non-linear relationships
- rule set can become very complex, therefore careful pruning is important
Random forests
What are random forests?
Random forests are an example for approaches that generate several randomized instances of a model and classify data based on the aggregated results from this model set
Random forests
How do random forests work?
Generation: Generate k trees by
- drawing a number of instances (with replacement) to generate a specific training set
- generate the model based on the specific training set
Generalisation: For each instance in the test set
- classify the instance according to each of the k trees
- assign the most frequently determined class (or assign probabilities)
Gradient boosted trees
- Initialise a prediction regression model with a constant value
- compute so-called pseudo-residuals
- extend the model by creating a regression tree to predict the pseudo residuals
- for any region defined by a rule, the tree applies a constant set of coefficient to predict the outcome
- classical boosting: find a multiplication to adjust the coefficients in order to minimize the loss function
- TreeBoost algorithm: one multiplicator per region - apply the model and repeat from step 2 for M iterations
Support Vector Machines
- build a linear discriminant function to separate two classes as widely as possible
- critical boundary instances are termed support vectors
Neural Networks
What are neural networks?
- neural networks are a tool of “artificial intelligence”, as they imitate some concepts of the brain
Neural networks connect several simple models in a hierarchical structure
- the simple models are termed units, perceptrons, or artificial neurons
- neurons are massively interconnected, decomposing problems and forwarding and altering signals
Neural Networks
The structure of the network and the weights can be learned via backpropagation
- modify weights based on the unit’s contribution to accurate solutions
We differentiate neural networks also by their number of layers involved