5 Proofs that prove GOD is real Flashcards
Proof that states that everything in motion must have been moved by something else. Based on observation that things in world are in motion
First Proof: The Argument from Motion
proof states that everything in world has a CAUSE, and that CAUSE must have been caused by something else.
Second Proof: The Argument from Efficient Causes
proof states that everything in world is either POSSIBLE or NECESSARY. if everything were only possible, then there would have been a time when nothing existed. (EXIST)
Third Proof: The Argument from Possibility and Necessity
proof states that things in the world can be COMPARED and RANKED according to their GOODNESS, TRUTH, and BEAUTY.
Fourth Proof: The Argument from Gradation of Being
proof states that the world EXHIBITS ORDER, PURPOSE, AND BEAUTY, which suggest that it was created by an INTELLIGENT BEING. (Sign of design and purpose)
Fifth Purpose: The Argument from Design