5. Principles of Professional Ethics Flashcards
What are ethics?
-the professional ethics of an organisation are the moral principles or standards that govern the conduct of the members of that organisation
What is the code of professional ethics?
-designed to help members maintain the high standard of professionalism that is expected of them
What is the AAT code based off?
-the international ethics standards board for accountants
What does the AAT code state?
-sets out expected standard
-helps protect public interest
-helps maintain AAT’s good reputation
Who does the AAT code apply?
-applies to all fellow, full, affiliate and student members of AAT
How is the AAT code separated?
- Part A applies to all members
- Part B represents additional guidance which applies specifically to members in practice
- Part C applies specifically to members in business
What are the 5 fundamental principles of professional ethics?
- professional behaviour
- professional competence
- confidentiality
- integrity
- objectivity
What is integrity?
-the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to compromise
What are the 3 key ethical values that contribute to integrity?
- honesty
- transparency
- fairness
What is objectivity?
-someone who bases their opinion and decisions on real facts and is not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings
What is independence?
-freedom from control or influence of others
What is professional competence and due care?
-ensures that a client or employer receives competent professional service based on current developments in practice
What is professional competence?
-having a duty to keep themselves up to date with developments in the accounting profession
-expected to do this by completing CPD
What is due care?
-when carrying out an assignment an accountant must always take the appropriate amount of care to ensure that the quality of the work meets high standards
What is the ‘duty of confidentiality’?
-they have an obligation to respect the confidentiality of info about a client’s affair which has been gained during their employment or during the course of their professional work
-extends to the period after the relationship has ended