5 Pillars of Islam Flashcards
Name the 5 pillars of Islam.
Shahadah, Salam, Sawm, Zakah and Hajj.
What is Shahadah?
The declaration of faith to Allah.
What is the importance of Shahadah?
In order to become a Muslim, a person must simply recite the words of the Shahadah and mean it. It also allows muslims to continue to tell Allah that they are loyal to him.
What is Sawm/Saum?
This refers to the fasting that Muslims do during Ramadan.
What do Muslims give up during Ramadan (7 things)?
eating, drinking (only allowed after sunset and before sunrise, unless necessary), smoking, lying, gossiping, swearing, getting angry, having sex.
Why is Sawm important?
It brings Muslims closer to Allah, It’s a way of thanking Allah, some feel it helps to recharge their spiritual batteries, and it promotes self-control.
What is Salah?
It is the ritual prayer that Muslims take part in.
What should Muslims do when reciting Salah?
- They should remove their shoes,
- Perform a ritual washing of their hands/face/arms/feet/nostrils/ears,
- Find a clean place, face the direction of Mecca,
- Recite a set prayer and Shahadah.
- Finish with a saying.
- Everything must be said in Arabic.
How often do Muslims perform Salah?
5 times a day
Why is Salah important?
Muslims are in direct contact Allah 5 times a day, it makes them take their religion seriously, they can have their sins forgiven and it can unite them with fellow muslims.
What is Hajj?
It is the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Are all of the 5 pillars compulsory?
No, Hajj is non-compulsory but everyone has to try and complete it at least once in their lives.
What happens during Hajj?
- It lasts 6 days
- They have to visit multiple places
- They have to wear white robes
- They circle the Ka’aba while praying at the start and end of the trip.
What is Zakah?
It is the tax that Muslims have to pay towards charity.
How much do Muslims have to pay for Zakah?
They have to pay 2.5% of their savings - if they don’t have any savings they don’t have to pay, to make sure that all Muslims don’t have to pay more than they can afford.
Why is Zakah important?
It reminds Muslims of the less fortunate, it shows their submission to Allah and they believe zakah purifies the wealth that they keep.
What is Jihad?
Jihad is the spiritual struggle that Muslims have within themselves.
What is radicalisation?
A branch of islam that is intolerant towards other alternatives.