5) Muscles of Facial expression Flashcards
Which nerve innervates the muscles of facial expression?
Facial nerve CN VII
What is the embryonic origin of the muscles of facial expression?
2nd Pharyngeal arch
Which muscles form the orbital group?
Orbicularis Oculi
Corrugator supercilli
What is the function of orbicularis oculi?
Orbital & palpebral portion closes eyelids firmly & gently
Lacrimal portion compresses lacrimal sac, aids drainage of tears
What is the function of corrugator supercilli?
Draws eyebrows inferiorly & medially
Frowning/worried look
What is the function of occipitofrontalis?
2 bellies: occipital & frontal
Elevate eyebrows
Wrinkles on forehead (surprised look)
Which muscles form the oral group?
Buccinator Orbicularis oris Risorius Zygomaticus major & minor Levator anguli oris Depressor anguli oris Mentalis Platysma
What is the function of buccinator?
Presses cheek against molars
Keep food within occlusal surfaces & out of oral vestibule
Aids in smiling
What is the function of orbicularis oris?
Protrude/purses lips (kissing)
Attachment for muscles
What is the function of risorius?
Retracts angle of mouth to help produce a smile
What is the function of zygomaticus major & minor?
Dilators of mouth
Elevate upper lip:
Bilaterally - smile
Unilaterally - sneer
What is the function of levator anguli oris?
Dilates mouth
Widens oral fissure - grinning
What is the function of depressor anguli oris?
Depresses labial commissure bilaterally
A|lows frowning
Pulls corners of lips down (sad)
What is the function of mentalis?
Protrudes lower lip
Allows pout
Wrinkles skin of chin
What is the function of platysma?
Depresses & tenses skin of lower face & mouth
Aids forced depression of mandible
Which muscles form the nasal group?
Levator labii superioris alaseque nasi & alar part of nasalis
What is the function of Levator labii superioris alaseque nasi & alar part of nasalis?
Depress alar laterally, dilating anterior nasal apertures Flare nostrils (anger)
What is the function of procerus?
Lowers eyebrows
Assists flaring of nostrils