5: Monitoring and controlling customer accounts Flashcards
Credit control monitoring techniques:
Which one is the main monitoring process?
What other techniques are there?
The main monitoring process is the trade receivables analysis
There are also a number of other guiding principles and sources of information used in an effectively managed credit control function.
1) Trading history
2) Average periods of credit
3) 80/20 rule
4) Materiality
Credit control monitoring techniques:
What kind of information does trade receivables analysis provide?
Provides critical information about the accounts of individual customers.
Credit control monitoring techniques: Trading history
What questions the credit controller will ask about a customer?
What will this information tell the credit controller?
How can this information be backed up?
a) Has the customer kept within the agreed credit limit?
b) Has the customer settled sales invoices on time?
This will tell the credit controller how reliable the customer is and whether the customer may need chasing up.
This can also, in case of any doubt, be backed up by the taking of status reports from credit reference agencies.
Credit control monitoring techniques: Average periods of credit
This is calculated as the account receivables collection period, the average number of days it takes the trade receivables of an organisation to pay invoices.
Trade receivables/Sales revenue x 365 = average length of credit taken
Credit control monitoring techniques: 80/20 rule
States that 80% of the total value of the receivables is represented by only 20% of customers. It therefore follows that the organisation would do well to concentrate its credit control efforts on that 20% of customers.
Credit control monitoring techniques: Materiality
it follows that the remaining 80% of customers (and 20% of the sales ledger balances outstanding) are not as material to the credit control process as the top 20% of customers.
What is a trade receivables analysis?
What it shows?
A trade receivables analysis is a summary of amounts owed by customers, analysed into time period columns showing how long the amounts have been outstanding.
It shows the organisation the customers that are slow in setting invoices and the customers that may become irrecoverable debts.
Trade receivables analysis and liquidity: what pinpoints this analysis and why is it important?
A trade receivables analysis is an essential report which pinpoints the cause of potential liquidity problems and is critical in the process of liquidity management.
Funds not received from trade receivables will need to be financed from elsewhere and will increase the costs of the organisation.
What is the format of a trade receivables analysis?
A trade receivables analysis can either be drawn up manually, or it can be printed out as a report from a computer accounting package.
Which document will state when should the trade receivables analysis be produced?
When is it normally done?
The credit control policy of the organisation will normally state when the trade receivables analysis should be produced.
This is normally after the end of each month after the statements have been sent out.
What action the organisation will take after the trade receivables analysis?
From the analysis the organisation decides which customers it is going to chase up, and how. It may send a letter or an email, or it may telephone the customer.
What information is included in the trade receivables analysis?
1) Account name and account number
2) Credit limit and balance columns
3) Invoice “age” columns
What will the credit controller look for in a trade receivables analysis despite of individual accounts?
When analysing the report, the credit controller will look not only at individual accounts, but also at a number of relationships and trends by comparing this report with the previous month’s analysis.
How is it done the trade receivables analysis?
What happens next?
Analysis of individual accounts is likely to start with a look at the far right-hand column. This process will then continue as each column from right to left is scrutinised for “out of order” amounts.
Whatever the situation, action will need to be taken, in line with the Credit Control Policy.
Security and systems: how should data be taken care of?
1) It is important that all data used within credit control (as with all finance functions) is kept up to date.
If it is held electronically:
2) there must be restricted access,
3) it must be held securely,
4) regularly backed up and
5) free from viruses.
Security and systems:
What is a vital part of effective credit control wether using a different system or using the same system?
Where different systems (either manual or computerised) are maintained by the sales, accounts and credit control departments, regular communication is vital.
Even if the same system is used by all departments the importance of communication between the three departments is an essential part of an effective credit control function.
Trade receivables analysis – taking action:
What is set out in the Credit control policy?
Most organisations will have a Credit Control Policy which sets out the procedures for chasing debts and guidelines for the timing.
What does it mean when the organisation have standard communications for credit control?
The organisation is likely to have a set of standard letters which will vary in tone from the polite request for payment to the formal threatening of legal action.
Trade receivables analysis – taking action: Standard communications: why is it important to use the standard letters?
It is important that the standard letters are used as they will be designed to place the organisation that issues the invoices in a strong position if legal action becomes necessary.
Trade receivables analysis – taking action: Standard communications: how should the person act?
It is important in all methods of communication to be polite, unbiased and represent well the organisation in an appropriate and professional manner.
Trade receivables analysis – taking action: Using the telephone
Why is it an efficient and useful mean of communication?
What should be aware of the person chasing the debt?
The telephone is a very efficient means of communicating a message and assessing reasons for non-payment. The telephone is normally resorted to when statements and letters fail to have any effect.
The telephone is a useful means of communication because it demands an immediate reply.
Organisations with a poor payment record will often come up with a variety of lame and blatantly untrue excuses on the telephone. It is the job of the person chasing the debts to have ready answers for all of these.
What does it mean to use discretion during the trade receivables analysis?
It is important to appreciate that the debt-chasing actions carried out as a result of the monthly check through the trade receivables analysis should reflect the standing and payment record of each customer. Any Credit Control Policy cannot be relied upon to work “by formula”.
What information is available to credit control to detect doubtful and irrecoverable debts ?
The available information might include:
1) The trade receivables analysis
2) Internal information provided by the sales team
3) Internal information provided by the credit control staff
4) Comments from other organisations in the trade
Doubtful and irrecoverable debts: what should credit control assess from the information available?
Part of the job of the person working in credit control is to assess from the information to hand if a customer is going to default and not pay the balance due.
Doubtful debts: what does it mean?
If a customer looks like is going to default, the debt is said to be “doubtful”. This means that the organisation, weighing up the possibilities, reckons that it is unlikely that it will get paid. There is still a possibility that the money will come in, but it is “doubtful”.
Methods of making provision for doubtful debts
1) A set percentage of the total trade receivables
2) Carry out the process for individual debts rather than relying on a percentage of total trade receivables.
How does an organisation make a provision for doubtful debts?
Organisations adjust their accounting records by making provision for doubtful debts and setting the provision off against profits in a “provision for doubtful debts account”.
Methods of making provision for doubtful debts: explain the provision as a set percentage of the total trade receivables.
How does it affects the day to day running of credit control?
This provision is often a set percentage of the total trade receivables, the percentage being based on experience within that type of organisation.
If this method is adopted, the day to day running of credit control based on the trade receivables analysis will not be affected by the making of the provision.
Methods of making provision for doubtful debts: explain the provision for individual debts.
Another method of making provisions for doubtful debts is to carry out the process for individual debts rather than relying on a percentage of total trade receivables.
This means that each time the organisation assesses the trade receivables analysis, individual accounts which look unlikely to pay up are marked up for a doubtful debt provision, referred to management and entered in a “provision for doubtful debts accounts”.
This is a less common method, because it is far more involved and time-consuming.
What are irrecoverable debts and how the organisation deals with these debts?
Irrecoverable debts are doubtful debts which have lost the element of doubt – it is considered by the organization that they will definitely not be paid and will need to be written off in the accounts against profits in an “irrecoverable debts written off account”.
What fundamental principles of professional ethics should be adhered to when dealing with doubtful or irrecoverable debts?
1) Objectivity: make decisions based on true facts, not opinions
2) Confidentiality: do not disclose the details to others
3) Professional behaviour: whatever an individual’s opinion may be on the situation, continue to treat the customer in a polite, appropriate and professional manner
Other methods of collecting trade debts:
What kind of service do they provide?
Which institutions provide that service?
How they will help the organisation?
There are a number of financial services available to organisations which can help them with debt collection and the avoidance of irrecoverable debts.
These services are provided by banks, insurance and other financial institutions.
They will improve or safeguard the liquidity of the organisation, but at a cost.
Other methods of collecting trade debts:
What is credit insurance?
What options are available?
Replaces cash lost when a debt becomes irrecoverable.
Typical options include:
1) Whole turnover insurance: general coverage in the case of receivable default
2) Insurance limited to key accounts
3) Single account insurance
4) Catastrophe: protection against natural disasters
5) Overseas credit insurance: is also available to cover the risk of non-payment by overseas customers either through customer default or through political events.
Other methods of collecting trade debts:
What is factoring?
A factoring company lends money against the invoices received from trade receivables of the business, providing liquidity before the invoice due dates. The factoring company takes over the administration of the sales ledger.
Factoring companies also provide an optional irrecoverable debt protection scheme known as “non-recourse” factoring, for which a further charge is payable. Factoring without irrecoverable debt protection is known as “recourse” factoring.
Other methods of collecting trade debts:
What is invoice discounting?
A finance house lends money against invoices issued to selected customers of the organisation, but the organisation continues to operate its own sales ledger and credit management system.
The finance house will normally only be prepared to set up invoice discounting for an organisation which has good credit management procedures in place.
What other methods of collecting trade debts are there?
1) Credit insurance
2) Factoring
3) Invoice discounting
What effect on liquidity management will have using Credit insurance?
Credit insurance safeguards liquidity and avoids the danger of a substantial customer default, an event which could have a catastrophic effect on liquidity and profitability.
What effect on liquidity management will have using Factoring and invoice discounting?
Factoring and invoice discounting will improve liquidity because income from sales will be received sooner rather than later. The organisation will have a reduced working capital financing cost, but will also incur charges for the services.
The organisation will need to consider carefully the cost/benefit situation.
How are analysed the “credit limit” and “balance” columns?
These two columns are compared to find out whether any customer is exceeding the allocated credit limit.
What does the “Invoice age” columns show?
They show how long the invoices which make up the total balance column have been outstanding.
Which 3 departments of the organisation share information about credit control?
1) sales
2) accounts
3) credit control