5 MEH Flashcards
Anaemia can develop from reduced erythropoiesis, why might this occur?
- Kidney not making EPO in response to hypoxic blood, so no stimulus on bone marrow to make RBCs
- Empty bone marrow, so unable to respond to EPO sitmulus
- Marrow infiltrated by cancer cells or fibrous tissue so normal haematopoietic cell are reduced
How can parvovirus infection induce anaemia?
Parvovirus diminishes bone marrow, so unable to respond to EPO stimulus
In which 3 clinical conditions is Anaemia of chronic disease ACD commonly seen?
- Inflammatory conditions EG. Rheumatoid arthritis, Inflam. bowel disease (Crohns/Ulc.colitis), SLE
- Chronic infection Eg. TB
- Bronchiectasis
Is anaemia of chronic disease an iron deficiency?
No! Iron is present but stuck in macrophages! So bone marrow can’t use it for erythropoiesis, there is a lack of FUNCTIONAL iron
How are ferritin levels altered in anaemia of chronic disease?
Ferritin is increased! ie. it is NOT an iron deficiency!
Is there a treatment for anaemia of chronic disease?
No, there is no specific treatment, must treat the underlying cause
what sort of disease is anaemia of chronic disease?
It is dyserythropoiesis due to various causes.
- inflammatory conditions
- chronic infections such as TB
- bronchiectasis
What are myelodysplastic syndromes?
They are a type of dyserythropoiesis.
- production of abnormal clones of marrow stem cells.
- the red cell are defective and large (macrocytic anaemia develops)
- because cells are defective, they are prematurely destroyed the RES and so progressive anaemia develops
Is there any point giving iron as a treatment to patients with myelodysplastic syndromes?
No. We need to give them red blood cells. These patients have the iron for production, only the production of blood cells is faulty.
Myelodysplastic syndromes are treated by chronic transfusion of red cells.
What is the difference between anaemia of chronic disease and iron deficiency?
Anaemia of chronic disease ACD is a lak of functional iron. The iron is present but it is stuck in macrophages.
Whreas is iron deficiency, there is a lack of iron from underabsorption or overuse.
Deficiencies in which building blocks for DNA synthesis can lead to anaemia? (2)
- Folate
2. Vitamin B12
A deficiency in Folate of vitamin B12 can lead to which type of anaemia?
Megaloblastic anaemia
Why are RBC of megaloblastic anaemic patient huge?
Both B12 and folate are necessary for nuclear divisions and nuclear maturation. When deficient, nuclear maturation and cell divisions lag behind cytoplasm development. This lead to LARGE RED CELL PRECURSORS with inappropriately LARGE NUCLEI, and open chromatin.
The mature cells are also large leading to macrocytic anaemia.
How is B12 synthesised?
By microorganisms.
How do humans acquire vitamin B12?
By eating foods of animal origin, leading to a large excess of B12 in the diet of meat eaters.
Who is likely to be B12 deficient?
Vegetarians and vegans because B12 is acquired through eating foods of animal origin.
Who is receiving an excess of B12?
Meat eater
What is intrinsic factor IF?
Intrinsic factor is a glycoprotein produced by parietal cells in the stomach and will combine to B12.
The IF-B12 complex then bonds in the ileum leading to absorption of B12 and destruction of IF.