5 - Manipulation of Nucleic acids Flashcards
enzymes that degrade nucleic acid. RNases and DNases. most are specific, varying degree of specificity. som attack only ss, others only ds, some both.
exonucleases attack ends of nucleic acids, only remove one or short piece of ssDNA. Either 3’ or 5’, not both.
Endonucleases cleace the chain in the middle. Some nonspecific, some (like REs) extremely specific.
how do REs distinguish between self-DNA and foreign DNA?
modoification enzymes bind to the same restriction sites as REs and add a methyl group to the DNA, usually to A od C. In a few cases it is sulfur in stead of methylation.
Recognition of DNA by REs
recognition sites are usually 4, 6, or 8 bases long, inverted repeats.
REs from different species with the same recognition site. Do not necessarily cut the same place in the sequence.
Type I REs
cut DNA 1000 or more bp away from rec site. loops the DNA around so the enzyme binds both the rec site and cut site.
One subunit binds to rec site, another methylates it, third cuts at a distance away. exact distance varies -> not of practical use to mol bio. suicidal (inactivated after one cut).
Type II REs
cut in rec site. of use in genetic engineering as exact cut-site is known. can leave blunt or sticky ends. Sticky are most useful.
If two sticky ends made by the same enzyme is ligated, it may be cut again. If the ends are made by different enzymes, a hybrid is formed and can not be cut by the same enzyme.
Star activity might be a problem
as opposed to Type I, the modification protein and RE are separate proteins.
star activity
REs may cut the DNA at slightly different sites than their rec sites in suboptimal conditions. can also occur if excess enzyme per DNA, or if reaction incubates too long. generally avoided in lab by specific buffers that provide optimal conditions.
DNA fragments are joined by DNA ligase
DNA ligase cobvalently links the fragments of the lagging strand during DNA replication. Will ligate two fragments touching end-to-end.
difficult to ligate blunt ends - slow and requires high concentration of ligase and DNA. bacterial ligase cannot join blunt ends at all, but T4 can.
Making a restriction map
restriction map = diagram that shows where REs cut on a segment of DNA.
made by seq the DNA and scanning for restr sites.
restriction fragment lenght polymorphisms (RFLP)
related molecules of DNA, such as different versions of the same gene from two related organisms, normally have very similar seq, and thus similar restriction maps, but differences in one base can make it so that it is no longer a restricrtion site.
If two such related but different DNA molecules are cut with the same RE, segments of different lengths are produced, resulting in different band sizes on a gel. A difference between two DNA segments that affects a restriction site is known as a RFLP, and may be used to identify organisms or analyze relationships even if the function of the altered segement is unknown.
How to chemically synthetize DNA
must anchor the first nucleotide to a solid support, usually controlled pore glass (CPG) are used (beads that have pores in uniform sizes). The beads are organized in a column and the reagents are poured down the column. nucleotides are added one by one and the growing strand of DNA remains attached to the glass beads until the synthesis is complete.
1) first base is anchored to bead via 3’ OH. Added with no phosphate groups. Bound to bead with scaper molecule (to prevent other bases from interacting with the bead.
2) acid (often trichloroacetic acid, TCA) is poured through the column, removing DMT blocking group and exposing the 5’ OH on the first nt. Second nt added, linking to the first via the single phosphate in the phosphoradmidite moiety. Column is washed with acetonitrile and argon between each step. acetonitrile removes any inreacted reagents, argon removes any excess acetonitrile.
Problems for chemical DNA synthesis
1) each deoxynucleotide has two OH groups, one for bonding to the nucleotide in front and one for the one behind. Chemicla reagents cannot tell the difference between these, so one has to be blocked while the other is activated. This is done by phosphoreamidite method. Proceeds in 3’->5’. before adding a new nucleotide, the 5’ OH of the previous nucleotide is blocked with DIMETHOXYTIL (DMT) group, and the 3’ is activated with a phosphoreamidite. Note that the reagents for chemical synthesis are phosphoamidite nucleotides (not nucleoside triphosphates), and that the synthesis commences in 3’->5’ direction (opposite of biological synthesis).
Chemical synthesis of a complete gene
Sequences up to 80 or 100 nt can be synthetized in one segment, longer have to be made in different segments and combined.
A series of overlapping fragments, representing both strands of the gene to be assembled, are manufactured. These are purified and annealed together.
2 alternatives:
1) synthetize whole gene with only nicks between, and ligate them
2) synthetize smaller fragments that overlap on each end enough to make the two strands stay together, leaving large ss-gaps that DNA polymerase I can fill in before the ligation.
peptide nuleic acid, polypeptide backbone with NA bases as side chains.
totally artificial molecule
DNA analog in genetic engineering
PNA-strand can bind to complementary strand of RNA and DNA.
uncharged backbone
really fucking bad at penetrating cells = major clinical problem. Could possibly be carried by positively chrged liposomes.
PNA clamp
two identical PNA strands that are joined by a flexible linker and are intended to form a triple helix with a complementary strand of DNA or RNA