5. Long-lived Assets Flashcards
What are PPE items held for?
Production, supply of goods, rental, or administrative purposes.
For how many periods are PPE expected to be used?
More than one period.
What standard applies to property, plant, and equipment?
IAS 16.
Does IAS 16 apply to PPE classified as held for sale?
Does IAS 16 apply to investment property?
No, IAS 40 applies.
Does IAS 16 apply to biological assets related to agricultural activity?
No, IAS 41 applies.
What standard applies to the recognition and measurement of exploration assets?
How is an item of PPE measured at recognition?
At its cost.
What is included in the cost of an item of PPE?
Purchase price, import duties, non-refundable taxes.
What costs are not included in the carrying amount of PPE?
Costs incurred in using or redeploying the item.
What is the cost model formula for PPE?
Acquisition cost - depreciation - impairment losses.
What is the revaluation model for PPE based on?
Fair value - depreciation - impairment losses.
When must an entity assess if an asset is impaired?
At the end of each reporting period.
What should be considered when assessing impairment?
External and internal sources.
What is the result when the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount?
Impairment loss.
How should impairment loss be recognized?
In profit or loss.
What happens after recognizing an impairment loss?
Depreciation charge is adjusted.
What does IAS 16 allow for depreciation methods?
Straight-line, diminishing balance, and units of production methods.
What is the cost model for PPE after recognition?
Cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses.
How should the depreciable amount of an asset be allocated?
Systematically over its useful life.
How often should the depreciation method be reviewed?
At least at each financial year-end.
When should the depreciation method be changed?
When there is a significant change in the expected pattern of consumption.
What happens if an item of PPE is revalued?
The entire class of PPE must be revalued.
What leads to an increase in the carrying amount in revaluation?
Revaluation surplus.
Where is the revaluation increase recognized?
In other comprehensive income (OCI).
Where is the revaluation increase recognized if it reverses a previous revaluation decrease?
In profit and loss.
Can revaluation surplus be transferred?
Yes, as the asset is used by the entity.
What is the difference when transferring revaluation surplus?
Difference between depreciation based on revalued amount and original cost.
What happens when the carrying amount of an asset is decreased?
Recognized in profit and loss.
Where is the decrease in carrying amount recognized if there is a revaluation surplus?
In other comprehensive income (OCI).
What happens to accumulated depreciation when an item is revalued?
It is eliminated against the gross carrying amount.
What is the definition of tangible assets?
Physical items held for use in production or administration.
What is excluded from PPE in IAS 16?
PPE classified as held for sale, investment property, biological assets.
What must be included in the initial estimate of PPE cost?
Costs of dismantling, removing, and restoring the site.
What is the treatment for intangible assets not yet available for use?
Tested for impairment.
What happens if impairment loss is recognized under the revaluation model?
Treated as a revaluation decrease.
What does IAS 16.3 specify?
PPE used to maintain assets related to non-applicable categories are covered by the standard.
What does IFRS 5 cover?
PPE classified as held for sale.