5 Gram Positive & Gram Negative Cocci (118) Flashcards
A previously healthy 24-year-old woman presented with high fever of sudden onset, severe myalgia, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and diffuse rash resembling sunburn. She was on the 4th day of her menses and was using tampons. Her blood pressure was noted as 70/40. As part of laboratory investigations, blood, urine, and vaginal cultures were done. According to the microbiology report, heavy growth of Staphylococcus aureus was obtained from vaginal culture. Preliminary report of her blood culture showed no growth after 24 hours incubation. Microscopy of urine sediment showed 15 leukocytes per high power field. Urine culture did not yield any significant growth.
What staphylococcal toxin played a major role in causing this patient’s illness?
1 Staphylococcal alpha toxin
2 Panton Valentine leukocidin
3 Exfoliative toxin
4 Enterotoxin B
5 Toxic shock syndrome toxin
Toxic shock syndrome toxin 1
Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin 1 (TSST1) plays a major role in causing the clinical manifestations of toxic shock syndrome in the patient. Exotoxins constitute essential components of the virulence mechanisms of Staphylococcus aureus. Nearly all strains secrete hemolysins, nucleases, proteases, lipases, hyaluronidase, and collagenase, which convert host tissue into nutrients required for bacterial growth. Some strains produce additional exoproteins that may be responsible for particular clinical manifestations. The clinical picture of this patient is suggestive of menstrual toxic shock syndrome (mTSS) associated with tampon use. The patient has vaginal colonization/infection with Staphylococcus aureus, and the multi-system involvement is due to intoxication. TSST1 is accepted as the cause of 100% of mTSS cases. It is a pyrogenic superantigen produced by about 20% Staphylococcus aureus strains and is the only one known to cause TSS from intra-vaginal sources, presumably due to its unique capacity to cross mucosal surfaces. TSST-1 interacts simultaneously with MHC class 2 molecules on the surface of antigen-presenting cells and T-cell receptors forming a tri-molecular complex. This induces profound T-cell proliferation, resulting in massive release of bioactive cytokines, causing TSS. In patients with mTSS, absent or insufficient titers of neutralizing antibodies to the toxin have been observed. The exact role of tampons in mTSS is not clear. Tampons are not the source of toxigenic Staphylococcus aureus. TSS unrelated to menses can occur and is associated with conditions like post-surgical and post-partum infections. In addition to TSST1, some of the Staphylococcal enterotoxins with superantigenic activity have been found to contribute to the pathogeneses of nonmenstrual TSS.
Alpha toxin of Staphylococcus aureus is a heterogenous protein, which can act on a broad spectrum of eukaryotic cell membranes. It is a potent hemolysin. It is not mainly responsible for toxic shock syndrome.
Panton Valentine leukocidin is a cytotoxin that causes leukocyte destruction and necrosis. About 3% of Staphylococcus aureus strains produce PV leukocidin, and they often produce necrotic lesions such as furunculosis and necrotizing pneumonia.
Exfoliative toxins are epidermolysins and split the epidermis between 2 cell layers, resulting in desquamation. There are 2 distinct proteins: epidermolytic toxin A, which is a chromosomal gene product that is heat stable, and epidermolytic toxin B, which is plasmid mediated and heat stable. These are superantigens and produce generalized desquamation of Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS).
Enterotoxin B is one of the Staphylococcal toxins that causes food poisoning. There are multiple enterotoxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus. Approximately 50% of strains can produce 1 or more of them. The toxin is heat stable and can resist the action of gut enzymes. Food poisoning results from ingestion of preformed toxin in food that has been contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus. It is a self-limiting condition. The emetic effect of the toxin depends on the activation of medullary emetic center through vagal and sympathetic stimulation. Enterotoxin B also possesses superantigenicity, which refers to the ability of the toxin to activate T lymphocytes without regard for the antigen specificity of these cells.
A mother brings in her 5-year-old son due to papular and pustular lesions on his face. A serous honey-colored fluid exudes from the lesions. You suspect impetigo. A Gram stain reveals spherical gram-positive arrangements in irregular grape-like clusters.
What organism is most likely causing this patient’s condition?
1 Staphylococcus epidermidis
2 Staphylococcus aureus
3 Peptostreptococcus
4 Streptococcus pneumoniae
5 Haemophilus influenzae
Staphylococcus aureus
The history and lab findings suggest the diagnosis of impetigo, in which Staphylococcus aureus is likely the causative organism. The most common causes of impetigo are usually more than likely Staphylococcus aureus, but also may be beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A.
S. aureus causes inflammatory and toxin-mediated diseases. When a Gram stain has been completed, S. aureus will appear as spherical gram-positive cocci arranged in irregular grape-like clusters, as is described in this patient. Inflammatory diseases that can be caused by an active S. aureus infection include the following:
skin infections, including impetigo, furuncles, carbuncles, and cellulitis, surgical wound infections, eyelid infections, and postpartum breast infections
septicemia (sepsis), which can originate from any localized lesion, especially wound infection, or as a result of intravenous drug abuse
endocarditis on normal or prosthetic heart valves
osteomyelitis and arthritis, either hematogenous or traumatic
pneumonia in postoperative patients or following viral respiratory infection, especially influenza
abscesses (metastatic) in any organ
Streptococcus pneumoniae are gram-positive lancet-shaped cocci arranged in pairs (diplococci) or short chains. On blood agar they produce alpha-hemolysis. Virulence factors of pneumococci are polysaccharide capsules. Pneumococci cause pneumonia, bacteremia, meningitis, and infections of the upper respiratory tract such as otitis and sinusitis. Mortality rate is high in elderly, immunocompromised (especially splenectomized), or debilitated patients. They should be immunized with the polyvalent polysaccharide vaccine.
Peptostreptococci are anaerobic gram-positive cocci. It grows under anaerobic or microaerophilic conditions and produces variable hemolysis. Peptostreptococcus is a member of the normal flora of the gut and female genital tract, participating in mixed anaerobic infections of the abdomen, pelvis, and brain.
Staphylococcus epidermidis is part of normal human flora on the skin and mucous membranes, but it can cause infections of intravenous catheters and prosthetic implants. This organism is particularly infectious in the inpatient hospital setting in patients with compromised immune systems. Gram stain of this bacterium reveals gram-positive cocci arranged in grape-like clusters. Although the Gram stain characteristics are similar to the correct answer, the patient scenario is inappropriate.
Haemophilus influenzae is an incorrect choice in this scenario since observed Gram stain characteristics include gram-negative and rod-shaped.
A 25-year-old woman residing in a rural area of Alaska delivered her first born at home. Within 48 hours, the newborn baby boy developed lethargy, poor feeding, and respiratory distress and was brought to the pediatric emergency department of the nearest hospital. He was admitted to the neonatal ICU with a clinical diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. Samples were collected for laboratory investigations including blood for culture. The infant was placed on empirical antibiotic therapy and other supportive measures. After overnight incubation at 37°C, Gram stain of blood culture showed Gram-positive cocci in chains. Subculture on 5% sheep blood agar medium grew grayish white colonies with a narrow zone of beta hemolysis. Further studies of the isolate showed that it was catalase and oxidase negative, hydrolized hippurate, and was bile-aesculin negative. It was resistant to bacitracin and gave a positive CAMP test (Christie Atkins-Munch-Petersen test). Presumptive identification of the organism could be made based on these tests. A serological test was used to confirm identification.
What is the most likely bacterium causing early onset neonatal infection?
1 Staphylococcus aureus
2 Streptococcus pyogenes
3 Streptococcus pneumoniae
4 Staphylococcus epidermidis
5 Streptococcus agalactiae
Streptococcus agalactiae
Streptococcus agalactiae is a Group B Streptococcus (GBS). GBS is a major cause of neonatal sepsis in the US and other western countries. The isolate from the blood culture has the typical characteristics of this bacterium. Camp factor produced by the organism is responsible for giving a positive CAMP test. CAMP test demonstrates synergistic hemolytic activity between GBS and staphylococcus aureus. An accentuated zone of hemolysis is seen when GBS is inoculated perpendicular to a streak of staphylococcus aureus on blood agar. S.aureus produces beta lysin, which partially lyses sheep RBCs and the camp factor enhances this hemolytic activity.
In developing countries with limited availability of streptococcal grouping sera, a positive CAMP test and positive hippurate hydrolysis are often used for presumptive identification of GBS and to differentiate it from streptococcus pyogenes (Group A Streptococcus), the most common hemolytic streptococcus associated with human infections.
Streptococcus pyogenes is usually bacitracin-sensitive and gives a negative CAMP test. Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus) can be differentiated from GBS by its typical lanceolate diplococcal appearance and production of alpha hemolytic colonies on blood agar. Staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis appear as grape-like clusters of Gram-positive cocci and these are catalase positive.
The newborn infant referred to is having early onset neonatal sepsis caused by GBS (EOGBS disease). Neonates are considered to have EOGBS disease when clinical illness develops within 7 days after birth accompanied by GBS isolation from normally sterile sites. Late-onset infections occur in infants in their 2nd-12th week of life and are often obtained from the environment. In EOGBS disease, infection of the fetus results from ascending spread of GBS from the vagina of the mother, who is an asymptomatic carrier colonized with the organism. The gastrointestinal tract serves as the natural reservoir of GBS and is the likely source of colonization. Infection may cause septicemia, meningitis, or pneumonia in the newborn. Preterm infants are more susceptible to GBS infections. Conditions in the mother such as preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes, prolonged labor after the rupture of membranes, and GBS bacteriuria during pregnancy favor fetal infection. Infants become infected during passage through the birth canal.
GBS colonization of the vagina is often transient. It can be also intermittent or persistent. Collection of cultures between 35 and 37 weeks of gestation by swabbing both the lower vagina and rectum for detection of colonization by GBS in pregnant women and subsequent intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis of colonized mothers is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for prevention of EOGBS infections. Intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis, administered at least 4 hours before delivery, is found to reduce the incidence of EOGBS disease considerably. Intravenous penicillin G is the antibiotic of choice because of its narrow spectrum of activity. Ampicillin is considered as an alternative. In individuals at high risk of anaphylaxis to penicillin, erythromycin or clindamycin can be used. Cefazolin is used in women who have only mild allergic reaction to penicillin. Vancomycin is reserved for those colonized with GBS strains resistant to erythromycin and clindamycin and with a history of anaphylactic reaction to penicillin.
The conventional culture method to detect GBS colonization requires 36 to 72 hours. To overcome this slow turnaround time, antigen detection assays and nucleic acid detection assays have been explored. A PCR-based assay targeting cfb gene, which codes for the CAMP factor, is reportedly useful for detecting GBS DNA directly in vagino-rectal specimens. This test has the advantage of a turnaround time of 1-2 hours, but the disadvantage is its requirement for costly equipment. A PCR assay targeting scpB gene, which encodes C5a peptidase, is also reported to have given accurate results. A PCR-based assay for detection of GBS in neonatal blood samples is found to show good sensitivity and specificity.
Though increased use of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis has caused a significant decline in EOGBS disease, GBS still remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the newborn. Intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis also causes concern over the possibility of emergence of antibiotic resistance and neonatal infections by resistant Gram-negative bacteria. The need for a vaccine is felt and there is ongoing research in this field.
GBS strains associated with human infections possess a polysaccharide capsule which confers virulence to the organism. 9 capsular types have been identified, antibodies to which confer type-specific protection. Glycoconjugate vaccines against all 9 GBS serotypes have been shown to be immunogenic in animal models. Conjugate vaccines have been prepared using the capsular polysaccharides of GBS serotypes common in the US and have been shown to be highly immunogenic in healthy adults. It is reported that such vaccines are likely to be effective in preventing GBS disease in the at-risk populations, including neonates born to colonized mothers, peripartum women, diabetics, and the elderly with underlying illnesses. Surface proteins of GBS are found to elicit protective immunity, and therefore, are thought to be of relevance in vaccine production. Attempt to develop a universal protein-based candidate vaccine with a broader protective activity against various circulating serotypes of GBS is also in progress.
Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive coccus that occurs in clusters. It produces large opaque beta hemolytic colonies with golden yellow pigment. It is catalase positive, coagulase positive, and can be easily differentiated from streptococci. Staphylococcal infections are among the most common bacterial infections, ranging from trivial superficial infections to life-threatening conditions such as septicemia and toxic shock syndrome. It is one of the common agents of nosocomial infections. Staphylococcus aureus may cause early-onset neonatal infections, though rarely.
Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A streptococcus) possesses a group-specific cell wall carbohydrate different from that of GBS. It can be distinguished from GBS by serological method in addition to the presumptive methods such as bacitracin sensitivity and CAMP test. The organism produces various types of enzymes and toxins, which contribute to its virulence and are responsible for a wide variety of suppurative infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, septicemia and pyemia, and the nonsuppurative sequelae, acute rheumatic fever, and acute glomerulonephritis. Early-onset neonatal infections associated with Streptococcus pyogenes are exteremely rare.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is a small Gram-positive lanceolate diplococcus, often capsulated, the capsule being one of the major virulence factors of the bacterium. It produces alpha hemolytic colonies on blood agar medium. Pneumococci colonize the human nasopharynx and can cause middle ear infections, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, and pneumonia. Meningitis is the most serious form of pneumococcal infections. The bacterium is also associated with acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. Isolation of streptococcus pneumoniae from early-onset neonatal infections is very rare.
Staphylococcus epidermidis is a coagulase-negative staphylococcus and is invariably present on the normal human skin. It is an opportunistic pathogen, causing infections when the host defenses are breached. It is implicated in causing nosocomial or late-onset neonatal sepsis. It is known to form biofilms on prosthetic devices and survive within them, inaccessible to antibiotics and host defenses. It can cause various infections, including cystitis, bacteremia, and endocarditis. Hospital strains are usually multidrug resistant.
A 12-year-old boy was seen in the pediatric clinic for 2-day history of severe sore throat, pain and difficulty in swallowing, and high fever. On examination his temperature was 39.5°C and his tonsils were swollen and showed yellowish spots of exudates. The anterior cervical lymph glands were enlarged and tender. Throat swabs were collected and Rapid strep test was done. The test was positive. Culture of throat swab on sheep blood agar medium grew Gram-positive cocci in chains. The colonies were small with large zones of beta hemolysis. The bacterium isolated was sensitive to bacitracin. Presumptive identification was Streptococcus group A (Streptococcus pyogenes).
Which of the Strep pyogenes antigens listed below is detected by the rapid strep test?
1 Hyaluronic acid capsule
2 Streptolysin O
3 Streptolysin S
4 M protein
5 Cell wall carbohydrate antigen
Cell wall carbohydrate antigen
Rapid strep test is used for diagnosing sore throat caused by group A streptococcus. The test detects the cell wall carbohydrate antigen of the bacterium in the clinical sample.
Serological grouping of hemolytic streptococci is based on the nature of cell wall carbohydrate antigen (C substance). Rebecca Lancefield introduced the grouping in 1933 and the serogroups are also known as Lancefield’s groups. Groups A-U (without I and J) have been identified. Majority of human streptococcal infections are caused by group A streptococcus (GAS).
The group specific C carbohydrate antigen is an integral part of the cell wall. The cell wall is composed of an outer layer of protein and lipoteichoic acid, a middle layer of group specific carbohydrate, and an inner layer of peptidoglycan. The carbohydrate antigen has to be extracted by chemical methods to be detected using group specific antisera. Extraction of the antigen can be done by treating centrifuged culture with hot acids, by enzymatic lysis of streptococcal cells, or by autoclaving cell suspensions. The conventional methods of capillary or agar gel precipitation tests with group specific sera are used to identify the extracted carbohydrate antigen. Isolates of hemolytic streptococci belonging to other groups can also be identified by these methods. Co-agglutination and latex agglutination methods also have been used for grouping streptococci.
The serological specificity of the group-specific carbohydrate is determined by an amino sugar. For example, group-specific carbohydrate for group A streptococci is a polysaccharide chain consisting of repeat units of rhamnose capped by N-acetyl glucosamine molecules (rhamnose-N-acetyl glucosamine). The group specific carbohydrate for group B streptococcus is rhamnose-glucosamine polysaccharide and for group C, rhamnose-N-acetyl galactosamine.
Rapid antigen detection test done directly with the throat swab material also involves acid extraction of the group specific carbohydrate antigen of GAS from the clinical sample and identification of the antigen by immunological reaction. Different technologies are used like latex agglutination, enzyme immunoassay, optical immunoassay, and immunochromatographic assay. All are reported to have good specificity. False positive results are unusual and may be produced by the presence of Streptococcus milleri group of bacteria in the throat that express the group A carbohydrate antigen. Sensitivity of the test may vary with the method used. Though cultural isolation is the gold standard, positive rapid strep test is generally accepted for diagnosis of pharyngitis/tonsillitis caused by GAS. Early detection of GAS in throat swabs helps early administration of antibiotics and early prevention of suppurative complications and spread to others. When rapid test is negative, back up cultures help confirm diagnosis. Culture is required for performing susceptibility tests. Though no significant change in susceptibility to penicillin has been observed, erythromycin resistant strains and outbreaks due to such strains have been reported.
Recently, rapid antigen detection tests based on molecular methods (chemiluminiscent gene probes and polymerase chain reaction) have been developed, which require special equipment.
Streptococcal sore throat is the most common infection caused by hemolytic streptococcus. Virulent group A streptococcus adheres to the pharyngeal epithelium by means of lipoteichoic acid covering the surface pili and causes diffuse pharyngitis or localized tonsillitis. The bacterium is responsible for a variety of human infections ranging from milder diseases like pharyngitis and impetigo to severe life-threatening infections such as bacteremia, necrotizing fasciitis, and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.
Various structural components of Streptococcus pyogenes show antigenic cross reaction with different tissues of the human body. Antigenic relationships have been observed between Group A carbohydrate and human cardiac valvular glycoproteins. The reactivity is related to N-acetyl glucosamine moiety present in both structures. Antigenic cross reactions with human tissues are considered to be of importance in the pathogenesis of acute rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis, the non-suppurative sequelae of GAS infection. In these conditions the tissue damage produced is of immunological nature.
Hyaluronic acid capsule: Group A streptococci produces hyaluronic acid capsule better noticeable in young cltures. It is composed of equimolar concentrations ofN-acetyl glucosamine and glucuronic acid and is structurally identical to the hyaluronic acid of mammalian tissues. When present, the capsule inhibits phagocytosis. It is not antigenic in humans.
Streptolysin O: Streptolysins O and S are hemolysins and extra cellular products of hemolytic streptococci. Streptolysin O is oxygen labile. It is rapidly inactivated in presence of oxygen, hence the name. It resembles the oxygen-labile hemolysins of Clostridium perfringens and Cl.tetani and contributes to the virulence of the bacterium. Following Strep pyogenes infection, antibody is produced to streptolysin O. This antibody (anti-streptolysin O) inhibits hemolysis by streptolysin O. In rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis, a retrospective diagnosis of streptococcal infection is helpful. This is done by demonstrating high levels of antibodies to streptococcal toxins. Quantitative estimation of anti streptolysin O (ASO titer) is a standard serological procedure for such retrospective diagnosis. An ASO titer in excess of 160-200 units is considered significant and suggestive of either recent or recurrent infections with streptococci.
Streptolysin S is the cytolytic factor, which causes the beta hemolytic zone surrounding the colonies on blood agar medium. It is elaborated in presence of serum, hence the name. It is oxygen stable. Streptolysin S is not immunogenic in humans and neutralizing antibodies are not evoked during infection. Sera from persons with past infection with streptococcus pyogenes do not neutralize streptolysin S. Non-specific inhibitors present in human sera may inhibit its activity. Streptolysin S is also considered as an important virulence determinant of group A streptococcus.
M protein: This is a major virulence factor of Strep pyogenes and is associated with resistance to phagocytosis and adherence to host cells. It is one of the protein antigens identified in the outer part of the cell wall. The other proteins are T and R. M protein is antigenic. Based on the M protein, GAS can be sero- typed. There are 2 major structural classes of M protein class I and class II. Class I M protein is thought to be a virulence determinant for rheumatic fever as the antigenic domains of this cross-react with cardiac muscle.
A few M serotypes (5, 14, 18, and 24) have been identified with outbreaks of acute rheumatic fever. A recent study of streptococcal pharyngitis in children conducted in the US has shown marked decrease in M-protein rheumatogenic types and increase in non-rheumatogenic types of S.pyogenes isolates. It is suggested that the near-disappearance of acute rheumatic fever in the US could be due to the replacement of rheumatogenic types of S.pyogenes by non-rheumatogenic types.
The association of M types with certain conditions is as follows:
- Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome-M protein types 1 and 3, which produce pyrogenic, exotoxins.
- Strains belonging to M types 12, 2, 4, and 49 are known to be nephritogenic.
- Skin infections by strep pyogenes M types 49, 57, and 59-61; strain characterization of GAS is mainly based on identification of M protein and is of importance in epidemiological and surveillance studies. To identify the M protein type, a genotyping system (emm typing) has been developed. It is based on the sequence of emm gene, which encodes for M protein. This method gives better strain identification and could be used also for identifying isolates non-typeable by M serotyping.
Most common emm types in the US are reported to be 1, 28, 12, 3, and 11.
The Lancefield classification for Streptococci is based on
1 Clinical properties
2 Hemolytic properties
3 Serologic properties
4 Morphologic properties
5 Biochemical properties
Serologic properties
Lancefield grouping A through H, K, and V is based on serological properties of pathogenic strains possessing group specific antigens. These are detected by immunologic probes and are used for rapid identification of the streptococcal pathogens.
Hemolytic properties are also used to classify Streptococci as:
α-hemolytic - Incomplete hemolysis
β-hemolytic - Complete hemolysis
γ-hemolytic - No hemolysis
Streptococcus pyogenes causes pharyngitis and scarlet fever and is classified as
1 Group A
2 Group B
3 Group C
4 Group D
5 Group G
Group A
Lancefield grouping A through H, K, and V is based on serological properties of pathogenic strains possessing group specific antigens.
Streptococcus pyogenes is β-hemolytic Group A Streptococci .
Group B includes Streptococcus agalactiae.
Group C includes Streptococcus anginosus and Streptococcus equisimilis.
Group D includes Streptococcus bovis and Enterococcus spp.
Group F includes Streptococcus anginosus.
Virulence factors responsible for antiphagocytic and anticomplementary property of bacteria include
Answer Choices
1 Lipoteichoic Acid
2 M protein
3 F protein
4 Streptokinase
5 DNase
M protein
M protein protects the cell against phagocytosis in absence of antibodies. It also prevents interaction with complement.
Lipoteichoic acid and F protein mediates adherence to epithelial cells.
Streptokinase lyse blood clots.
DNase depolymerizes cell-free DNA in purulent material.
Streptolysin S. is
1 Oxygen stable, non-immunogenic
2 Oxygen labile, non-immunogenic
3 Oxygen stable, immunogenic
4 Oxygen labile, immunogenic
Oxygen stable, non-immunogenic
Streptolysin S. is oxygen stable, non-immunogenic cell-bound hemolysin capable of lysing erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. It stimulates release of lysosomal contents after engulfment, with subsequent death of the phagocytic cell.
Streptolysin O. is inactivated reversibly by oxygen and irreversibly by cholesterol. Antibodies are readily formed against Streptolysin O.
The main cause of bacterial pharyngitis is
1 Streptococcus anginosus
2 Streptococcus bovis
3 Streptococcus pyogenes
4 Streptococcus agalactiae
5 Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus pyogenes
Group A Streptococcus or Streptococcus pyogenes is the major cause of bacterial pharyngitis with Group C and G occasionally involved.
Streptococcus anginosus is associated with conditions like endocarditis, dental caries and abscess formation in tissues.
Streptococcus bovis is associated with endocarditis, urinary tract infections and pyogenic infections.
Infections caused by Streptococcus agalactiae includes neonatal infections such as meningitis, pneumonia, bacteremia, and postpartum sepsis
Streptococcus pneumoniae causes pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, meningitis and bacteremia.
Scarlet fever is a complication of streptococcal infection and is preceded by
Answer Choices
1 Pharyngitis
2 Toxic Shock Syndrome
3 Rheumatic fever
4 Glomerulonephritis
5 Pneumonia
Scarlet fever is a complication of Streptococcal pharyngitis. It is seen when the organism is lysogenized by a temperate bacteriophage that stimulates production of pyogenic exotoxin.
A diffuse erythematous rash appears on the upper chest and then spreads to the extremities.
Rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis are nonsuppurative complications of streptococcal infections.
The organism responsible for nonsuppurative sequelae, rheumatic fever, and acute glomerulonephritis is
1 Staphylococcus aureus
2 Corynebacterium diphtheriae
3 Streptococcus pyogenes
4 Micrococcus luteae
5 Listeria monocytogens
Streptococcus pyogenes
Rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis is a non suppurative complication of Group A Streptococcal disease.
Rheumatic fever is characterized by inflammatory changes of the heart, joints, blood vessels, and subcutaneous tissues. This disease is associated with M18, M3, and M5 serotypes of group A Streptococcus.
Specific nephritogenic strains of group A streptococci are associated with acute glomerulonephritis, which is characterized by acute inflammation of the renal glomeruli with edema, hypertension, hematuria, and proteinuria.
Group A Streptococci are
1 Sensitive to optochin
2 Resistance to bacitracin
3 Sensitive to bacitracin
4 Positive for CAMP test
5 Able to hydrolyze hippurate and esculin
Sensitive to bacitracin
Identification of Group A Streptococci is based on following:
Blood agar plate β-hemolysis
Bacitracin Sensitive
Optochin Resistant
CAMP test Negative
Hydrolysis of hippurate Negative
Hydrolysis of esculin Negative
The organism known as a significant cause of septicemia, pneumonia and meningitis in newborns is
1 Group A Streptococcus
2 Group B Streptococcus
3 Group C Streptococcus
4 Group D Streptococcus
5 Group G Streptococcus
Group B Streptococcus
Group B Streptococcus or Streptococcus agalactiae colonizes the upper respiratory tract, lower gastrointestinal tract, and vagina. Infection, with subsequent development of disease in the neonates can occur in utero, at the time of birth leading to early onset disease. Early onset disease is characterized by septicemia, pneumonia and meningitis in newborns.
Late onset infection occurs between 1 week and 3 months after birth and is commonly manifested as meningitis.
α- hemolytic Streptococci
1 Produce clear zone of hemolysis
2 Lyse the RBC completely
3 Produce no zone of hemolysis
4 Produce green discoloration on blood agar
5 Produce blue pigment on blood agar
Produce green discoloration on blood agar
α-hemolytic streptococci produce green discoloration on blood agar due to incomplete hemolysis.
β-hemolytic streptococci cause complete lysis of RBC resulting in clear zone of hemolysis.
γ-hemolytic streptococci fail to lyse RBC, resulting in no zone of hemolysis.
Streptococci are classified based on hemolytic reaction on blood agar plates. Choose the correct statement
1 α-hemolytic Streptococci produce clear zone of hemolysis
2 α-hemolytic Streptococci produce yellow discoloration
3 β-hemolytic streptococci cause incomplete destruction of red blood cells
4 β-hemolytic Streptococci cause green discoloration
5 γ-hemolytic Streptococci produce no hemolysis
γ-hemolytic Streptococci produce no hemolysis
α-hemolytic Streptococci produce green discoloration due to incomplete hemolysis.
β-hemolytic Streptococci produce clear zone of hemolysis as a result of complete hemolysis.
γ-hemolytic Streptococci produce no zone of hemolysis.
The drug of choice for infection caused by Group A Streptococci (GAS) is
1 Vancomycin
2 Penicillin
3 Methicillin
4 Sulfonamides
5 Trimethoprim
Penicillin is the drug of choice for Group A Streptococci (GAS), since the organism is highly sensitive to this antibiotic.
For patients with history of rheumatic fever, prophylactic doses of penicillin are given to avoid any recurrent infections that may cause additional damage to the heart.
Erythromycin can be used for the patients with history of penicillin resistance.
The leading cause of Gram positive bacterial meningitis in neonates is
1 Streptococcus mutans
2 Streptococcus sanguis
3 Streptococcus pyogenes
4 Streptococcus agalactiae
5 Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus agalactiae
Streptococcus agalactiae is an important cause of neonatal disease. It occurs within several days postpartum where there is an association with sepsis, lung involvement and meningitis.
Streptococcus pyogenes is common cause of pharyngitis.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the leading cause of lobar pneumonia.
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguis are viridans streptococci commonly implicated in dental caries and subacute bacterial endocarditis.
The leading cause of subacute bacterial endocarditis is:
1 Streptococcus pyogenes.
2 H299Streptococcus agalactiae.
3 Viridans Streptococci.
4 Staphylococcus saprophyticus.
5 Staphylococcus epidermidis.
Viridans Streptococci.
Viridans Streptococci are normally non pathogenic and are normal flora of the upper respiratory tract but can infect the endocardium following rheumatic fever, causing subacute bacterial endocarditis. They are also commonly associated with dental caries and suppurative intra-abdominal infections.
Streptococcus pyogenes is common cause of pharyngitis.
Streptococcus agalactiae is an important cause of meningitis, pneumonia, and bacteremia in neonates.
Staphylococcus saprophyticus has a predilection for causing urinary tract infections in young, sexually active women.
Staphylococcus epidermidis is major cause of prosthetic valve endocarditis.
Gram positive, encapsulated, lancet shaped, α-hemolytic, optochin sensitive organism was isolated from sputum of a patient. The most probable organism is
Answer Choices
1 Streptococcus pyogenes
2 Streptococcus agalactiae
3 Enterococcus
4 Streptococcus pneumoniae
5 Viridans group streptococci
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the leading cause of lobar pneumonia, it is optochin sensitive and bile soluble and resistant to bacitracin.
Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus agalactiae are β-hemolytic and resistant to optochin however, Streptococcus pyogenes is sensitive to bacitracin.
Viridans group streptococci and Enterococcus are resistant to optochin as well as bacitracin.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is often confused with viridans streptococci. The characteristic that distinguish viridans streptococci from Streptococcus pneumoniae is that the viridans streptococci are
1 Sensitive to bacitracin
2 Resistance to optochin
3 Sensitive to optochin
4 Resistance to bacitracin
5 Bile soluble
Resistance to optochin
Streptococcus pneumoniae is optochin sensitive, bile soluble, and bacitracin resistant.
Viridans streptococci is resistance to optochin as well as bacitracin and is bile insoluble.
The most common cause of bacterial pneumonia as well as bacterial meningitis in the United States is
1 Streptococcus bovis
2 Streptococcus pyogenes
3 Neisseria meningitides
4 Klebsiella pneumoniae
5 Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus pneumoniae
In the United States Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia (estimated 500,000 cases per year) as well as bacterial meningitis. It is also a common cause of otitis and sinusitis. The incidence of infections are highest in the children and elderly because these population have low levels of protective antibodies directed against pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is
1 β-hemolytic, optochin sensitive, and catalase negative
2 β-hemolytic, optochin resistant, and catalase positive
3 α-hemolytic, optochin sensitive, and catalase negative
4 α-hemolytic, bacitracin sensitive, and catalase positive
5 γ-hemolytic, bacitracin resistant, and catalase negative
α-hemolytic, optochin sensitive, and catalase negative
Streptococci are catalase negative, gram positive cocci.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is encapsulated gram positive coccus that mostly appears in pairs and gives positive quellung reaction. The isolates give α-hemolytic colonies on blood agar plate, as a result of incomplete hemolysis. The colonies appear mucoid and become autolytic in older culture. The isolates are bile soluble and susceptible to optochin.
The virulence factor that contributes to autolytic property of Streptococcus pneumoniae is
1 Neuraminidase
2 Pneumolysin
3 Capsule
4 Amidase
5 Streptolysin O
Amidase, the pneumoccal autolysin, hydrolyzes the peptidoglycan layer at the bond between N-acetylmuramic acid and alanine residue on the peptide cross-bridge.
The other virulence factors produced by Streptococcus pneumoniae are as follows:
Neuraminidase can cause the spread of the organism throughout infected tissue.
The capsular polysaccharide aids in inhibiting phagocytosis in the absence of specific antibodies.
Pneumolysin is dermotoxic and temperature and oxygen labile hemolysin.
Streptolysin O is oxygen labile hemolysin produced by Streptococcus pyogenes and is responsible for hemolysis on blood agar plates.
The drug of choice for pneumococcal pneumonia is
1 Vancomycin
2 Penicillin
3 Bacitracin
4 Ceftriaxone
5 Rifampin
Penicillin is the drug of choice for pneumococcal pneumonia since it is mostly sensitive to this antibiotic. Erythromycin, cephalosporins and chloramphenicol are alternative choices for penicillin allergic patients.
Enterococci are
1 Gram positive, catalase positive, and can grow in the presence of bile and sodium chloride
2 Gram positive, catalase negative, and cannot grow in the presence of bile and sodium chloride
3 Gram negative, catalase negative, and can grow in the presence of bile and sodiumchloride
4 Gram positive, catalase negative and can grow in the presence of bile and sodium chloride
5 Gram negative, catalase positive, and can grow in the presence of bile and sodium chloride
Gram positive, catalase negative and can grow in the presence of bile and sodium chloride
Enterococci are gram positive cocci found in pairs or short chains and are catalase negative. They can grow in the presence of high concentration of bile and sodium chloride and can survive in bowel and gall bladder.
Enterococcus faecalis is common isolate that is found in upper respiratory tract, small intestine, and large intestine.
Enterococcus (Streptococcus) faecalis possess the cell wall antigen of
1 Group A Streptococcus
2 Group B Streptococcus
3 Group C Streptococcus
4 Group D Streptococcus
5 Group F Streptococcus
Group D Streptococcus
Enterococcus faecalis was classified as Group D Streptococcus because they posses the group D cell wall antigen.
Group A includes Streptococcus pyogenes
Group B includes Streptococcus agalactiae
Group C includes Streptococcus anginosus and Streptococcus equisimilis.
Group D includes Streptococcus bovis.
Group F includes Streptococcus anginosus.
The most common species of enterococci responsible for human infections are
1 Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium
2 Enterococcus sulfuncus and Enterococcus dispar
3 Enterococcus avium and Enterococcus raffinase
4 Enterococcus casseliflavus and Enterococcus dispar
5 Enterococcus durans and Enterococcus flavescenes
Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium
Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium accounts for majority of enterococcal infections in human These organisms are normal habitat of upper respiratory tract, small intestine and large intestine. Hospitalized patients with catheters or receiving broad spectrum antibiotics are at higher risk of contracting enterococcal infections. These organisms are associated with biliary and urinary tract infections, endocarditis, bacteremia and wound infections.
The staphylococcal structure that provides receptor for bacteriophage is
1 Peptidoglycan
2 Teichoic acid
3 Capsule
4 Protein A
5 Cytoplasmic membrane
Teichoic acid
Teichoic acid is complex, phosphate containing, species specific polysaccharides bound to both the peptidoglycan layer and cytoplasmic membrane. Attachment of staphylococci to mucosal surface is mediated by the cell wall teichoic acid through their specific binding to fibronectin. Teichoic acid regulates cationic concentration at cell wall membrane.
Teichoic acid is the receptor for bacteriophages. It also serves as attachment site for staphylothrombin, which catalyzes the conversion of fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin.
In Staphylococcus aureus, teichoic acid
1 Is the site of biosynthesis and respiratory enzymes
2 Stimulates production of endogenous pyogens
3 Inhibits opsonization and phagocytosis
4 Regulates cationic concentration at cell
5 Binds Fc receptors
Regulates cationic concentration at cell wall
Teichoic acid is complex, phosphate containing species specific polysaccharides and is bound to both the peptidoglycan layer and cytoplasmic membrane. It aids in staphylococcal attachment to mucosal surface through by binding specifically to fibronectin. Teichoic acid also regulates cationic concentration at cell wall and provides receptor for bacteriophages.
Coagulase enzyme is produced by
1 Staphylococcus epidermidis
2 Staphylococcus saprophyticus
3 Streptococcus pyogenes
4 Staphylococcus aureus
5 Streptococcus pneumoniae
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus aureus produces enzyme coagulase that converts fibrinogen to fibrin. This organism possesses bound and free forms of coagulase. Coagulase bound to the staphylococcal cell wall can directly convert fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin and cause the organism to clump together. However, cell free coagulase causes the staphylococci to clump by reacting with a globulin plasma factor to form staphylothrombin, which catalyzes the conversion of fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin.
The enzyme produced by Staphylococci that is responsible for the conversion of toxic hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen is
1 Lipase
2 Coagulase
3 Hyaluronidase
4 Collagenase
5 Catalase
All Staphylococci produce catalase, an enzyme responsible for conversion of toxic hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen that accumulates during bacterial metabolism or is released following phagocytosis.
Coagulase, lipase, hyaluronidase, and collagenase are exoenzyme produced by Staphylococci.
Coagulase is the exoenzyme produced by Staphylococcus aureus, and it clots the plasma.
Lipase hydrolyzes lipids and aids in the survival of staphylococci in the sebaceous glands.
Hyaluronidase enables pathogen to spread through connective tissue by breaking down hyaluronic acid, the “cement” that holds tissue cells together.
Collagenase breaks down collagen that is the supportive protein found in tendons.
An enzyme produced by Staphylococcus aureus that dissolves fibrin clots is
1 Hyaluronidase
2 Catalase
3 Staphylokinase
4 Lipase
5 Coagulase
Pathogenic bacteria release exoenzymes that increase their ability to invade body tissue. These include coagulase, kinases, lipase, hyaluronidase, and collagenase.
All Staphylococci produce catalase, an enzyme responsible for conversion of toxic hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen that accumulates during bacterial metabolism or is released following phagocytosis.
Kinases dissolve fibrin clots, thus enabling the organism to invade and spread throughout the body. Staphylococcus aureus produces staphylokinase, which is fibrinolytic.
Coagulase is the exoenzyme produced by Staphylococcus aureus and clots the plasma.
Lipase hydrolyzes lipids and aids in the survival of staphylococci in the sebaceous glands.
Hyaluronidase enables pathogen to spread through connective tissue by breaking down hyaluronic acid, the “cement” that holds tissue cells together.
Collagenase breaks down collagen that is the supportive protein found in tendons.
The enzyme that facilitates the spread of Staphylococcus aureus in the connective tissue is
1 Lipase
2 Coagulase
3 Catalase
4 Lecithinase
5 Hyaluronidase
Enzymes produced by staphylococci include coagulase, kinases, lipase, hyaluronidase, and collagenase.
Hyaluronidase hydrolyzes hyaluronic acids, the acidic mucopolysaccharides present in the acellular matrix connective tissue and facilitates the spread of Staphylococcus aureus in tissue.
Lipase hydrolyzes lipids and aids in the survival of staphylococci in the sebaceous glands.
Coagulase is the exoenzyme produced by Staphylococcus aureus and clots the plasma
Catalase converts hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen.
Lecithinase is the enzyme produced by Clostridium perfringens that breaks down phospholipids.
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS) is seen in young children and is mediated by the action of
1 Alpha toxin
2 Exfoliative toxin
3 Leukocidin
4 Beta toxin
5 Enterotoxin A
Exfoliative toxin
Exfoliative toxin is implicated in staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS), which is a spectrum of diseases characterized by exfoliative dermatitis. Exposure to this toxin leads to splitting of intracellular bridges (desmosomes) in the stratum granulosum layer of the outer epidermis.
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Staphylococcal toxin mostly implicated in pseudomembrane enterocolitis is
1 Exfoliative toxin A
2 Exfoliative toxin B
3 Enterotoxin B
4 Enterotoxin C
5 Delta toxin
Enterotoxin B
Exfoliative toxin A and B are responsible for staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS). Delta toxin is thermolabile toxin with cytolytic activity.
Enterotoxin B is associated with staphylococcal pseudomembrane enterocolitis.
Enterotoxin C and D are implicated in staphylococcal disease associated with contaminated milk products.
The enzyme responsible for penicillin resistance in staphylococci is
1 Nuclease
2 β-lactamase
3 Hyaluronidase
4 Coagulase
5 Catalase
Resistance to penicillin is mainly developed as a result of β-lactamase (penicillinase) production which hydrolyzes β-lactam ring of penicillin. The genetic information encoding production of β-lactamase is carried on plasmids.
Hyaluronidase, nuclease, coagulase and catalase are staphylococcal enzymes implicated in virulence.
The antibiotic of choice for treatment of disease caused by Methicillin resistant Staphylococci aureus (MRSA) is:
1 Clindamycin
2 Nafcillin
3 Oxacillin
4 Penicillin
5 Vancomycin
Number of penicillin resistant strains of Staphylococci aureus have increased significantly (approximately 90%). Methicillin (that is β-lactamase-resistant penicillin) was developed to treat penicillin resistant staphylococcal species.
However, a methicillin resistant strain of Staphylococci aureus (MRSA) and Staphylococci epidermidis (MRSE) has emerged.
Vancomycin is the antibiotic of choice when the organism is resistance to methicillin. This drug has adverse side effects and is used for patients suffering from bacteremia, endocarditis, and pneumonia.
The leading cause of urinary tract infection in young sexually active females is
1 Staphylococcus schleiferi
2 Staphylococcus intermedius
3 Staphylococcus delphini
4 Staphylococcus saprophyticus
5 Staphylococcus hyicus
Staphylococcus saprophyticus
Staphylococcus saprophyticus is coagulase negative staphylococci that is associated with urinary tract infection in young sexually active females. This species is found to adhere more effectively to the epithelial cells lining the urogenital tract than other coagulase negative staphylococci. Infected women usually have dysuria, pyuria and large numbers of organism in the urine. Staphylococcus schleiferi, Staphylococcus intermedius, Staphylococcus delphini and Staphylococcus hyicus are animal species and are rarely isolated from human samples.
Staphylococci causes localized pyogenic infections. Superficial infection affects mostly young children and manifests primarily on the face and limbs in the form of small macules that develop into pustules called
1 Furuncles
2 Carbuncles
3 Impetigo
4 Carbuncle
5 Erysipelas
Staphylococcus aureus causes cutaneous infections, which include impetigo, folliculitis, furuncles, and carbuncles.
Impetigo is usually caused by Group A Streptococcus alone or in combination with S. aureus. Folliculitis is a pyogenic infection localized to hair follicle.
Furuncles or boils are an extension of folliculitis.
Carbuncles result from coalescence of furuncles and extend to deeper subcutaneous tissue. Erysipelas is an acute superficial cellulitis of the skin with prominent lymphatic involvement and is preceded by either respiratory or skin infections, mostly with group A Streptococcus.
Furuncles are large, painful, raised nodules characterized by an underlying collection of dead and necrotic tissue. Furuncles are localized pyogenic staphylococcal infection and are an extension of
1 Impetigo
2 Folliculitis
3 Macule
4 Erysipelas
5 Carbuncle
Staphylococcus aureus causes cutaneous infections, which include impetigo, folliculitis, furuncles, and carbuncles.
Furuncles or boils are an extension of Folliculitis.
Folliculitis is a pyogenic infection localized to hair follicle.
Carbuncle results from coalescence of furuncles and extend to deeper subcutaneous tissue. Chills and fever are associated with carbuncles and indicate systemic spread of staphylococci. Erysipelas is an acute superficial cellulitis of the skin with prominent lymphatic involvement and is preceded by either respiratory or skin infections, mostly with group A Streptococcus.
20% to 65% of all infection of prosthetic devices, catheters and shunts are caused by
1 Staphylococcus schleiferi
2 Coagulase negative staphylococci
3 Staphylococcus delphini
4 Staphylococcus intermedius
5 Staphylococcus hyicus
Coagulase negative staphylococci
The coagulase negative staphylococci have ability to produce a polysaccharide slime that can bond them to catheters and shunts and protect them from antibiotics and inflammatory cells.
Staphylococcus intermedius, Staphylococcus delphini and Staphylococcus hyicus are animal species and are rarely isolated from human samples.
The leading cause of septicemia following a surgical procedure is
1 Streptococci pneumoniae
2 Group B Streptococci
3 Escherichia coli
4 Staphylococcus aureus
5 Listeria monocytogenes
Staphylococcus aureus
More than half of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia are acquired in the hospital following a surgical procedure or result from continued use of contaminated intravascular catheter. Staphylococci aureus bacteremias are associated with dissemination to other body sites, including the heart. Streptococci pneumoniae is a common cause of septicemia in children and in asplenic or sickle cell patients.
Group B Streptococci and Escherichia coli are the primary cause of septicemia in neonates. Listeria monocytogenes is a cause of septicemia in immunocompromised patients, alcoholics, and pregnant women.
The most common cause of acute bacterial endocarditis is
1 Staphylococcus saprophyticus
2 Staphylococcus aureus
3 Staphylococcus epidermidis
4 Streptococcus pneumoniae
5 Viridans streptococci
Staphylococcus aureus
Acute endocarditis caused by Staphylococcus aureus is a serious disease, with a mortality rate approaching 50%. Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis may be seen with nonspecific flu-like symptoms; however, the patient’s condition deteriorates rapidly with disruption of cardiac and peripheral evidence of septic embolization.
Staphylococcus saprophyticus is coagulase negative staphylococci that is associated with urinary tract infection in young, sexually active females.
Staphylococcus epidermidis is associated with prosthetic valve endocarditis.
Streptococcus pneumoniae can cause endocarditis in patients with normal or previously damaged heart valves.
Viridans streptococci are the common cause of subacute bacterial endocarditis.
Hematogenous osteomyelitis resulting from cutaneous infection in children is characterized by sudden onset of pain over the involved bone and high fever. The most common cause of hematogenous osteomyelitis is
1 Staphylococcus aureus
2 Staphylococcus saprophyticus
3 Staphylococcus intermedius
4 Eikenella corrodens
5 Pasteurella multocida
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis can be the result of hematogenous infection or secondary infection resulting from trauma or an overlying staphylococcal infection. Hematogenous spread in children usually involves the metaphyseal area of long bones.
Hematogenous osteomyelitis in adults usually occurs as vertebral osteomyelitis and is accompanied by intense back pain with fever.Staphylococcus saprophyticus is associated with urinary tract infection in young sexually active females.
Animal bite may cause Pasteurella multocida osteomyelitis; whereas, human bite may lead to infection by Eikenella corrodens.
Staphylococcus intermedius is rarely isolated from human samples.
The primary cause of septic arthritis in children over 2 years of age is
1 Neisseria gonorrhoeae
2 Escherichia coli
3 Streptococcus agalactiae
4 Staphylococcus aureus
5 Haemophilus influenzae
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcal arthritis is characterized by a painful erythematous joint with purulence on aspiration. Staphylococcus aureus is also a primary cause of septic arthritis in adults receiving intra-articular injections or with mechanically abnormal joints. Infection is usually seen in large joints.
In sexually active persons, Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the most common cause of septic arthritis. Streptococcus agalactiae and Escherichia coli are common cause of neonatal sepsis.
Haemophilus influenzae is associated with infectious arthritis in the children less than 2 years of age.
The anaerobic gram positive cocci associated with brain and liver abscess is
1 Streptococcus pyogenes
2 Streptococcus intermedius
3 Streptococcus agalactiae
4 Staphylococcus aureus
5 Staphylococcus epidermidis
Streptococcus intermedius
Streptococcus intermedius and Streptococcus constellatus are anaerobic streptococci involved with abscesses and other purulent infection in soft tissue and internal organs.
Streptococcus intermedius produces hyaluronidase, DNase, and other extracellular enzymes, which may contribute to their pathogenicity.
Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Staphylococcus epidermidis are aerobic gram positive cocci.
Nutritionally variant streptococci give positive gram reaction and positive blood culture results but cannot be isolated when subcultured on regular media, as these organisms grow on medium supplemented with
1 Ascorbic acid
2 Bile esculin
3 6.5% Sodium chloride
4 Pyridoxal
5 Mannitol
Nutritionally variant streptococci (NVS) are a subgroup of viridans streptococci that are nutritionally deficient and can be isolated from patients with endocarditis and otitis media. These bacteria are called pyridoxal-dependent or vitamin B6-dependent streptococci. Most liquid and solid bacteriologic media do not contain vitamin B6, and therefore NVS cannot grow on these media. NVS may also be seen as satellites around colonies of staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp, Enterobacter spp, and yeasts. In addition, the NVS are PYR positive, bile esculin negative, and do not grow on 6.5% NaCl. The viridans streptococci are PYR negative.