5. Data transfer: OGNL and type conversion Flashcards
What does OGNL stand for?
Object Graph Navigation Language
What’s the OGNL escape sequence?
What’s the difference between these fields when OGNL converts them to Java?

- ages – Sets the whole array.
- names – Sets individual index with value (calls get, then sets value). SO array MUST be initialized!

How do we tell OGNL what types to convert values to?
Create a ClassName-conversion.properties file next to the Java Class.

Regarding OGNL convertions properties file, how would you convert values named ‘weights’ from a generic list to a list of Doubles?
Add a line:
Note: Prefix of ‘Element-‘ and the full path to the Type.

What’s the syntax for using OGNL to populate a map from HTML?
Two ways you can do it:

Regarding HTML -> Java OGNL is the -conversion.properties NEEDED when dealing with List/Set/Map?
If you’re not using a typed generic, yet. But you should be using generics in which case it will work wihtout the properties file!
Ex: Map
What interface must be implemented to give OGNL ability to convert types? What 2 methods need to be implemented?
convertFromString(Map context, String[] values, Class toClass)
String convertToString(Map context, Object o)
What is the OGNL properties file that’s used globally? Where should it be located?
Place it in the root of the classpath.