5. Crime Statistics And Patterns Or Offending Flashcards
Ethnicity and crime
-In England about 90% of ppl are white, 3% black, 6% Asian and 2% mixed race
-However, when we loom at official crime statistics, ethnic groups such as black, Asian and mixed race appear to be over represented at almost every level of the criminal justice system compared with white ppl
-Question is, are some ethnic groups more criminal, or is the criminal justice system racist
Ethnicity and crime rates
We turn to three main ways of gathering statistical data for ethnic rates of offending:
-Official crime statistics
-Victim surveys
-Self report studies
Official statistics
The government department known as the ‘Ministry of Justice’ publishes official statistics data on crime from the Criminal justice system e.g. police and courts
They showed: White people under represented at all stages of the criminal justice process, whereas blacks and Asians are more likely to be criminalised. In terms of the types of crimes, whites commit ‘proportionally’ to their population size the fewest crimes, Asians slightly more, and blacks the most:
Criminal justice system activity
Stop and search- Blacks 7x more likely than whites and Asians 2x more likely
Arrests- Blacks are nearly 3x more likely to be arrested than whites and Asians 2x more likely
Prosecuted- Blacks 3x more likely to be prosecuted than whites and Asians 2x more likely
Prisons- Blacks 5x more likely to enter the prison population and Asians 3x more likely for the same offence.
Types of crime by ethnicity
Homicide- Blacks are 65 times more likely to commit murder than whites
Robbery- Blacks are 12 times more likely to commit robbery than whites and Asians 2 times more
Firearms offences- Blacks are 7 times more likely to commit firearms offences than whites.
Rape- Blacks are 4 times more likely to commit rape than whites.
Victim surveys
-Surveys such as the Crime survey for England and Wales are conducted by asking selected individuals of the general public to report crimes they have been victim of
-The findings are meant to represent a country as a whole, with participants being randomly selected from Royal Mails list of addresses in England and Wales
-Include questions about ethnicity
Findings from victim survey
Muggings- Black people are more likely to commit this type of offence compared to any other group and were significantly over represented among those identified by victims as offenders
Victims of crime- Risk of being a personal victim of crime was higher for ethnic groups
Homicide- Blacks and ethnic minority groups are more likely to be a victim of homicide than white adults and children. Homicide was also more likely happen between ppl of same ethnic group.
Hate crimes- Those from non-white backgrounds are far more likely to be victims of racial or religious aggravated offences
Intra ethnicity- A great many crimes are intra ethnic, meaning they take place between same ethnic groups
Self report studies
-Self report studies on crime are confidential and anonymous self completion questionnaires which ask individuals about the crimes they themselves have committed.
-Sample is taken using a cross section of the general population
Self report findings
Any offence- The highest rate of offences was found amongst whites (42%). Offending rates for ethnic groups were as follows: mixed race (39%); black (28%) and Asians (21%)
Robbery- Black offending rates were higher than whites for robbery: black (2%) and white (0.5%)
Challenge view that black offending rates is higher in blacks than whites. Suggests a bias in criminal justice system.
-Evidence from the three resources on the extent and nature of offending by different ethnic groups is inconclusive.
-The sources are flawed in some way as official statistics and victim surveys suggesting one thing and self report studies suggesting another
Ethnicity, racism and the criminal justice system
-Some criminologists argue blacks and some ethnic groups are more likely to engage in criminal activity than others, while some criminologists believe ethnic differences in criminalisation stem from bias or racism within operation of criminal justice system
As the crime statistics for 2014 showed:
-Blacks are 7x more likely to be subject to stop and search methods than whites people and Asians 2x more likely than whites
-Under the Terrorism Act 2000, police can stop and search (without reasonable suspicion) any person or vehicle where violence or terrorism is concerned. Data shows Asians are prone to searches
Explaining stop and searches
Some of the reasons why certain ethnic groups are more likely to be subject to stop and search methods are:
Police racism
-Macpherson Inquiry (investigated death of Stephen Lawrence in London 1993) found police were institutionally racist and claimed certain ethnic groups were more likely to be victimised by the criminal justice process.
-This is because some police officers hold prejudices and negative stereotypical views on certain ethnic minorities, meaning such groups are more likely to be targeted by stop and search
Demographic factors
-Certain ethnic minority groups are more likely to be over represented in the population that have higher demographic characteristics than other groups, which the police believe increases the level of crime, therefore justifying increased stop and search measures