5. Chronic Cough Flashcards
Define Asthma
Chronic inflammatory airway disease characterised by intermittent airway obstruction and hyper-reactivity
- History of atopy
- Family History
- Smoker
- Occupation
- Pets
Symptoms and signs of chronic asthma
- Recurrent episodes of cough, wheeze, SOB
- Variation (worst in morning & evening)
General Inspection: Nasal polyposis; May be normal
Investigations for chronic asthma
When do you Dx it?
Spirometry (FEV1: FVC ratio)
- FEV1% (FEV1/FVC) < 70% –> trial asthma Tx
- PEFR varies by at least 20% for 3 days in a week over several weeks or PEFR increases by at least 20%
- Reversibility: 12% pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry (Give SABA in spiro)
PEFR (if spiro unavailable)
Asthma Mx
1: inhaled SABA (salbutamol)
2: + inhaled low dose CS (beclomethasone)
3: inhaled LABA (salmeterol) + increased dose CS
4. Trials: theophylline, oral BA, oral leukotriene ag (montelukast)
5. oral CS
On each visit to the GP, it’s important to check the following for asthma…
- Inhaler technique and adherence
- Symptoms (adjust medication as needed)
- Smoking cessation
- Weight loss
Acute asthma: moderate
- Increasing symptoms
- PEF >50-75% best or predicted
- No features of severe
Acute asthma: severe
Moderate + any one of:
- PEF 33-50% best or predicted
- RR >25/min
- HR >110/min
- inability to complete sentences in one breath
Acute asthma: life-threatening
Severe asthma + any one of the following:
Clinical signs:
- Altered conscious level
- Exhaustion
- Arrhythmia
- Hypotension
- Cyanosis
- Silent Chest
- Poor respiratory effort
- PEF <33% best or predicted
- SpO2 < 92%
- PaO2 <8 kPa
- ‘Normal’ PaCO2 (4.6-6.0kPa)
Acute asthma: Near fatal
Raised PaCO2 and/or requiring mechanical ventilation w/ raised inflation pressures
Acute Asthma Invx
Basic observations (e.g. HR, SpO2)
Measure and record PEF
O2 saturation and maintain SpO2 at 94-98%
ABG - *repeat ABG if PaO2 <8kPa, unless SpO2 >92%; or initial PaCO2 is normal or raised; or if patient deteriorates
Serum theophylline concentration should be taken if aminophylline is continued for >24 hours
Serum K+ and glucose
Acute Asthma Mx
1) O2
2) Neb. Salbutamol 5mg + Oral Pred 40-50mg + IV Hydrocortisone 100mg
- Neb. Ipratropium Bromide, 0.5mg (added for acute-severe or life-threatening asthma, or poor response to salbutamol therapy)
3) IV Magnesium sulphate + senior help
4) IV Aminophylline
5) ITU + intubation
Acute Asthma Invx
Basic observations (e.g. HR, SpO2)
Measure and record PEF
O2 saturation and maintain SpO2 at 94-98%
ABG - *repeat ABG if PaO2 <8kPa, unless SpO2 >92%; or initial PaCO2 is normal or raised; or if patient deteriorates
Serum theophylline concentration should be taken if aminophylline is continued for >24 hours
Serum K+ and glucose
Acute Asthma Mx
1) O2
2) Neb. Salbutamol 5mg + Oral Pred 40-50mg + IV Hydrocortisone 100mg
- Neb. Ipratropium Bromide, 0.5mg (added for acute-severe or life-threatening asthma, or poor response to salbutamol therapy)
3) IV Magnesium sulphate + senior help
4) IV Aminophylline
5) ITU + intubation
A 17 year-old girl presents to the local A&E complaining of worsening shortness of breath, despite use of what she describes as her ‘blue inhaler’. On examination her oxygen saturations are 95%, she is afebrile and has a BP of 101/67. The attending physician takes an ABG and the results are shown below. Grade the severity of this patient’s asthma attack.
pH: 7.25
pCO2: 7.4 kPa (4.5-6.0)
pO2: 10.4 kPa (>10.5)
HCO3: 23 mmol/l
A. I cannot tell from the information available B. Moderate C. Acute severe D. Life threatening E. Near fatal
E. Near Fatal - pCO2 increased
A 26-year-old bus driver presents to the GP complaining of a worsening shortness of breath. On examination, the patient is afebrile, has a BP of 110/85 and has a marked wheeze on auscultation. The only medications the patient is on is Salbutamol, PRN. What is the next most appropriate treatment step as per the treatment guidelines for this condition?
Add an inhaled low-dose corticosteroid to her medications, taken OD
Note – patients on OD ICS should ensure they wash their mouth after taking the inhaler to reduce the likelihood of developing candidiasis in the mouth (this is why you check the mouth in the resp. exam!)
COPD definition
Preventable and treatable disease state characterised by airflow limitation that is not fully reversible. It encompasses both emphysema and chronic bronchitis
RF: smoking, FHx (A1ATdef)
Causes of Clubbing
Most common is idiopathic (50%)
Respiratory causes:
Malignancy Interstitial lung disease
Empyema lung abscess Cystic fibrosis
CVS causes: Malignancy (Tetralogy of Fallot) Infective (bacterial) Endocarditis Congenital cyanotic heart disease Atrial myxoma
GI causes:
Malignancy Coeliac’s disease
Clubbing signs
Boggy nail bed
Loss of Lovibond’s angle (should be less than 180 degrees)
‘Drumsticking’ of fingers
Increased longitudinal curvature of nail
Respiratory Causes of Clubbing
Most common is idiopathic (50%)
Respiratory causes: Malignancy Interstitial lung disease Cystic Fibrosis Empyema lung abscess NOT COPD
Chronic COPD Medical Mx
Mild: SAMA (Ipratropium Bromide) OR SABA (salbutamol) PRN
Moderate: Add LA counterparts
LAMA: tiotropium
LABA: salmeterol
LAMA + LABA or LABA + inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
E.G. Symbicort (Budesonide (ICS) and Formoterol (LABA))
Very severe:
COPD Investigations
- Spirometry
- Bloods, ABG
- Serial peak flow measurements: to exclude asthma if diagnostic doubt remains
- Alpha-1 antitrypsin (A1AT): if early onset, minimal smoking history or family history
- Transfer factor for carbon monoxide (TLCO): if symptoms seem disproportionate to the spirometric impairment
- CT scan of the thorax: investigate abnormalities seen on a chest radiograph + assess suitability for surgery
- ECG or Echocardiogram: assess cardiac status if features of cor pulmonale
Chronic COPD Mx
Mild: SAMAn (Ipratropium Bromide) OR SABA (salbutamol) PRN
Moderate: Add LA counterparts
LAMA: tiotropium
LABA: salmeterol
LAMA + LABA or LABA + inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
E.G. Symbicort (Budesonide (ICS0 and Formoterol (LABA))
Very severe:
Chronic COPD Other Mx
General Management
- Smoking cessation
- Annual influenza vaccination
- Pneumococcal vaccination
Improved Survival
- Smoking cessation
- Long-term O2 therapy (15hrs/day)
- Lung volume reduction surgery
When do you give LT O2?
pO2 of < 7.3 kPa OR pO2 of 7.3 - 8 kPa and one of the following: - Secondary polycythaemia - Nocturnal hypoxaemia - Peripheral oedema - Pulmonary hypertension