5/ Breast Pathology Flashcards
What would a fine needle aspiration cytology show from a malignant tumour?
- discohesive large pleomorphic cells
Describe the histology of fibroadenoma
ducts stretched around cellular stroma
two cell layers
no cellular atypia
Describe a fibroadenoma on palpation
benign firm mobile mass
What is fibrocystic change?
cysts, often with apocrine epithelium with fibrous stroma around them
Are papillomas removed?
- 4% associated with malignancy so would usually be excised
What is a radial scar?
- these resemble cancer on mammogram due to their speculate shape
- 30% are associated with malignancy
What makes up the triple assessment?
- clinical examination
- imaging
- cytology or biopsy
Describe the histology of an invasive carcinoma
- normal breast ducts and lobules absent
- sheets of malignant cells are invading into the stroma with no gland formation
- the cells show large hyper chromatic nuclei and mitoses
- myoepithelial layer is absent
What are the 4 histological subtypes of breast carcinoma? What is the main feature of each?
- no special type carcinoma = absence of specific features
- lobular carcinoma = single file pattern
- mucinous carcinoma = pools of mucin
- tubular carcinoma = tubule formation (excellent prognosis)
What type of lesion is DCIS?
Ductal carcinoma in situ
An obligate precursor of invasive carcinoma
It is characterised by the proliferation of malignant cells within the breast ducts without invasion of the stroma
- Treatment is by local excision either breast conserving surgery or mastectomy