5. Bioinorganics Flashcards
What are the essential metal groups in biology?
- Bulk metals
- Trace metals
What are the roles of bulk metals in biology?
- Charge carriers: Na+/K+ pump
- Cofactors: Mg2+ in rubisco active site
- Signalling molecules: Ca2+ in synapsis, myosin action
What are the roles of trace metals in biology?
- Catalysts: Mo+ in N2 fixation
- Cofactors: Mn+ for water splitting enzyme, Zn+ in zinc fingers
- Electron transfer: Fe+ in heme, ferritin; Cu+ in hemocyanin
What is a ligand?
Ligand - ion / molecule which attaches to a Me by a dative covalent / coordinate bond - ligand has a lone e pair
Which two amino acid have identical ligand properties?
Asp and Glu - can form bidentate ligands
Why is lysine not a good ligand?
Lys is too negative to be a ligand - gets protonated in solutions
What group is a good sigma and pi e donor?
- Thiol (Cys): good π donor
- Methylated thiol (Met): good σ donor to ‘soft’ metals
Why cofactors can be classified as ligands?
Cofactors form bonds with Me+ by donating e pairs
What is a common mechanism some ligands undergo to act like ligands?
Deprotonation - free e pair for bond formation with Me+
Define what is a Lewis acid
Lewis acid - e pair acceptor
Me+ in ligand bond formation - Lewis acids
How metal ion binding to oxygen influences carbonyl group?
Me+ bound by free e pair of O - charge transferred - C more positive => carbonyl activation for Nuc- attack
Which enzyme regulates pH in blood?
Carbonic anhydrase
Describe the active site of carbonic anhydrase + its function
Carbonic anhydrase active site:
- 3 His residues
- tetrahedral arrangement
- Zn+
Carbonic anhydrase present in blood - converts CO2 into soluble H2CO3 / insoluble form to regulate blood pH (catalyses reaction both ways)
In muscle CO2 -> H2CO3
In blood H2CO3 -> CO2 (if blood pH is too low/acidic)
What is Zn+ mechanism of action in carbonic anhydrase active site?
Carbonic anhydrase catalysis cycle:
1) Zn+ activates H2O: for deprotonation: Zn+ binds H2O: - draws charge from O: lone pair (Zn+ - Lewis acid) -> H2O deprotonation
2) O- neg charge - acts as good Nuc - attacks CO2 -> CO2 bound to O at active site
3) Another H2O: attacks Zn+ - HCO3- leaves the active site
(Zn+ forms max tetrahedral structure)
=> main carbonic anhydrase catalysis - H2O deprotonation (rate determining step - slowest)
What enzyme cleaves peptide bonds?
Peptidases perform proteolysis - peptide bond cleavage
Describe the active site of peptidases + its function
Peptidase active site:
- Glu, His, His residues
- Zn+ / Mn+ / Cu+
Breaks peptide bonds in polypeptides to produce carboxylic acid + amine
Ex: Thermolysin - in bacteria released out for protein breakdown
What is Me+ mechanism of action in cpeptidase active site?
Peptidase / protease catalysis mechanism:
1) Me+ binds with C=O and H2O at active site
2) H2O: attacks C=O - O added to C=O -> peptide bond cleavage
3) COO- held by Me+ at peptidase active site - NH2 amine released
=> new C / N termini formed
How can peptidase / protease mechanism be prevented in protein purification?
Remove Me+ needed for peptidase / protease active site - use EDTA to chelate the Me+ => proteolysis prevented
What metal ion acts in ATP hydrolysis? What function it performs?
Mg2+ in ATP -> ADP + Pi:
- polarises two terminal phosphate groups - facilitates H2O attack for ATP hydrolysis
- after the reaction stabilises phosphates after bond cleavage
What is ATP hydrolysis mechanism? An example location of this reaction
ATP -> ATP + Pi
1) Mg2+ draws charge from O- in phosphates - P+ more positive for H2O: attack
2) H2O: attacks 3rd P+ - covalent bond celavage
3) Mg2+ stabilises the detached and 2nd phosphate on ADP
Ex: ATP hydrolysis by myosin during muscle action - reaction coupled to motion - E released from ATP for contraction
In what other reaction involving ATP hydrolysis reaction does Mg2+ act?
ATP hydrolysis in DNA / RNA adenosine nucleotide synthesis by DNA / RNA polymerases:
1) Mg2+ stabilises phosphates
2) DNA-Ribose attacks 1st phosphate - pyrophosphate cleaved off
3) Mg2+ holds both pyrophosphate and new RNA/DNA A nucleotide
What is Mg2+ function in myosin action?
- Mg2+ stabilises neg charges of active site residues
- As Mg2+ moved to the left - charge moved -> different interactions between active site residues => change in myosin conformation - MOTION
What are the common metal deficiency / excess diseases?
Cu (mutations in Cu transport proteins):
- Cu deficiency - Menkes disease
- Cu excess - Wilson’s disease
- Fe deficiency - anaemia (pooor O2 transport)
- Fe excess - liver failure
What is the iron storage protein?
Ferritin - binds Fe2+ inside the hollow cavity - stores
What are the different reactive oxygen species (ROS) in biology? How are they created?
Triplet oxygen -> Singlet oxygen -> Super-oxide -> Peroxide
Define what are oxygen reactive species (ROS)?
Oxygen reactive species (ROS) - radical / non-radical oxygen molecules formed by partial reductions
What is the electron configuration of triplet O2?