5. Autonomic Nervous System/ Controlling BP Flashcards
7 parts of the nervous system
• CNS • Peripheral nervous system ○ Soamtic (voluntary) ○ Autonomic nervous (involuntary) ▪ Sympathetic ▪ Parasympathetic ▪ enteric
Somatic nerve fibres
• Sensory neurons – info from neurons to nervous system
• Motor neurons – info from nervous system to neurons
○ One motor neuron innervates one effector
Autonomic nervous system - controls
Responsible for control of the bodily functions that are not consciously directed Controls - heart rate - body temp - blood pressure - force of heart contraction
Autonomic nervous system - innervates
Involuntary smooth muscle
Cardiac muscle
2 branches of the autonomic nervous system
Sympathetic - fight or flight
Parasympathetic - rest and digest
Innervate same organs but have opposite effects
Sympathetic nerve fibres
- Short preganglionic fibres myelinated – release norepinephrine
- Long postganglionic fibres unmyelinated – release acetylcholine
- Cholinergic pre ganglionic fibres
- Adrenergic post ganglionic fibres
Parasympathetic nerve fibres
- Long preganglionic fibres myelinated – release acetylcholine
- Short postganglionic fibres unmyelinated – release acetylcholine
- Ganglia is near or in effector organs
- Cholinergic pre and post ganglionic fibres
Location of sympathetic nerves
- originate in Thoracolumbar outflow - T1-L2
Location of parasympathetic nerves
- some originate from cranial region some from sacral region Craniosacral outflow - CN III, VII, IX, X, S2-S4
• Cranial region – nerve 3 oculomotor nerve, 7, 9 glossopharyngeal nerve, 10 vagus nerve
• Collection of neuronal bodies or group of nerve cell bodies in peripheral nervous system = groups of cells in the nervous system
Parasympathetic gangla
has terminal or intramural ganglion (very close to effector organ)
2 types of sympathetic ganglia
– Paravertebral/chain ganglia
– Prevertebral/pre-aortic/collateral/subdiaphragmatic ganglia
– Paravertebral/chain ganglia
- found on either side of the vertebrae
- Arranged in chains (hence name chain ganglia)
- 24 of these ganglia
- Name according to region
– Prevertebral/pre-aortic/collateral/subdiaphragmatic ganglia
• In front of the vertebral (named based on location)
Path of preganglionic fibres
- white rami communicants (looks white due to preganglionic fibre myelination)
• Intermediate lateral grey horn –> Ventral root –> ventral rami –> synapse in chain ganglia –> post ganglionic fibres arise
4 ways that preganglionic fibres synapse
• Can also synapse at chain ganglia at lower levels
• Can also synapse at chain ganglia at higher levels
• Could also synapse at prevertebral ganglia instead of chain ganglia = post ganglionic fibres give rise to splanchnic nerve (any nerve that goes out by itself supply abdominal and visceral area)
• Could synapse at chain ganglia at higher levels but post ganglionic fibres goes out of another root by itself (not following grey rami communicants)
○ forming cardiopulmonary nerve (splanchnic nerve coming from cervical and upper thoracic ganglia – supplies heart, nerve and organs in thorax)
Splanchnic nerve
(any nerve that goes out by itself supply abdominal and visceral area)
- occur when preganglionic fibres synapse at prevertebral ganglia instead of chain ganglia
cardiopulmonary nerve
(splanchnic nerve coming from cervical and upper thoracic ganglia – supplies heart, nerve and organs in thorax)
Path of post ganglionic fibres
– grey rami communicants
• Through ventral rami –> go out
3 main postganglionic fibres of sympathetic system (flight or fight response)
- Pilomotor fibres – supply arrector pili
- Vasomotor fibres – blood vessels
- Sudomotor fibres – sweat glands
Receptors of sympathetic nervous system
- Release norepinephrine
- Pupils – alpha 1 receptor – cause dilation
- Airway – beta 2 – relaxtion
- Heart – beta 1 – increased hr
- Sweat glands – alpha 1 and m3 – localised and general secretion
Receptors of parasympathetic nervous system
- Release acetlycholine
- Pupil – M3 receptor – constriction
- Airway – M3 – contraction
- Heart – M2 – decreased hr
ANS controls
- Heart rate
- Force of contraction of the heart
- Peripheral resistance of the blood vessels
What does the ans not do
• The ANS does not - Initiate electrical activity in the heart
But can increase or decrease heart rate
Parasympathetic nervous system - innervates what parts of the hearts
- SA node
- AV node
- N.B little/none to ventricles – don’t supply ventricles or contractile muscles
Sympathetic nervous system - innervates what parts of the hearts
- Atria
- SA and AV node
Steps- sympathetic nervous system and increase heart rate
- Sympathetic innervation to nodal cells
• Sympathetic nervous system→ Norepinephrine •- norepinephrine binds to beta 1 adrenergic receptorr –> Stimulate β1 adrenergic receptors
• Activate G stimulatory proteins, release GDP binds GTP - Activates adenylate cyclase (A.C)
• A.C converts ATP→ cAMP→ Protein kinase A (PKA) - PKA phosphorylates L-type Ca 2+ channels = actiavte it
• More Ca2+ within cell→ depolarise quicker→ Increase frequency of action potentials→ - Increased heart rate
- norepinephrine binds to beta 1 adrenergic receptorr –> Stimulate β1 adrenergic receptors
Norepinephrine binds to
- norepinephrine binds to beta 1 adrenergic receptorr –> Stimulate β1 adrenergic receptors
Action of G stimulatory protein when activated
• Activate G stimulatory proteins, release GDP binds GTP
Activates adenylate cyclase (A.C)
• A.C converts ATP→ cAMP→ Protein kinase A (PKA)
Steps- sympathetic nervous system and contractility
- Sympathetic innervation
• Sympathetic nervous system→ Norepinephrine- norepinephrine binds to beta 1 adrenergic receptorr –> Stimulate β1 adrenergic receptors
• Activate G stimulatory proteins, release GDP binds GTP - Activates adenylate cyclase (A.C)
• A.C converts ATP→ cAMP→ Protein kinase A (PKA) - PKA phosphorylates L-type Ca 2+ channels = actiavte it
• More Ca2+ within cell - PKA phosphorylates channels in sarcoplasmic reticulum→ more Ca2+ moves into sarcoplasmic reticulum
- → Ca2+ flowing into sarcoplasmic reticulum, means pumps become more active induced Ca2+ release (more calcium pumped out) increases significantly
- More calcium helps to form more actin and myosin cross bridges → Increased contraction
- norepinephrine binds to beta 1 adrenergic receptorr –> Stimulate β1 adrenergic receptors
Steps -Parasympathetic nervous system and heart rate
- Parasympathetic nervous system→ Acetylcholine
- Acetylcholine binds and Stimulate Muscuranic type 2 (M2) receptors
• Activate G inhibitory proteins (has alpha, beta and gamma)
• Alpha separates from beta and gamma - Beta and gamma binds to and open K+ channels→ K+ moves out→ hyperpolarise the cells
- Decrease frequency of action potentials→ Decrease heart rate
- Alpha subunit inhibits A.C→ cAMP levels drop→ low Ca2+ entry, decrease pKa less calcium in and more potassium lost
- Acetylcholine binds and Stimulate Muscuranic type 2 (M2) receptors
Acetylcholine binds to
- Acetylcholine binds and Stimulate Muscuranic type 2 (M2) receptors
Action of G inhibitory protein when activated
- Activate G inhibitory proteins (has alpha, beta and gamma)
- Alpha separates from beta and gamma
- Beta and gamma binds to and open K+ channels→ K+ moves out→ hyperpolarise the cells
- Alpha subunit inhibits A.C→ cAMP levels drop→ low Ca2+ entry, decrease pKa less calcium in and more potassium lost
Paraysmpathetic and sympathetic impacting SA nodal action potentials
Phase 4 is changed by sympathetic and parasympatheitc activity
• Sympathetic = phase 4 happens faster slope is increased
• Parasympathteic = phase 4 is slower, slope is decreased
Vasculature and innervation
- most vessels receive sympathetic innervation
* Exceptions − some specialised tissue e.g. erectile tissue have parasympathetic innervation
Vasculature and receptors
- most arteries and veins have α1-adrenoreceptors (binding site for norepinephrine/ noradrenaline)
- coronary and skeletal muscle vasculature also have β2-receptors
Vasomotor tone
Need to have a resting/ baseline level of tone of vasculature
• Tension exerted by vascular smooth muscle is called vasomotor tone
Decrease noradrenaline on the receptors
Increasing noradrenaline on the receptors
Vessels that have β2-adrenoreceptors as well as alpha 1
– Skeletal muscle
– Myocardium
– Liver
What happens in Vessels that have β2-adrenoreceptors as well as alpha 1
At normal adrenaline levels
• Circulating adrenaline has a higher affinity for β2 adrenoceptors than for α1 receptors
• Alpha 1 receptor activation by noradrenaline
• At physiological concentration circulating adrenaline will preferentially bind to β2 adrenoceptor
Causing vasodilation
What happens in Vessels that have β2-adrenoreceptors as well as alpha 1
At higher adrenaline levels
At higher or abnormal (supraphysiological adrenaline conc) concentrations it will also activate α1 receptors as well as beta 2
• causing Overriding vasoconstriction of the vessels