Information Asymmetry
B/c the insider know more about the company than outsiders.
“The Whole market virtually collapses if the extent of information asymmetry is serious.”
EG: Some stocks are over valued, some are under valued .
Undervalued firms: Reluctant to issue shares at a low price.
Overvalued firms: NEW issuance of shares - signal market the firm is overvalued.
What is Information Disclosure? & Why?
- Sunshine
- To effectively Monitor Manager - Outsiders need information
- Outside investors need information to evaluate securities value
EG: Hang Seng & Dah Sing - No disclosure makes ppl assume the worst.
Types of Information Disclosure
- Mandatory
EG: Prospectus (when Stock Offer) / Annual Reports / Intrim / CG Reports - Voluntary Disclosure - Disclosure above the mandated minimum
EG: Management Forecast / Conference Calls / Press releases / Internet Sites
Information to users : Annual Report
- ARs are regulated
EG: GAPP / IFRS - Accounting Standards regulate reporting choices available to mgmt
EG: How Management Choose to present the firm’s financial statements. - Regulation reduce processing cost
EG: Commonly accepted language Managers can use to communicate with investors.
Accuracy of Financial Reports?
- Important for efficiency of capital markets. / Proper Evaluation of Securities
- To allow the BOD to analyze & evaluate strategies, business model & evaluate Risk.
- For structuring compensation packages. Awarding performance based compensation knowing the predetermined targets.
The Audit Committee’s Objective are?
Ensure Accuracy of Financial Reports.
- By setting parameters for Quality
- For Transparency
- For Control
- Hire External Auditors for Misstatement
Audit Committee’s responsibilities
- Hire & Monitor External Auditor
- Oversee Financial Reporting & Disclosure
- Monitor the choice of accounting principles
- Oversee internal audit Function
- Oversee regulatory compliance
- Monitor Risks
Required of Audit Committee (SOX)
- ALL committee members are independent
- ALL Members are Financially literate
- One Member it’s be a financial Expert
What is Accounting Quality?
Quality - The degree to which accounting figures precisely REFLECT changes in financial Position / Earnings / Cashflows.
- Transparency - the degree to which the company provides supplemental information to explain accounts reported in F/S & filings
- Internal Control - The process & procedures that ensure transactions are accurately recorded. / That financial statements are properly produced/ Company assets are protected from theft / fraud.
Evidence for Accounting Quality?
Companies like to make small manipulations. More likely to report small increase than small decrease in earnings.
> Companies with “low- accounting Quality” experience better short term performance. Long term performance suffers.
What correlates to Financial Fraud?
- Few outside directors
- Low director ownership
- Busy Boards
- Fewer accounting meetings
- Fewer financial experts on audit committees
What may cause Financial restatements?
- Human Error
- Aggressive Accounting
- Fraud
What is External Auditor’s role?
: Assess the validity & reliability of publicly reported financial information.
- Spot unintentional errors when possible
- Management wrong judgement may occur
- Managers may intentionally misrepresent F/S ) manipulate earnings to gain more bonus
Limitation to External Audit?
- Sampling base
- Collusion / By pass controls
- Management’s Authority
Process to External Audit?
- Audit preparation to determine the scope of the audit & identify areas requiring special attention.
- Review Mgmt estimates & disclosure by company. By sampling key accounts, test mgmt’s assumptions and independently verify estimates.
- Fraud evaluation by evaluating fraud opportunities, examining incentive for fraud & apply “professional skepticism”
- Assess internal controls: Examine design of IC, identify Weakness and focus on key accounts and unusual tranx
- Conclude by reviewing with Audit Committee.
- Express an opinion.
What measures the Quality for an Audit?
- Auditor’s ability - determines the likelihood that a breach can be discovered by an audit firm.
- Auditor’s independence - determines the likelihood that an audit firm may report a breach in accounting standards.
What factors influence Audit Quality?
- Big auditors provide better training to staff - Therefore, this ensure the auditor’s ability to discovery.
- Client’s “Economic Significance” to an auditor (Auditor’s independence). Singular client is less significant to big firms vs. Smaller firms.
External Audit’s potential Issues
- Industry consolidation (of firms)
- Auditor providing non-audit services (conflict)
- Hired former auditor as CFO (Conflict)
- Lack of rotation of Auditor
1 /4 Pros & Cons of Audit Firm Consolidations?
- Scale of Firm matches scale of companies
- Stronger expertise & experience by industry & regions
- Stronger expertise in tax, audit, systems
- Lack of choice among firms
- Increase fees due to decrease competition
2/4 Pros & Cons of “DISALLOWING” Non-Audit Services from external auditors (EG. SOX)
1. Reduce conflict of interest
2. May improve auditor’s independence
3. Company cannot “Retaliate” against auditors in disagreement (?)
1. Auditor has expertise in company procedures
2. Might be cheaper for company
3/4 Pros & Cons of hiring former Auditor. (CFO / Treasury / Internal Auditor)
1. Auditor is familiar with company & its procedures
2. Company is familiar with auditor’s working style
3. Reduces both hiring costs & risk of failure
1. Ex- Auditor may have allegiance to former employer
2. May facilitate fraud from understanding of internal controls.
4/4 Pros & Cons to Auditor Rotation
1. New auditor might be more independent
2. New auditor has fresh perspective
1. Costly to change audit firms or audit teams
2. New auditors have steeper learning curve