5 Flashcards
to get under way
to begin a journey or a project
to pick someone’s brains
To question someone closely for one’s own profit; exploit someone’s creativity by imitation; be an intellectual parasite
To inquire of someone; ask someone for information, advice, etc
to rip off, to chisel, to cheat
to rip interest rates
sabrer, taillader, réduire radicalement
to slash
balafrer, blesser
to gash
faire de même, suivre les traces de
to follow suit
la perspective, la vue
the outlook
le résultat, l’aboutissement
the outcome
banni, proscrit, exilé
couvert, sombre, voilé
la vue d’ensemble, le panorama
the overview
to throw something forcefully in a specified direction, to discard, to assign a part in a play
to cast
savoir, comprendre
to sort out
se débrider, être pris de folie furieuse
to run amok
behave uncontrollably and disruptively
persévérer avec qqch
to press ahead with smtg
alongside each other and facing the same direction
up to date
When you insert a noun in between the two words (“all x but”), you are referring to a collection of x but noting that there are exceptions.
The “all but” idiom refers to the fact that the subject of the idiom is as close to being described by the adjective as it can be without being completely and accurately described by that adjective. Saying that the championship is “all but” decided is saying that, while it is not officially ‘decided’, it’s so close to being decided that the distinction is hard to discern.
use of “all but”
position (sur un sujet quelconque)
to learn about smtg, to hear of smtg
to get wind of
news is coming in that…
osciller, branler, hésiter, trembloter, se balancer
to wobble
renverser, basculer, faire tomber, faire basculer
to topple
an awkward way of walking, typically due to pain from an injury
walk in an awkward way, typically because of pain from an injury
tie or strap together (the legs of a horse or other animal) to prevent it from straying
to hobble
égarer, dévier
to stray
tread on and crush
to trample
walk in a specified way.
he trod lightly, trying to make as little contact with the mud as possible
synonymes: walk, step, stride, pace, go, march, tramp, plod, thump, stomp, trudge
to tread
to fall out of a boat or off of a ship; to fall overboard
to do too much; to be extravagant
to go overboard
tendence, mode, vogue
careful attention
pay attention to, take notice of
to heed