5 Flashcards
What should be used to wash hands if they are visibly soiled or dirty?
Non-antimicrobial liquid soap and water
This is particularly important when caring for patients with vomiting, diarrhoeal illnesses, or gastrointestinal infections.
When should alcohol-based hand rubs (ABHRs) be used?
In all other circumstances for routine hand hygiene during care
ABHRs are preferred when hands are not visibly soiled.
Before what actions should hand hygiene be performed?
- Touching a patient
- Clean or aseptic procedures
- After body fluid exposure risk
- After touching a patient
- After touching a patient’s immediate surroundings
- Before putting on gloves
- After removing gloves
These practices help minimize the risk of infection transmission.
What is the purpose of respiratory and cough hygiene?
To minimize the risk of cross transmission of known or suspected respiratory illness pathogens
Effective respiratory hygiene is crucial in healthcare settings.
What should be done when sneezing, coughing, or blowing the nose?
Cover the nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or the crook of the arm
Used tissues should be disposed of promptly in a waste bin.
What should be done after contact with respiratory secretions or contaminated objects?
Wash hands with non-antimicrobial liquid soap and warm water
This helps prevent the spread of respiratory infections.
What should staff do if there is no running water available for hand hygiene?
Use hand wipes followed by ABHR and wash hands at the first available opportunity
It is important to keep contaminated hands away from the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Who should staff help with respiratory and cough hygiene?
Those needing assistance, such as elderly and children
Staff should provide tissues, waste bags for used tissues, and hand hygiene facilities as necessary.