4th Set Rhetoric Flashcards
Bad analogy
claiming that two situations are similar, when they aren’t - we have pure food and drug act, why not some for artists for clean music
Cliche thinking
using as evidence a well-known saying, as if it is proven, or as if it has no exceptions - “america, love it or leave it, if you dont like anything, leave it”
False Cause
Assuming that, because two things happened, the first one caused the second one - “before women got to vote, there were no nuclear weapons”
Hasty generalization
A generealization based on too little or unrepresentative data. -“my uncle didnt go to college, and he makes a lot of money, so peope that dont go to college should as well
Non sequitur
a conclusion that does not follow rom its premises - invalid argument -“hinduism has been around for a long time, and helped people a lot, so it must be true”
slippery slope
the assupmtion that once started, a situation will continue to its morst extreme possible outcome - “ if you drink whine you will become an alcoholic, then will be homeless drunk”
Inductive argument
argument in which it is thought that the premises provide reasons supporting the probable truth of the conclusion. In an inductive arguemnt, —- the premsises are intended only to be so strong that if they are true, then it is unlikely that it is false
sound argument
a deductive argument is said to be sound if it meets two conditions - first the line of reasoning from the presmises to the conclusion is valid, the second is that the premises are true
Unstated Premises
not every argument is fully expressed, sometimes premesies are left out or unexpressed
valid arugment
valid if the conclusion logically follows the premises