4th KUP Blue Belt Flashcards
Upper elbow thrust
Wi palkup tulgi

Rear foot stance
Dwit bal sogi

U shape block
Digutcha maki

Low stance
Nachuo sogi

Reverse turning kick
Bandae dollyo chagi

Close ready stance B
Moa chumbi sogi B

Upward palm block
Ollyo sonbadak maki

Twin upset punch
Sang dwijibun jurugi

Pressing block
Noolo maki

Reverse knife-hand block
Sonkal dung maki

Back kick
Dwit chagi

Waist block
Hori maki

Outer forearm inward block
Bakkat palmok anuro maki

What is the meaning of Joong Gun tul?
Joong Gun is named after the patriot An Joong Gun who assassinated Hiro Bumi Ito, the first Japanese Governor General of Korea, known as the man who played the leading part in the Korean-Japan merger. There are 32 movements in this tul to represent Mr An’s age when he was executed in Lui-Shung prison in (1910)
32 moves