4th Amendment Flashcards
4th Amendment
protects from unreasonable searches and seizures and requires warrants to be based on probable cause
The 4th amendment applies ONLY to:
government conduct
What is a seizure?
When, due to government action, a reasonable person in the D’s position would not feel free to leave or terminate the police encounter. The police need to use physical force or a showing of authority followed by submission.
What is a terry stop?
brief investigatory seizure. Difference with arrest is the duration and purpose.
What is the permissible time for a terry stop?
The permissible duration is time necessary to confirm a reasonable suspicion that crime has occurred, if so, probable cause. If suspicion is denied, seizure must stop.
What is a search?
any government investigatory trespass against a 4th amendment interest OR intrusion into a reasonable expectation of privacy.
What is an investigatory trespass?
intrusion upon target’s, home (including cartilage), papers, or effects for purpose of finding or gathering evidence of a crime. Need investigatory motive.
A reasonable expectation of privacy requires:
1) D manifests subjective expectation of privacy by making effort to shield thing or activity from public
2) Expectation is objectionably reasonable because it is an expectation society is willing to recognize.
A search or seizure must be
A warrant creates presumption of reasonableness, Defendant bears the burden of rebutting this presumption by proving:
1) warrant not based on PC
2) Magistrate not neutral or detached
3) warrant failed to describe with particularity thing to be seized or place to be searched
Any search or seizure without a warrant is presumptively
unreasonable and the government bears the burden of proving it falls within established exception
What is probable cause?
“fair probability,” facts and circumstances that would make a reasonable person conclude that the individual in question has committed a crime for an arrest or that specific items related to criminal activity can be found at a particular location.
What does the totality of the circumstances test for determining the reliability of tips consider?
1) veracity of the information
2) basis of knowledge
3) police investigation that corroborates facts in tip and validates accuracy of informant’s predictions.
What is reasonable suspicion?
a belief based upon articulable information more than a mere hunch used by a reasonable person or cop that suspect has or is about to engage in illegal or criminal activity
reasonable is a level of certainty that will justify only:
a brief investigatory seizure (Terry stop) or cursory protective search (Terry frisk)
What is required for an arrest?
1) probable cause is always required
2) Warrant is not required to arrest in public, but is required to arrest individual in own home unless exigent circumstances
What is required for a terry stop?
reasonable suspicion that crime is in progress or has just been committed justifies a brief investigatory seizure (terry stop) to confirm or rule out suspicion
How can reasonable suspicion be established for a terry stop?
1) police observations; eyewitness reports
2) flight from police in high crime areas
3) informant tip + police investigation that corroborates tip
What is required for a seizure of property?
a warrant based on PC presumptively, not always required to justify seizure of property
If in plain view:
No warrant required, instead:
1) police have a lawful vantage point to observe item
2) needs to be immediately apparent that item is contraband
3) officer has lawful access to point of seizure
Searches pursuant to a warrant
A warrant gives police authority to search only named places or people. Except: 1) contraband not named can be seized if in plain view; 2) right to detain occupants during search (but not right to search them.
Warrantless searches
Warrantless searches are per se unreasonable unless i t falls into an established exception.
What is a SILA?
Search Incident to Lawful Arrest: upon a lawful arrest (based on PC) can automatically search the arrestee + the area within his immediate control (wingspan or lunging distance)
SILA: arrest in or right out of car
1) can automatically search person
2) if genuine access to interior of car after arrest, can search interior car and all containers within interior
3) if no genuine access to interior of car, can only check car if reasonable belief evidence related to crime of arrest in car.
SILA: If arrested at home
1) limited to area within lunging distance and no authority to search entire house
2) If RS, other people home, and may put police at risk, can conduct cursory protective sweep (Terry sweep) but only where people could fit.
Warrantless search: Automobile exception
1) can search car as long as they have PC
2) justified by inherent mobility and reduced expectation of privacy
3) Applies to all containers within vehicle where item could be found for which PC exists
4) can also impound car and search it later
What is the special needs doctrine?
Can use checkpoints to conduct brief seizures/ limited searches without individualized suspicion or warrant because of public safety danger that cannot be addressed by complying with warrant requirements.
1) primary purpose must be need to search or seize to protect public from immediate danger
2) must be:
a. based on a fixed formula that deprives individual officers of discretion to select subjects
b. narrowly tailored in scope, to address the specific threat
c. conducted in location and manner that minimized citizen anxiety
3) can seize contraband that comes into plain view even if unrelated to public safety
What is the border exception?
Custom official may, with no suspicion or cause, as an incident of national sovereignty:
1) stop vehicles at permanent checkpoints located at or near border
2) conduct routine searches of people and property
if individual waives right to privacy by consenting to a search, search is reasonable even if no suspicion. Consent must be:
1) must be voluntary (totality of circumstances)
a) invalid if obtained by asserting fake warrant, fraudulently, under duress, or pursuant to unlawful police threat
b) if consent obtained followed unlawful seizure, its tainted, and consent and any evidence is invalid.
Third Party Consent:
any person who has joint control or use of shared premises may consent to valid search, and evidence may be used against all residences
1) consent applies to common areas, not where D has exclusive control
2) reliance on consent is reasonable if person has actual authority or reasonable officer believes that person had authority
( cannot rely on consent when other person is present and objecting)
Hot pursuit
may enter and search private dwelling while in hot pursuit of the fleeing suspect. May execute warrantless arrest of suspect on premises and seize any contraband observed in plain view pursuant to hot pursuit
Exigent circumstances
warrantless search permissible when waiting to obtain a warrant will result in imminent destruction of evidence, escape of accused, or risk to police or others in the area
Terry search (frisk)
Cursory, protective search for weapons or some other instrumentality that creates imminent danger to officer or others in close proximity.
1) justified only by RS that suspect is armed and dangerous
2) limited to suspects outer clothing to confirm or deny suspect is armed
3) If frisk/pat results in officer feeling something he knows immediately is a weapon or other contraband, office may seize it without a warrant pursuant to plain touch
Terry frisk: cars
brief cursory look in car where police has RS that person stopped will have immediate access to weapon after getting back in car.
Terry frisk: Home
cursory sweep of home on RS that others may be present and endanger officer
Admin Searches
conducted for non-criminal purpose and justify lower standard of cause