48 Laws Of Power Flashcards
What is the main theme of ‘The 48 Laws of Power’?
The main theme is the strategies for gaining and maintaining power.
True or False: Law 1 states ‘Never outshine the master.’
Fill in the blank: Law 3 advises to ‘Conceal your ______.’
What does Law 6 recommend regarding your reputation?
Law 6 recommends to ‘Court attention at all costs.’
Multiple Choice: Which law advises to ‘Make others come to you’?
Law 8
What is the consequence of violating Law 15, ‘Completely destroy your enemy’?
Failure to completely destroy an enemy can lead to retaliation.
True or False: Law 22 is about using surrender as a tactic.
What does Law 27 state about playing on people’s need to believe?
Law 27 states to ‘Play on people’s need to believe to create a cult-like following.’
Fill in the blank: Law 33 encourages you to ‘Discover each man’s ______.’
What does Law 34 emphasize about being royal?
Law 34 emphasizes to ‘Act like a king to be treated like one.’
Multiple Choice: Which law suggests that ‘Infection: Avoid the unhappy and unlucky’?
Law 10
What is the strategy behind Law 48, ‘Assume formlessness’?
The strategy is to be adaptable and fluid to maintain an advantage.
True or False: Law 11 is about learning to keep people dependent on you.
What does Law 14 advise regarding appearances?
Law 14 advises to ‘Pose as a friend, work as a spy.’
Fill in the blank: Law 19 states ‘Know who you’re dealing with, don’t offend the ______.’
wrong person
What is the key idea of Law 40, ‘Despise the free lunch’?
The idea is that what is offered for free is often not valued.
Multiple Choice: Which law is about ‘Using absence to increase respect and honor’?
Law 36
True or False: Law 23 is about focusing on your strengths rather than weaknesses.
What does Law 4 suggest about always saying less than necessary?
Law 4 suggests that the more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish.
Fill in the blank: Law 24 advises to ‘Play the perfect ______.’
What does Law 7 state about getting others to do the work?
Law 7 states to ‘Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit.’
Multiple Choice: Which law promotes the idea of creating a sense of urgency?
Law 29
True or False: Law 30 advises to ‘Make your accomplishments seem effortless.’
What is the essence of Law 32, ‘Play to people’s fantasies’?
The essence is that people are often more motivated by fantasy than reality.