4749 & 4507 Ohio Revised Code Flashcards
What must accompany a new employees application?
a) Photograph
b) Physical description
c) Registration fee up to $40
Can firearms training be waived?
Yes, if proof of substantial training has been completed within 3 years.
How often does the commission meet?
a) 4 times per year
b) Chairperson
c) Dir. Public Safety
d) 5 members
Who receives the application for firearm permit?
Dir. Public Safety & $15
How does a new employee get fingerprinted?
Using method the superintendent of Bureau Criminal Identification (BCI) prescribes
Define: Report of Presence?
Report branch location to:
a) Dir. Public Safety
b) Sheriff
c) Chief of Police
d) within 48 hours
e) Post in conspicuous location
Define: Non-resident License & Registration?
An out of state applicant for registration may be waived the exam by the director, if applicant provides proof of licensure in another state
Potential consequences for child support in default?
License may be denied, suspended, or revoked (D, S, R)
Penalties (Operating without a License)?
a) 1st = Misdemeanor
b) 1 or more = 5th degree felony
c) 2 or more = 10k fine & 1 year in prison
d) b, c, d, = $100-1K & 1 year in prison
What are the requirements to obtain a license to operate?
a) Good Reputation
b) General Liability Insurance ($100/$300/$100)
c) No convictions 3 years prior
d) No crimes of moral turpitude
e) Pay exam & license fees
f) Pass examination
g) Two (2) years experience
What reason can license or registration be revoked, suspended, or refused?
Operating without a license, pretty much anything illegal, perjury, failure to complete application process
What is on the employees identification card?
a) Name
b) Address
c) Age
d) Physical Description
e) Signature of Employee
f) Signature of licensee
g) License number
h) Photo
i) Right thumb print
Who elects chairperson and vice-chairperson?
Members shall elect a chairperson and a vice-chairperson by majority vote
How long do the chairperson and vice-chairperson serve?
No more than 3 times (years) of a 5-year term
Are commission members reimbursed for expenses incurred while performing official duties?
a) Yes, travel, hotel & other necessary expenses
b) Also, members of special committees
Define, business of security services?
a) Furnishing for hire - persons
b) Furnishing for hire - dogs or vehicle
“Private Investigator” “Business of Private Investigation” “Security Guard Provider” and “Business of Security Services” do not include:
Public officers
Consumer Reporting Agency
Certified Public Insurance Adjusters
Personal Placement Services
Better Business Bureau
Unclaimed funds, persons investigating
Professional Engineer
Independent Insurance Adjusters
When do company licenses expire?
1st day of March, following date if initial issue, and 1st day of March each year after
When is a new license required?
a) Change in form of business
b) Change in legal name of business
c) Change in license class
d) Failure to renew by 1st day of March
What is a conditional license?
The director may grant an individual, lasts for 1 year, for non-disqualifying offense
How to obtain a duplicate copy of company license?
Pay fee up to $25 for lost, destroyed, etc.
Who funds the commission?
What does the commission consist of?
a) Dir. Public Safety
b) Sup. Highway Patrol
c) 3 - Class A, 5 years
d) 1 - Class B, 5 years
e) 1 - Class C, 5 years
f) 2 - Class A, B, C, 5 years
g) 1 - Incumbent Chief of Police
h) 1 - Incumbent Sheriff
i) 1 - Active law enforcement officer, not above Lt.
j) 2 - General public with no relationship with any license
Who appoints the 12 members of the commission?
The governor with advice & consent of the senate
Can a company or person be fined for working without a license?
Yes, up to $100 per day
Can a company license be transferred to another corporation?
Yes, with written notification, and $25 fee
How long does the chairperson and vice-chairperson serve?
No more than 3 times in a 5 year term
What happens if the qualifying agent quits?
a) Notify the director by: 1) certified mail, 2) Return receipt, 3) within 10 days
b) Submit name for another QA within 30 days
c) Business may continue 90 days in this state
*HINT: 10, 30, 90
How much does a replacement identification card cost?
Can a company or person be fined for working without a license?
Yes, $100 a day
Can a qualifying agent represent more than 1 company?
Yes, as long as agent is active in both or all
How long does the chairperson and vice-chairperson serve?
No more than 3 times in a 5 year term
How will the company know to renew a license?
Reminders are sent out on the 2nd day of January
How to submit a change of address for a branch location?
Submit the “Multiple Change Application”, within 48 hours
When does the Qualifying Agents (QA) registration expire?
Same day as company license, on 1st day of March
When is a new company license required?
a) Change in form of business
b) Change in legal name of business
c) Change in license class
d) Failure to renew license by 1st day of March
What to put on the back of the passport photo?
Registrants name; affix with glue or clear tape only
How long do I have to submit an “Employee Termination Report”?
10 days from separation, must accompany the employees’ identification card.
How to obtain a duplicate copy of the company license?
$25 fee
Are employees required to wear uniforms?
Can an employee carry a firearm while the application is pending if the client has signed the waiver?
Can an employee wear another licensee’s uniform?
Are registered employees required to wear badges?
Company advertisements must have?
Legal name or trade name & address
Does a new FAB application have to be submitted each year?
Yes + $15
What is the qualifying agents’ RENEWAL Rap Back fee?
What is the qualifying agent’s INITIAL fee + Rap Back fee?
$25 + $5 (Rap Back) = $30
What is the registrant’s (New Hire) INITIAL fee?
What is the registrants RENEWAL fee?
Will the department notify individuals of an upcoming identification card expiration?
Yes, 60 days prior
What is a quarterly report?
A report submitted to the department with a current list of registered employees four (4) times a year.
Who are cashiers’ checks and money orders made out to?
Ohio Treasurer of State
Does the commission have liability?
No, unless made under fraud or bad faith
When do I submit a new employee’s application for registration?
No sooner than 3 days before hire or no later than 7 days after hire
Who elects chairperson and vice-chairperson?
Elected by members at 1st meeting by majority vote
How many is a quorum?
a) 7 members constitute a quorum
b) A meeting must not be held unless a quorum is met
c) cannot vote by proxy
How often does the commission meet?
a) Minimum 4 times per year
b) As directed by the chairperson
c) At the request Dir. Dept. Public Safety
d) Upon request of 5 voting members
What must accompany the application for a license to operate?
a) Photo
b) 5 references
c) Exam fee, $25
d) Fingerprints
What are examples of a disqualifying offense?
Felony - had a direct bearing on fitness or ability to perform 1 or more duties or responsibilities
How do I get a branch office license
Apply with the Director of Public Safety and pay a fee of up to $100
Can a company license be transferred to another corporation?
Yes, upon written notification and a $25 fee
How to obtain a duplicate copy of a company license?
Pay a fee of up to $25
Who are checks or money orders paid to?
Ohio Treasurer of State
What shall be submitted for each additional business location?
a) Branch Office Application
b) License fee of $100
QA RENEWAL Rap Back fee?
QA Retest fee?
Registrant INITIAL fee?
Firearm Bearer fee?
Replacement card fee?
License Application fee?
License RENEWAL fee?
Branch Application fee?
Branch RENEWAL fee?
$0, there is no renewal fee
Registrant RENEWAL fee
What if applicant is a military service member or veteran or spouse of one?
Submit ID card or DD form 214
Is there an advantage to being in the military and applying for a registration card
Yes, applications are processed ahead of non-military
How long do I have to submit an Employee Termination Report?
a) 10 days from separation
b) Must accompany employees’ ID card
What is the Quarterly Report?
a) Submitted to the department
b) List of registered employees
c) Four (4) times a year
The security uniform must?
a) Have identifying patches visible at all times
b) Patch may be worn on left breast or left shoulder on blazer
What if a persons name is used on an advertisement?
Fine, as long as name is smaller than size of company name
Will the department notify individuals of an upcoming identification card expiration?
Yes, by mail, 60 days prior to expiration
Do applicants need to submit a new photo each year upon renewal?
In order to be licensed under a class B or C, the individual must have?
a) Good reputation
b) No disqualifying offenses in 3 years
What must each insurance accord have?
a) List PISGS as holder
b) Provision to notify department 10 days prior to cancellation
c) Provision to notify department no later than 7 days after lapse of insurance
Can the department waive examination & experience verification requirements for a new licensee?
Yes, if QA recently qualified within 6 months
Where are licenses required to be posted?
In a conspicuous location in principal place of business
Define a “Multiple Change Application”?
a) Change of address
b) Change of business name
c) Change of contact information
d) Within 10 days
*HINT: A, B, C, 10 (ABC10)
In the event that a business of licensee is discontinued?
Notify the department in writing and immediately return ID cards
What is required to maintain (get) a branch office?
a) Provider Branch Office Application
b) Fee, $100
What is required for change of address, Branch Office?
a) Multiple Change Application
b) Within 48 hours
When must an “Employee Registration Application” be submitted?
No sooner than 3 days nor later than 7 calendar days after the date on which the employee is hired.
What must licensee submit in conjunction with the “Employee Registration Application”?
Verification of employees:
a) Social Security Number
b) Email address
c) Name
d) Date of birth
What must be done upon termination or expiration of a registered employee?
a) Submit “Employee Termination Report”
b) Within 10 calendar days
What shall each employee produce upon request of an authorized representative of the department?
Identification card (ID)
What remains property of the department?
Identification card (ID)
What word cannot be used in conjunction with the word “Ohio” or “State”?
When may the licensee utilize abbreviated names on advertising material?
When approved in writing by the department
When do registration identification cards expire?
Annually on the anniversary date of initial issuance
Who are the results of the criminal records check sent to?
The Director of Public Safety, PISGS
What is on the registration card with FAB?
a) Type of firearm
b) Date of expiration of FAB
c) Date of expiration of Card
The initial FAB is valid for how many months?
When do subsequent FAB RENEWALS expire?
12 months from date of requalification
Each licensee shall keep a true and correct record
in the English language of all of the business transactions for how many years?
Current calendar year plus the two previous calendar years
Moneys received in payment of fines levied pursuant to section 4749.99 of the Revised Code shall be distributed as follows:
(1) One-third to the general fund of the municipal corporation or township in which the prosecution occurs;
(2) One-third to the general fund of the county in which the prosecution occurs;
(3) One-third to the private investigator and security guard provider fund.
The licensee or employee must successfully complete a basic firearm training program at a training school approved by the Ohio peace officer training commission, how many necessary hours are required?
a) Twenty hours of training in handgun use and, if any firearm other than a handgun is to be used,
b) Five hours of training in the use of other firearms, and has
c) Received a certificate of satisfactory completion of that program from the executive director of the commission;
Business of private investigation” means the conducting, for hire, in person or through a partner or employees, of: (WHICH ONE IS NOT CORRECT)
A) Any investigation relevant to any crime or wrong done or threatened,
B) To obtain information on the identity, habits, conduct, movements, whereabouts, affiliations, transactions, reputation, credibility, or character of any person
C) To locate and recover lost or stolen property
D) The business of pre-employment background investigation
E) To determine the cause of or responsibility for any libel or slander, or any fire, accident, or damage to property
F) to secure evidence for use in any legislative, administrative, or judicial investigation or proceeding.
D) The business of pre-employment background investigation