What does an oscilloscope consist of?
specially made electron tube and associated control circuits
What does an electron gun at one end of the glass tube emit and towards where? (oscilloscope)
emits electrons in beam towards fluorescent screen at other end of tube
What is emitted where the beam hits the screen? (oscilloscope)
light emitted from spot on screen where beam hits screen
What is the position of the spot of light on the screen affected by?
pd across either pair of deflecting plates
What happens to the spot on the screen with no pd across either set of deflecting plates?
spot on the screen stays in the same position
What happens to the spot if a pd is applied across the X-plates?
spot deflects horizontally
What happens to the spot if a pd is applied across the Y-plates?
spot deflects vertically
What is the displacement of the spot proportional to?
displacement of spot proportional to applied pd
What are the X-plates connected to?
oscilloscope’s time base circuit
What does the X-plates being connected to the oscilloscope’s time base circuit do the spot?
spot moves at constant speed left to right across the screen, then back again much faster
What can be done as the spot moves at constant speed across the screen?
x-scale can be calibrated
What is the x-scale usually calibrated in? (2) (hint- unit)
milliseconds or microseconds per centimetre
What is the pd to be displayed connected to?
Y-plates via Y-input
What happens to the spot as the pd to be displayed is connected to the Y-plates via Y-input?
spot moves up and down as it moves left to right across the screen
What does the spot trace out as it moves up and down as it moves left to right across the screen?
traces out the wavefront on the screen