47 - Antibiotics I Flashcards
What size are bacteria?
Bacteria are small
0.2-5 micrometers
Describe bacilli
Describe cocci
diplococci = pairs streptococci = chains staphylococci = grapelike clusters
Describe spirochetes
Spiral shaped
Describe pleomorphic
Many-shaped bacteria
What does gram positive and negative mean?
Gram positive - positive staining pattern when performing a Gram stain
Gram negative - negative staining pattern when performing a Gram stain
How do we name bacteria?
By common characteristics
- Gram-positive cocci
By genus and species
- Escherichia coli
- Escherichia = determined by common genetic or morphological biochemical characteristics
- Coli = named by physical or pathogenic characteristics
What are the key structural features of bacteria that are of pharmacological interest?
- Cell wall
- Peptidoglycan
- Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
- Cytoplasmic membrane
- Cytoplasm
Describe the cell wall
Cell wall: all bacteria have a cell wall that consists of peptidoglycan.
Describe the peptidoglycan
Peptidoglycan: a macromolecule composed of peptides and sugars that provide a rigid support structure that is found only in bacteria.
- Thick wall of peptidoglycan = gram (+)
- Thin wall of peptidoglycan = gram (-)
Describe lipopolysaccharide
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS): makes up the outer membrane structure of gram (-) bacteria cell wall and consists of phospholipid and polysaccharides.
Describe the cytoplasmic membrane
Cytoplasmic membrane: similar in structure to the eukaryotic cell membrane (except for sterols).
Describe the cytoplasm
Cytoplasm: contains the ribosomes, nutrients, metabolites, plasmids, nucleoid DNA
Quiz: This gram + coccus is a catalase-positive, coagulase-positive and cause disease ranging from pneumonia to pyogenic skin infections
Staphylococcus aureus
Don’t need to know
Quiz: This gram (-) rod is oxidase negative, common in UTIs
E coli
Don’t need to know
Quiz: Gram positive rod, spore forming, anaerobic, normal flora microbe, found in hospital, causes diarrhea
Clostridium difficile
Don’t need to know
Quiz: Gram negative involved in sexually transmitted diseases
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Don’t need to know
What bacteria cell factors influence antibiotic action in GRAM NEGATIVE bacteria?
- LPS (lipopoly-saccharide) - Lipid bilayer of cytoplasmic membrane - Hydrophilic pores - Nutrient receptor proteins on outer membrane
Describe how the LPS (lipopolysaccharide) of gram negative bacteria affects antibiotics
Retards or prevents penetration of bulky, high molecular weight antibiotics, such as erythromycin.
Describe how the lipid bilayer of the cytoplasmic membrane of gram negative bacteria affects antibiotics
Penetration of water-soluble drugs is severely hindered.
Describe how the hydrophilic pores of gram negative bacteria effect antibiotics
Allow penetration of water-soluble molecules up to 650 Daltons (size***), such as sulfonamides.
Describe how the nutrient receptor proteins on the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria affects antibiotics
Agents structurally related to nutrients (sideromycins) utilize these natural receptors.