45 Rhodium Greek Rose (colored) Flashcards
I think that high school musical fella smooches all over MJ and what’s his face - Jackson Hughes ? Plays PT Barnum
Thr greatest showman
He wrote bartleby thr scrivener while living at arrowhead his in thr Berkshire’s
Herman Melville
Let AMerica be America again let it be the dream it used to be wrote this poet
Langston Hughes
Thr stars guide the narrator of his gothic poem ulalume
You you lume
Edgar Allen Poe
I love that one where Scarface is a cop and Travis bickle is a thief - I think Batman is in it too
The movie where Bella Sean and clarice starling get their home invaded by that 30 seconds to mars dude who is rocking cornrows
Panic room
This novel begins I first met Dean not long after my wife and I split up
On thr road
That taken guy has a son ?stepson ? Something like that who drums along to I want for Christmas is you
Love actually
What an odd description
Narrator of thr catcher in the rye runs away from pencey prep a phony school in phony angerstown Pennsylvania
Holden caulfield
In 1901 decades before merging with Benz daimler sold the first of these cars named for a diplomats daughter
Dime ler
Thr aswan museum was founded in 1912 on elephantine island in this river
El uh fin tiny
This island and its companion principe are known for their coffe wne chocolate due to the islands fertile volcanic soil
Sao toe may
Prince uh p
This nation of around 115 islands in thr Indian Ocean was named for a minister of finance under Louis XV
Say chells
Fittingly since the audience is about to go home it’s thr last word spoken by Macbeth
This Verb means to protest vehemently or to vent angry disapproval
Monrovia Liberia named for him is partly on this island which is named for this founding father favorite nephew
James Monroe
Bushrod island named for Washington nephew
Nosey be Malagasy for big island is a popular beach destination just off this much bigger island
No see bay
Handel is said to have recalled I did think I did see all heaven before me while composing this oratorio
Famous Americans
In his 99 memoir he wrote I had been shot down a short walks distance from the French built prison Hoa lo
Ho uh low
Senator McCain
So called Hanoi Hilton - ho uh low
It’s a daytime concert so the program will include accessible stuff doe the kids like mars the bringer of war from this suite
The planets
Capital of Baja California
Meh he Cali - Which is also furthest north point in Latin America
Tijuana is the birthplace of this first Mexican MMA champion
UFC ultimate fighter champ and flyweight title holder
Brandon Moreno
US Interstate system established by
Also rules for naming
Eisenhower after experiencing difficult traveling during military career
S to N odd
W to E even
Founders /rulers of mighty Aztec empire
Also looking for this specific occurrence as a sign from Gods for where to build city
Muh sheek uh
Eagle eating a snake sitting on a cactus in middle of lake
This makes tequila tequila
Also state that produces 90%
Blue Agave or agave ah zule in the town of tequila
Huh lease co
Mez col is tequila that does not come from town of huh lease co
Sea named after Spanish explorer is referred to as cradle of the ocean due to warm waters and abundance of sea life
Sea of Cortez
Americans call gulf of California
True significance of Monday May 5 1862 for Mexico
Battle of Puebla
Defeated French ?
Mexican independence
Sept 16
How many Mexican states
1 federal district wher capital sits
In 1066 he successfully launched the most recent invasion of GB starting thr current line of monarchs
William the conqueror of Normandy
Previously William thr bastard
Backed by strong claim to throne when doubt existed surrounding succession after previous king died with no heir
Southern most point in Latin America
Cape horn in Chile
Interstate runs from Thr border at No gal es to Tucson Arizona
Also only US interstate with this on official road signs
Only US interstate with Kilometers instead of miles
Busiest border crossing in world ?
Malaysia and Singapore
Asian counties
Battle of pal me dough ranch final battle in this war
US civil war
Close to Mata more os and Brownsville the eastern most border towns onRio grande river
Book Made into 09 movie starring Rachel mcadams and Eric bahn uh
The time travelers wife
First published in 1900 this Theodore Dreiser follows a woman who moves to the big city to pursue American dream where first becoming a mistress of wealthy men Before becoming a famous actress
Sister Carrie
Written by Daphne dew mare e A this. Book follows orphan Phillip Ashley raised by older single relative ; after relative marries and dies suddenly Philip must meet thr woman and is intrigued by her although resentful
My cousin Rachel
Book 6 in the chronicles or Narnia series diggery and poly meet in Narnia and face the evil sorceress jadis
The magicians nephew
In 33 film King Kong mr kong kills a trex who wqs threatening life of this actress
Fay raye
Naomi watts 05 remake