4.5 Flashcards
Intensive farming requires the application of considerable amounts of nitrogen fertiliser, which contributes strongly towards
Global warming
Genetic engineering can be used to produce varieties of crops that are resistant to natural disasters (droughts/floods) thereby reducing world
Genetic engineers are researching the production of crops that do not need fertilisers, by transferring genes for
Nitrogen fixation into various crop species
Gene for disease resistance can also be added to crops, to reduce the need for
Herbicides and pesticides
Many people think that genetic engineering is little different from selective breeding, except they it is a more
Predictable and rapid process
Although GE involves transferring genes from 1 species to another, they point out that different species share a large proportion of
Genes anyway
People who oppose GE argue that we cannot be sure that there are no
Long term health risks
(Oppose) when a new gene is inserted it may disrupt a regulatory gene, and may lead to genes that are not normally active being expressed. This could have
Unknown effects
(Oppose) concerns that genes may spread from one species to another, e.g. Pollen of GM crops could transfer the gene to non-GM varieties or even weed species. Creating:
Super weeds
Biotechnology companies have attempted to overcome the spread of genes from one species to another by inserting ‘terminator’ genes into GM crop plants. Which means that GM crops would produce:
Sterile seeds
(Oppose) production of GMOs mainly increases profits for the large biotechnology companies, without significant benefits for the consumer. They argue that the ‘terminator’ technology increases profits as farmers have to
Buy new seeds every year
(Oppose) believe that GE is very different in ethical terms from selective breeding we it transfers genes from one species to another, rather than from
One member of a species to another
(Oppose) also believe that GE is different from selective breeding as it is
Irreversible - once gene is transferred it is very difficult to remove
(sanctity of species)some people argue that it is morally wrong to produce GM organisms that contain genes from other organism. This is why GE is
Tightly regulated and there’s an international agreement that human cells should not be modified
(sanctity of species) human cells should not be modified because we do not wish to introduce new genes into
The human
Genetic line