4440.2 Ch 9 Flashcards
Stock Control
What division is responsible for generating, compiling, and submitting most external reporting requirements?
Stock Control
Who is the point of contact in S-1?
Functional Area Supervisor
What division shares many S-1 responsibilities such as SIT/ART maintenance, Suspense processing, resolving MFCS Un-Reconciled Balance (URB) and Unmatched SIT?
Aviation Supply Division
Personnel assigned to duties as FAS shall be an LS of what rank or above (the senior civilian at the Ashore activity)?
Petty Officer 2nd Class
What administrator, also known as DBA, shall register any new users for NALCOMIS application access?
NALCOMIS Supply Application Administrator (SAA)
Who shall restrict access to the RSupply Q-COSAL Table?
A list of personnel authorized to access the Q-COSAL Table will be maintained by whom and when will it be reviewed and updated?
Stock Control Officer
Units are encouraged to contact whom at the same time for technical analysis and guidance with regard to NTCSS AIS problems?
TYCOM N412 Fleet Assistance and Shipboard Training (FAST)
When are COSAL/AVCAL Percentage Analysis reports generated?