44: Radiographic Interpretation - Bennett Flashcards
which measurements are seen in sagittal plane?
- calcaneal inclination angle
- lateral talocalcaneal angle
- talar declination angle
- first metatarsal declination angle
- inter-relationship of radiographic angles and their importance in the interpretation of biomechanical relationships associated with podiatric radiographs
talocalcaneal angle aka
angle of kite
- used to evaluate flatfoot deformity
transverse plane angular relationship of the longitudinal bisectors of talus and calcaneus
talocalcaneal angle
normal talocalcaneal angle values ***
0-5 yo: 35-50 degrees
5- adult: 15-35 degrees
STJ pronation ____ the talocalcaneal angle. STJ supination ______ the talocalcaneal angle
- increases (everted heel)
- decreases
a measure of the most lateral surface of the cuboid and the calcaneus
cuboid abduction angle
- indicative of deformity in the transverse plane
normal cuboid abduction angle
0-5 degrees
pronation leads to ________ cuboid abduction angle
gives relative position of the forefoot to the rearfoot in the transverse plane
metatarsus adductus angle
- angle is composed of a bisection of the lesser tarsus and bisection of the second metatarsal
normal metatarsus adductus
0-15 degrees
metatarsus primus adductus angle
- representation of deviation of first met relative to second
normal and adductus metatarssu primus adductus angle
normal 8-12
adductus 8-10
evaluation of 1st intermetatarsal angle
- evaluation of hallux abducto valgus
- size of measurement will determine type of procedure you choose to do
tibial sesamomid position
- change in sesamoid position relative to bisection of first met head
- 7 positions
- position 1-3 are normal
representation of transverse plane position of hallux relative to long axis of the first metatarsal
hallux abductus angle
- quantifies the alteral deviation of the hllux in HAV
normal hallux abductus angle
10-15 degrees
hallux interphalangeal angle
- represents the lateral hallux deviation at the level of the IP joint
- increases in this value produce a lateral curvature of the hallux which become clinically significant
normal hallux interphalangeal angle
0-10 degrees
PASA proximal articular set angle
- representation of effective cartilage in relation to the shaft of the metatarsal
- bisection of met and line through articular cartilage line
normal PASA
- 5 degrees
- increase is pathological and may either add to a structural or combined deformity
normal DASA
7.5 degrees
this angle measures the relationship of the effective articulating cartilage of the base of the proximal phalanx
distal articular set angle DASA
measurement difference in length b/w first and second mets
metatarsal protrusion distance
- impacts on the procedure one does fro bunion correction if the 1st met is short (most common)
normal met protrusion distance
plus minus 2 mm
measurement of sagittal plane position of the clacaneus referenced to the plane of support
calcaneal inclinationa ngle
normal calcaneal inclination angle
18-21 degrees
what decreases and what increases calcaneal inclination angle?
- decreased with pes plano valgus
- increased with cavus foot type
a measurement composed of column tali axis and the plane of support
talar declination angle
normal talar declination
21 degrees
defined as a lazy S curve formed by the TN and CC joints
cyma line
anterior vs. posterior displacement of cyma line
anterior - pronation
posterior - supination
fowler-phillip angle
evaluation of the posterosuperior tuberosity of the calcaneus
normal fowler-phillip angle
44-69 degrees
- symptoms are common when this angle exceeds 70 degrees
evaluates for a haglund deformity
fowler-phillip angle
defines the contour of the dorsal calcaneal surface
bohler’s angle
normal bohler’s angle
25-40 degrees
- decreases with a calcaneal fracture
angle formed by bisection of talus and first met
meary’s angle (talometatarsal angle)
- normal 0-10 degrees
increases with calcaneal fracture
critical angle of gissane
critical angle of gissane normal
- created by subchondral bone of the posterior facet and of the middle and anterior processes
variants secondary to the structural anatomy of the 1st MPJ
congruous - parallel
deviated - cross outside joint
subluxed - cross inside joint
dislocated - no relationship
shapes of 1st met head
round =
flat =
flat with ridge =
round - unstable, HAV
flat - stable, hallux limitus
flat w/ ridge - very stable, hallux limitus