44 Flashcards
thus requires osmoregulation, the general term for the
processes by which animals control solute concentrations and
balance water gain and loss.
In safeguarding their internal fluid environment, animals
must also deal with a hazardous metabolite produced by the
dismantling of proteins and nucleic acids. Breakdown of
nitrogenous (nitrogen-containing) molecules releases ammonia, a very toxic compound. Several different mechanisms
have evolved for excretion, the process that rids the body of
nitrogenous metabolites and other metabolic waste products.
osmosis occurs whenever two solutions separated by the membrane
differ in osmotic pressure, or osmolarity (total solute concentration expressed as molarity, that is, moles of solute per
liter of solution). The unit of measurement for osmolarity
used in this chapter is milliOsmoles per liter (mOsm/L). Seawater has an osmolarity of about 1,000 mOsm/L (equivalent
to a total solute concentration of 1 M), while the osmolarity
of human blood is about 300 mOsm/L.
- to be isoosmotic with its surroundings
- All osmoconformers are marine animals. Because an
osmoconformer’s internal osmolarity is the same as that of its
environment, there is no tendency to gain or lose water - Many osmoconformers live in water that has a stable composition and hence have a constant internal osmolarity.
- to control internal osmolarity independent of that of its environment.
- Osmoregulation enables animals to live in environments
that are uninhabitable for osmoconformers, such as freshwater and terrestrial habitats. To survive in a hypoosmotic
environment, an osmoregulator must discharge excess water.
In a hyperosmotic environment, an osmoregulator must instead take in water to offset osmotic loss. Osmoregulation
also allows many marine animals to maintain an internal osmolarity different from that of seawater
Most animals, whether osmoconformers or osmoregulators,
cannot tolerate substantial changes in external osmolarity and
are said to be stenohaline
can survive large fluctuations in external osmolarity. Euryhaline osmoconformers include many barnacles and
mussels, which are continually covered and uncovered by
ocean tides
Most marine invertebrates are osmoconformers. Their osmolarity is the same as that of seawater. They therefore face no substantial challenges in water balance. However,
because these
animals differ considerably from seawater in the concentrations of specific solutes, they must actively transport these
solutes to maintain homeostasis
chlroide cells
Many marine vertebrates and some marine invertebrates
are osmoregulators. For most of these animals, the ocean is a
strongly dehydrating environment. For example, marine
fishes, such as the cod in Figure 44.3a, constantly lose water
by osmosis. Such fishes balance the water loss by drinking
large amounts of seawater. In ridding themselves of salts,
they make use of both their gills and kidneys. In the gills,
specialized chloride cells actively transport chloride ions (Cl)
out and allow sodium ions (Na) to follow passively. In the
kidneys, excess calcium, magnesium, and sulfate ions are excreted with the loss of only small amounts of water.
The osmoregulatory problems of freshwater animals are the opposite of those of marine animals
The body fluids of freshwater
animals must be hyperosmotic because animal cells cannot tolerate salt concentrations as low as that of lake or river water.
Having internal fluids with an osmolarity higher than that of
their surroundings, freshwater animals face the problem of
gaining water by osmosis and losing salts by diffusion. Many
freshwater animals, including bony fishes, solve the problem of
water balance by drinking almost no water and excreting large
amounts of very dilute urine. At the same time, salts lost by diffusion and in the urine are replenished by eating and/or gill uptake
Extreme dehydration, or desiccation, is fatal for most animals.
However, a few aquatic invertebrates that live in temporary
ponds and in films of water around soil particles can lose almost all their body water and survive. These animals enter a
dormant state when their habitats dry up, an adaptation
called anhydrobiosis (“life without water”).
Anhydrobiosis requires adaptations that keep cell membranes intact. Researchers are just beginning to learn how
tardigrades survive drying out, but studies show that
desiccated individuals contain large amounts of sugars. In
particular, a disaccharide called trehalose seems to protect the
cells by replacing the water that is normally associated with
proteins and membrane lipids. Many insects that survive
freezing in the winter also use trehalose as a membrane protectant, as do some plants resistant to desiccation
The threat of dehydration is a major regulatory problem for terrestrial plants and animals:
Adaptations that reduce water loss are key to survival on land. Much
as a waxy cuticle contributes to the success of land plants, the
body coverings of most terrestrial animals help prevent dehydration. Examples are the waxy layers of insect exoskeletons,
the shells of land snails, and the layers of dead, keratinized skin
cells covering most terrestrial vertebrates, including humans.
Many terrestrial animals, especially desert-dwellers, are nocturnal, which reduces evaporative water loss because of the lower
temperature and higher humidity of night air.
transport epithelia
In most animals, osmoregulation and metabolic waste disposal rely on transport epithelia—one or more layers of
epithelial cells specialized for moving particular solutes in
controlled amounts in specific directions. Transport epithelia
are typically arranged into complex tubular networks with
extensive surface areas. Some transport epithelia face the outside environment directly, while others line channels connected to the outside by an opening on the body surface
- also often function in disposal of metabolic wastes
some of the most significant waste
products are the nitrogenous breakdown products of proteins
and nucleic acids (Figure 44.8). When proteins and nucleic
acids are broken apart for energy or converted to carbohydrates or fats, enzymes remove nitrogen in the form of
ammonia (NH3). Ammonia is very toxic, in part because its
ion, ammonium (NH4
), interferes with oxidative phosphorylation. Although some animals excrete ammonia directly,
many species expend energy to convert it to less toxic compounds prior to excretion.
excreting waste as ammonia
Because ammonia can be tolerated only at very low concentrations, animals that excrete nitrogenous wastes as ammonia
need access to lots of water. Therefore, ammonia excretion is
most common in aquatic species. Being highly soluble, ammonia molecules easily pass through membranes and are readily
lost by diffusion to the surrounding water.
excreting waste as urea
Although ammonia excretion works well in many aquatic
species, it is much less suitable for land animals. Ammonia is
so toxic that it can be transported and excreted only in large
volumes of very dilute solutions.
- Instead, mammals, most adult amphibians, sharks, and some
marine bony fishes and turtles mainly excrete a different nitrogenous waste, urea. Produced in the vertebrate liver, urea
is the product of a metabolic cycle that combines ammonia
with carbon dioxide.
The main advantage of urea is
its very low toxicity. Animals
can transport urea in the circulatory system and store it safely
at high concentrations. Furthermore, much less water is lost
when a given quantity of nitrogen is excreted in a concentrated
solution of urea rather than a dilute solution of ammonia.
The main disadvantage of urea is
must expend energy to produce urea from ammonia. From a
bioenergetic standpoint, we would predict that animals that
spend part of their lives in water and part on land would
switch between excreting ammonia (thereby saving energy)
and excreting urea (reducing excretory water loss)
excreting waste as uric acid
Insects, land snails, and many reptiles, including birds, excrete
uric acid as their primary nitrogenous waste. (Bird droppings,
or guano, are a mixture of white uric acid and brown feces.) Uric
acid is relatively nontoxic and does not readily dissolve in
water. It therefore can be excreted as a semisolid paste with very
little water loss. This is a great advantage for animals with little
access to water, but there is a cost: Uric acid is even more energetically expensive to produce than urea, requiring considerable ATP for synthesis from ammonia.
Using uric acid as a
waste product conveys a selective advantage because
(Although urea is much less harmful than ammonia,
it is toxic at very high concentrations.) Using uric acid as a
waste product conveys a selective advantage because it precipitates out of solution and can be stored within the egg as
a harmless solid left behind when the animal hatches
Regardless of the type of nitrogenous waste, the amount
produced is coupled to the animal’s energy budget
Endotherms, which use energy at high rates, eat more food and
produce more nitrogenous waste than ectotherms. The
amount of nitrogenous waste is also linked to diet. Predators,
which derive much of their energy from protein, excrete
more nitrogen than animals that rely mainly on lipids or carbohydrates as energy sources
In the first step, body fluid (blood, coelomic fluid, or hemolymph) is brought in contact with the selectively permeable
membrane of a transport epithelium. In most cases, hydrostatic pressure (blood pressure in many animals) drives a
process of filtration. Cells, as well as proteins and other
large molecules, cannot cross the epithelial membrane and remain in the body fluid. In contrast, water and small solutes,
such as salts, sugars, amino acids, and nitrogenous wastes,
cross the membrane, forming a solution called the filtrate.
The filtrate is converted to a waste fluid by the specific
transport of materials into or out of the filtrate. The process
of selective reabsorption recovers useful molecules and
water from the filtrate and returns them to the body fluids.
Valuable solutes—including glucose, certain salts, vitamins,
hormones, and amino acids—are reabsorbed by active transport.