4.4-4.7 vocab (boundaries) Flashcards
Political boundaries
divisions of governance between states & within them that reflect balances of power that have been negotiated or imposed
3 types of boundaries
cultural boundary, geometric boundary, physical boundary
cultural boundary
a boundary based on, divisions of ethnicity, religion, or language
geometric boundary
Political boundaries that are defined and delimited by straight lines (may also be superimposed and/or antecedent)
Physical boundary
a boundary formed by a geographic feature such as a river, mountain range, or desert
relic boundary
a former boundary line that is still discernible & marked by some cultural landscape features
superimposed boundary
a boundary line placed by an outside power, that is placed over & ignoring an existing cultural pattern
antecedent boundary
a boundary line established before the area in question is well populated
subsequent boundary
a boundary line that is established after the area in question has been settled & that considers the cultural characteristics of the bounded area
consequent boundary
a type of subsequent boundary that is intentionally drawn to accommodate cultural differences, such as ethnicity, religion, or language
purpose of boundaries
to show the limits of political power
what boundaries define & enforce
defined boundary
a boundary established by a legal document, such as a treaty
demilitarized zone
a region where no military forces or weapons are permited
delimited boundary
a line drawn on a map to show the limits of a space
types of boundary disputes
definitional (positional), locational (territorial), operational (functional), alloctional (resource)
an area of authority or control
demarcated boundary
a boundary identifies by physical objects places on the landscape, such as a sign, wall, or fence (build a wall!!!)