4.3 Vesicular Transport I (771-779) Flashcards
What’s the name of trafficking outbound material b/tween organelles?
Biosynthesis pathway: synthesis & targeting of proteins that are necessary for the function of specific organelles and proteins that will be secreted
What is the retreival pathway in charge of?
moving material inward. Cell exterior to early endosome to late endosome
late endosome moves material to lysosome
Which two pathways cross the same organelle system in the golgi & ER?
biosynthesis pathway and retrieval pathway
What are the three types of coated vesicles? Are they membrane bound?
cop II
All are membrane bound
In appearance, what the difference between clathrin, COP I, and COP II?
clathrin has a woven appearance (think of its 3 arm structures)
COP I and II are fuzzy
How are clathrin coats formed? and what process are they involved in?
formed on the plasma membrane and are involved in endocytosis
COP I coats what kind of vesicles?
surrounds vesicles moving w/in the gogli
COP II vesicles form where?
bud off endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
what is the importance of the protein coats on vesicles?
coat on vesicle allows SELECTION of cargo and SHAPING of vesicle
What is the structure of a clathrin?
Structure is called triskelion
3 large subunits called heavy chains
3 small subunits called light chains
arms have globular ends
What is the purpose of the globular ends in triskelion?
interact w/a number of adaptor proteins that links triskelion to the vesicle cargo.
How is clathrin linked to cargo proteins?
using adaptor protein , adaptin
What does the lateral linkage between clathrin subunits casue?
membrane deformation and creates high local concentration of cargo molecules
What has to happen for a clathrin coated vesicle to dock to a target membrane?
the clathrin coat has to be disassembled in the cytoplasm in a step called uncoating
What protein is involved for clathrin vesicle to separate (bud off) from the main organelle?
Dynamin - which requires an energy source from GTP
What happens when Dynamin is bound to GDP?
it associates w/the vesicle membrane in a diffuse or non localized manner
how does dynamin-GDP change to Dynamin-GTP? What happens when dynamin is attached to GTP?
GEF swaps GDP for GTP
Dynamin-GTP state forms a helical ring or collar around the membrane extensions that links the clathrin coated vesicle to the membrane it is budding off.
After dynamin-GTP has formed a collar around the membrane extensions and clathrin coated vesicle, How is the vesicle pinched off from membrane?
GTP will be hydrolyzed to GDP + Pi this change releases energy and the energy creates a shape change which pinches off the vesicle.
how was the role of dynamin discovered?
mutant fruit flies (Drosophila) that were paralyzed b/c vesicles containing neurotransmitters couldn’t bud off properly at nerve ending.
Who are the players in formation of COP II?
Sar1-GDP -inactive form
Sar1-GEF - switches GDP to GTP
Sar1-GTP - active form binds to the membrane
Sec24 + Sec 23 - recruited by Sar1-GTP to bind to Sar1-GTP (sec23) and sec 24 binds to cargo protein.
Sec 13 and Sec 31 - deform the membrane and drives vesicle formation (outer coat of COP II vesicle)
Why is it important for sar1-GDP to covert to it’s active form GTP?
Sar1-GTP active form recruits coat proteins to membrane (Sec 23 and 24) and (Sec 13 and 31)
What is the difference between the formation of COP II and COP I?
COP II use Sar1 and COP I uses Arf-1 (btw: clathrin also uses Arf1)
How does Sar-GTP insert itself into the cytoplasm side of the lipid bilayer?
has an exposed amphipathic helix that is inserted to bilayer
What other vesicles can be formed on cells?
Retromers - coats endosomal vesicles that go back to golgi
Caveolae- vesicles are not coated and have same characteristic as lipid raft membranes
What is the structure of a retromer?
Retromer is made up of four different proteins, one of which binds to a specific membrane cargo
and others of which insert themselves into curved membranes. So these are membranes that are
already curved. The insertion of retromer into a membrane tends to stabilize the curved shape
which then facilitates the recruitment of additional retromer complexes until a completed vesicle
is formed. Retromer coated vesicles are frequently involved in retrieval of membrane proteins
back into the cell. That is why they are called retromer coated vesicles.
Where do retromer proteins bind?
1 protein binds to membrane cargo
3 other proteins bind and insert themselves into the curved membrane.
How does insertion of retromer into the membrane help form vesicles?
stabilizes curve shaped membrane.
facilitates the recruitment of additional retromer complexes until vesicle is formed
Where are caveolae formed?
small vesicles formed at the cell surface. Formed by protein caveolin (integral membrane protein)
What is the difference between retromers and caveolae? what about similarities?
Similarities: both insert themselves into the membrane
Differences: retromers recruit additional retromer complexes until vesicle is formed and; does not bend membrane b/c they are already on a curved membrane
whereas caveolae do not recruit additional proteins to form coats. when they insert themselves on membranes they form a bend which forms the vesicle
How do cells determine WHERE to form vesicles?
PIPs and PIP-binding proteins (these proteins are involved in vesicle formation)
PiPs: phosphorylation of membrane lipid phosphatidyl ionositol, which results in a variety of phosphoinositides (PIPs).
PIPS are found in localized areas of membranes which are then recognized by PIP-binding proteins.
Each organelle in cell has different combinations of PIPs in its membrane. And there are many PIP-binding proteins that recognize specific PIPs.
This system allows vesicles to form in cells in a specialized/regulated manner.
What mechanism regulates docking & fusion of vesicles to their target membrane?
Ras biniding proteins (Rab) direct vesicles to specific membrane target
GTP binding to Rab helps rab do what?
undergo a cyclic association with membranes
What role does SNARE play in docking?
V-SNAREs are found on vesicles
T-SNAREs are found on target membrane
Interaction of these two proteins facilitate fusion of membrane between vesicle and membrane
What are Rab proteins?
Rab is a GTPase that direct vesicles to correct site. In their GTP bound state they tightly associate with vesicle membranes
What is the SNARE hypothesis?
fusion of two lipid bilayers is energetically not favorable. The minimum needed for fusion is trans SNARE complex (4 alpha helices formed between association of v-SNARE and t-SNARE). Water has to be squeezed out as trans-SNARE complex is formed
Why is fusion of vesicle and target membrane not energetically favorable?
b/c of the drastic rearrangements of the membrane lipids that is required for the fusion
What is needed to make fusion between vesicle and target membrane?
Protein complex composed of SNARE. V-SNARE (1 on vesicle) and T-SNARE (3 on target membrane)
How do SNARES help vesicles + target membrane keep their fidelity?
There are many different SNARE proteins and the interaction between them is
specific for particular vesicles and particular target membranes and this increases the fidelity of
vesicle transport by making sure that vesicles only fuse with the correct target membrane.
How are SNAREs recycled?
they have to be actively disassembled. Disassemble is mediated by ATP dependent activity of membrane protein called NSF.
What does NSF stand for and why?
N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein.
NSF is highly sensitive to reducing agents such as N-ethylmaleimide.
How do vesicles move from the ER to cis face of the golgi?
COP II coated vesicles
Proteins to the ER contain peptide domains called EXPORT SIGNALS. export signals are recognized by receptors embedded in the ER membrane.
The receptors contain domains that facilitate the formation of export vesicles by attaching to COP II coupling system.
What happens if the concentration of a protein is very high in the ER?
the protein will get into export vesicles just by passive diffusion.
What two things can happens after COP II coated vesicles leave the ER?
First, the vesicles fuse to form larger ones and second, they are transported to and fuse with the cis-face of the Golgi
What is needed for two COP II vesicles leaving the ER on their way to the cis gogli to fuse?
vesicles need to have an identical membrane (homotypic fusion). this is done by v-SNARE and T-SNARE found on both vesicle membranes
How is the homotypic fused cop II cell guided to the golgi?
Microtubules guide the movement of vesicles toward the cell center where the Golgi apparatus is found. And finally, export vesicles will fuse to the Golgi membrane using a heterotypic interaction, not a homotypic interaction, and they then deliver contents into the golgi
Which vesicle helps move proteins from golgi to ER?
What is the mechanisms that deals with proteins that leave the ER in export vesicles but belong in the ER?
Instead of having an “export” signal, proteins that need to be returned to the ER have what’s called a “retrieval” signal.
ER proteins that are found within
the lumen of the ER have the sequence KDEL at their C-terminal end and proteins found in the
ER membrane have KKXX at their C-terminal end, where X is any amino acid. The KDEL signal is recognized by receptors in the Golgi membrane that recruit adaptor proteins and COPI coated proteins. The KKXX signal actually binds directly to COPI coat proteins. In turn, COPI coat proteins get targeted back to the ER membrane because their associated SNARE proteins interact with SNAREs that are on the ER membrane.
What sequence do ER proteins that are found w/in ER lumen have?
KDEL at their c-terminal end
What sequence to proteins found in the ER membrane have?
KKXX at their c-terminal end where x is any amino acid.
KDEL is recognized by which receptors?
receptors in the golgi membrane that recruit adaptor proteins and COP I coated proteins
What does the KKXX signal bind to? What does this do?
directly to COPI coated proteins in turn COPI coat proteins get targeted back to the ER membrane b/c their associated SNARE proteins interact with SNARES that are on the ER membrane
Why does the cisternal maturation model require that retrograde transport be robust?
so the golgi enzymes moved to the trans side move back to the cis side.
this model requires extensive use of COP I coated retrieval pathways to move the proteins that are typical of the cis-gogli face backwards as the cisternae move forward.
How are clathrin vesicles formed?
1) clathrin is linked to cargo proteins using some sort of adaptor protein on a flat membrane surface.
2)These subunits concentrate together and link in some sort of localized membrane region. Good
candidates for what might create such a region would be things like lipid rafts.
3) As increasing numbers of clathrin subunits are recruited to the patch, the membrane begins to deform and eventually the deformation of the membrane leads to the formation of a complete vesicle.
4) Finally, in order for the vesicle to dock to another membrane, the clathrin coat has to be
disassembled in the cytoplasm at some point and that happens in a step that’s called uncoating.
What controls when and which secretions and endocytosis occur in a cell?
PI and PIP kinase and PIP phosphatase enzymes control the balance of PIP species.
A specific PIPs is recognized by a PIP binding protein, which in turn regulates vesicle formation and
Thus, controlling of kinase and phosphatase enzyme activities can control when and which secretions and
endocytosis occur in a cell.
What helps direct vesicles to their target membrane?
variability in Rab genes.
In humans, there are over 60 different Rab proteins, each of which identifies unique classes of membrane vesicles and there are corresponding Rab effector proteins for every Rab.
What are Rab effector proteins?on target membrane recognize specific Rab proteins and facilitate membrane tethering.
Rab effector proteins are found on target membrane and recognize specific Rab proteins to facilitate membrane tethering between vesicle and target membrane