4.3 - Soil Composition and Properties Flashcards
Geological (rock) section of soil is made up of what 3 particles (in order from biggest to smallest)
- Sand
- Silt
- Clay
What is soil texture?
- Percent of sand, silt, and clay in soil
- Always adds up to 100%
What is caused because sand is bigger?
- It has more pores (empty spaces between particles)
- This allows air and water to enter sandy soil easily
- Clay has smaller pores, so it is harder for air and water to enter clay-heavy soils.
What is porosity?
- The amount of pore space a soil has
- more sand in soil = more porous/higher porosity (easier for water and air to enter)
- more clay in soil = les porous/less porosity (harder for water and air to enter)
Explain the soil texture chart
- soil texture is determined by clay, silt, and sand %
- tips for using soil texture chart
- always start on bottom with sand %
- move out to point where sand and silt meet
- then go straight over to clay
- make sure it adds up to 100%
What is permeability?
How easily water drains through soil
What happens with higher porosity?
Higher permeability
What type of relationship is porosity and permeability?
A positive relationship
What is H2O holding capacity?
- How well water is retained, or held by a soil
- more porous/permeable = lower H2O holding capacity
- Inverse relationship between porosity/permeability and H2O holding capacity
What is porous, permeability, and H2O holding capacity’s effect on soil permeability
- Soil is too sandy (too permeable) drains water too quickly for roots and dries out
- Clay-heavy soil doesn’t let H2O drain to roots or waterlogs (suffocating them)
- Ideal soil for most plant growth in loam, which balances porosity or drainage, with H2O holding cap
What is soil fertility?
The ability to support plant growth
What are the nutrients for soil
- N
- P
- K+
- Mg2+
- Ca+
- Na+
Factors that increase nutrients in soil
- Organic matter (releases nutrients)
- Humus (holds and releases nutrients) - also helps hold water so very important part of soil
- Decomposer activity (recycles nut.)
- Clay (neg. charge binds pos. nutrients)
- Bases (Calcium carbonate - limestone)
Factors that decrease soil nutrients in soil
- Acids leach pos. charge nutrients
- Excessive rain/irr. leeches nutrients
- Excessive farming depletes nut.
- Topsoil erosion
Why is water needed for soil fertility?
it needs to hold water, but not too much
What are factors that increase H2O holding cap of soil
- aerated soil (biological activity)
- Compost/humus/organic matter
- Clay content
- Root structure, especially natives
What factors decrease the H2O holding cap in soil
- compacted soil (machines, cows, etc)
- topsoil erosion
- sand
- root loss
Characteristics and tests of soil quantity (this is a lot)
- Texture
- Test: let soil settle in jar of water. Measure 3 layers that form (sand, silt, clay)
- What it tells you: percent of sand, silt, and clay - how porous or permeable soil it is - Permeability
- Test: Time for H2O to drain through column of soil
- What it tells you: How easily water drains through soil. Too high, soil dries out. Too low, roots don’t get water or drown. Medium is optimal. - pH
- Test: pH strip - H+ ion concentration
- What it tells you: How acidic (low pH) or basic/alkaline (high pH) soil is. More acidic soil = less nutrient availability - Color
- Test: Compare w/soil book color chart
- What it tells you: The darker, the more humus, nutrients, and moisture - Nutrient Level
- Test: Measure ammonium, nitrate, or phosphate lvl
- What does it tell you: Higher nutrient levels = more plant growth. Low level could indicate acidic soil, deple