4.3 - Discuss How Campaigns Affect Policy Making Flashcards
What are the two pressure group campaigns?
Snowdrop and Protection Against Stalking (PAS)
What are the two individual campaigns?
Clare’s law and double jeopardy
What are the two newspaper campaigns?
Sarah’s law and dangerous dogs act
What is a pressure group campaign?
A campaign started by a large number of people to pressure the government into a legislation change
What is an individual campaign?
A campaign started by one person
What is a newspaper campaign?
A campaign started or backed by a newspaper
What was the date of the event that started the snowdrop campaign?
13th march 1996
What was Thomas Hamilton carrying at the shooting?
4 handguns and 743 rounds of ammunition
What was the policy introduced due to the snowdrop campaign?
Firearms (amendment) act 1997
What was the national gun amnesty?
165,353 licensed handguns and 700 tonnes of ammunition were surrendered
What are the statistics around stalking?
1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men were likely to experience stalking
94% of women murdered by men were stalked prior to the murder
What policy was introduced due to PAS?
Protection of freedoms act (2012)
Stalking protection act (2019) - orders (SPO)
When was Clare wood murdered?
What was the policy introduced due to Clare’s law?
Domestic violence disclosure scheme (2014) under the domestic violence act 2021
When was billy dunlop put in trial for Julie hoggs murder?
When was he retrialled?
When was he finally charged?